dropping filtered statistics causes deadlocks - sql

We have a large data warehouse database where we continuously get new rows inserted in 5 different tables, at the left(Edit: right)-hand side of the b-tree (=at end of the table)
This means that ordinary statistics very quickly gets outdated, regarding the new data.
So we've changed our insert procedure to also do a CREATE STATISTICS FST_xxx
with a WHERE clause that covers the latest two million rows.
This has ensured that we do not get incorrect execution plans.
Now we are stranded with hundreds of these.
We have a cleanup job that runs once a day that will drop unneeded statistics.
but this causes a lot of Deadlocks.
Is there a way to disable Filtered Statistics or to drop Filtered Statistics without causing deadlocks?
(edit:) The table is clustered on a Bigint Identity(1,1) asending.

Can you clarify where the rows are getting inserted? You said left-hand side of the b-tree, but you also said end of the table. Is it correct to assume this a clustered index you're talking about? And whether it's clustered or not, is the index key ascending? Thanks.

Why not try to update the statistics instead of creating a new one every time?


Am I supposed to drop and recreate indexes on tables every time I add data to it?

I'm currently using MSSQL Server, I've created a table with indexes on 4 columns. I plan on appending 1mm rows every month end. Is it customary to drop the indexes, and recreate them every time you add data to the table?
Don't recreate the index. Instead, you can use update statistics to compute the statistics for the given index or for the whole table:
UPDATE STATISTICS mytable myindex; -- statistics for the table index
UPDATE STATISTICS mytable; -- statistics for the whole table
I don't think it is customary, but it is not uncommon. Presumably the database would not be used for other tasks during the data load, otherwise, well, you'll have other problems.
It could save time and effort if you just disabled the indexes:
More info on this non-trivial topic can be found here. Note especially that disabling the clustered index will block all access to the table (i.e. don't do that). If the data being loaded is ordered in [clustered index] order, that can help some.
A last note, do some testing. 1MM rows doesn't seem like that much; the time you save may get used up by recreating the indexes.

Delete large portion of huge tables

I have a very large table (more than 300 millions records) that will need to be cleaned up. Roughly 80% of it will need to be deleted. The database software is MS SQL 2005. There are several indexes and statistics on the table but not external relationships.
The best solution I came up with, so far, is to put the database into "simple" recovery mode, copy all the records I want to keep to a temporary table, truncate the original table, set identity insert to on and copy back the data from the temp table.
It works but it's still taking several hours to complete. Is there a faster way to do this ?
As per the comments my suggestion would be to simply dispense with the copy back step and promote the table containing records to be kept to become the new main table by renaming it.
It should be quite straightforward to script out the index/statistics creation to be applied to the new table before it gets swapped in.
The clustered index should be created before the non clustered indexes.
A couple of points I'm not sure about though.
Whether it would be quicker to insert into a heap then create the clustered index afterwards. (I guess no if the insert can be done in clustered index order)
Whether the original table should be truncated before being dropped (I guess yes)
#uriDium -- Chunking using batches of 50,000 will escalate to a table lock, unless you have disabled lock escalation via alter table (sql2k8) or other various locking tricks.
I am not sure what the structure of your data is. When does a row become eligible for deletion? If it is a purely ID based on date based thing then you can create a new table for each day, insert your new data into the new tables and when it comes to cleaning simply drop the required tables. Then for any selects construct a view over all the tables. Just an idea.
EDIT: (In response to comments)
If you are maintaining a view over all the tables then no it won't be complicated at all. The complex part is coding the dropping and recreating of the view.
I am assuming that you don't want you data to be locked down too much during deletes. Why not chunk the delete operations. Created a SP that will delete the data in chunks, 50 000 rows at a time. This should make sure that SQL Server keeps a row lock instead of a table lock. Use the
In your while loop so that you can give other queries a bit of breathing room. Your problem is the old age computer science, space vs time.

SQL Server Indexes - Initial slow performance after creation

Using SQL Server 2005. This is something I've noticed while doing some performance analysis.
I have a large table with about 100 million rows. I'm comparing the performance of different indexes on the table, to see what the most optimal is for my test scenario which is doing about 10,000 inserts on that table, among other things on other tables. While my test is running, I'm capturing an SQL Profiler trace which I load in to an SQL table when the test has finished so I can analyse the stats.
The first test run after recreating a different set of indexes on the table is very noticeably slower than subsequent runs - typically about 10-15 times slower for the inserts on this table on the first run after the index creation.
Each time, I clear the data and execution plan cache before the test.
What I want to know, is the reason for this initial poorer performance with a newly created set of indexes?
Is there a way I can monitor what is happening to cause this for the first run?
One possibility is that the default fill factor of zero is coming in to play.
This means that there's 'no room' in the index to accommodate your inserts. When you insert, a page split in the index is needed, which adds some empty space to store the new index information. As you carry out more inserts, more space is created in the index. After a while the rate of splitting will go down, because your inserts are hitting pages that are not fully filled, so splits are not needed. An insert requiring page splits is more expensive than one that doesn't.
You can set the fill factor when you create the index. Its a classic trade off between space used and performance of different operations.
I'm going go include a link to some Sybase ASE docs, 'cos they are nicely written and mostly applicable to SQL Server too.
Just to clarify:
1) You build an index on a table with 100m pre-existing rows.
2) You insert 10k rows into the table
3) You insert another 10k rows into the table
Step 3 is 10x faster than step 2?
What kind of index is the new index - not clustered, right? Because inserts on a clustered index will cause very different behavior. In addition, is there any significant difference in the profile of the 2 inserts, because depending on the clustered index, they will have different behavior. Typically, it should either have no clustered index or be clustered on an increasing key.

Slow bulk insert for table with many indexes

I try to insert millions of records into a table that has more than 20 indexes.
In the last run it took more than 4 hours per 100.000 rows, and the query was cancelled after 3½ days...
Do you have any suggestions about how to speed this up.
(I suspect the many indexes to be the cause. If you also think so, how can I automatically drop indexes before the operation, and then create the same indexes afterwards again?)
Extra info:
The space used by the indexes is about 4 times the space used by the data alone
The inserts are wrapped in a transaction per 100.000 rows.
Update on status:
The accepted answer helped me make it much faster.
You can disable and enable the indexes. Note that disabling them can have unwanted side-effects (such as having duplicate primary keys or unique indices etc.) which will only be found when re-enabling the indexes.
--Disable Index
--Enable Index
This sounds like a data warehouse operation.
It would be normal to drop the indexes before the insert and rebuild them afterwards.
When you rebuild the indexes, build the clustered index first, and conversely drop it last. They should all have fillfactor 100%.
Code should be something like this
if object_id('Index') is not null drop table IndexList
select name into Index from dbo.sysindexes where id = object_id('Fact')
if exists (select name from Index where name = 'id1') drop index Fact.id1
if exists (select name from Index where name = 'id2') drop index Fact.id2
if exists (select name from Index where name = 'id3') drop index Fact.id3
As noted by another answer disabling indexes will be a very good start.
4 hours per 100.000 rows
The inserts are wrapped in a transaction per 100.000 rows.
You should look at reducing the number, the server has to maintain a huge amount of state while in a transaction (so it can be rolled back), this (along with the indexes) means adding data is very hard work.
Why not wrap each insert statement in its own transaction?
Also look at the nature of the SQL you are using, are you adding one row per statement (and network roundtrip), or adding many?
Disabling and then re-enabling indices is frequently suggested in those cases. I have my doubts about this approach though, because:
(1) The application's DB user needs schema alteration privileges, which it normally should not possess.
(2) The chosen insert approach and/or index schema might be less then optimal in the first place, otherwise rebuilding complete index trees should not be faster then some decent batch-inserting (e.g. the client issuing one insert statement at a time, causing thousands of server-roundtrips; or a poor choice on the clustered index, leading to constant index node splits).
That's why my suggestions look a little bit different:
Increase ADO.NET BatchSize
Choose the target table's clustered index wisely, so that inserts won't lead to clustered index node splits. Usually an identity column is a good choice
Let the client insert into a temporary heap table first (heap tables don't have any clustered index); then, issue one big "insert-into-select" statement to push all that staging table data into the actual target table
Apply SqlBulkCopy
Decrease transaction logging by choosing bulk-logged recovery model
You might find more detailled information in this article.

DELETE Statement hangs on SQL Server for no apparent reason

Edit: Solved, there was a trigger with a loop on the table (read my own answer further below).
We have a simple delete statement that looks like this:
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE pk = 12345
This just hangs, no timeout, no nothing.
We've looked at the execution plan, and it consists of many lookups on related tables to ensure no foreign keys would trip up the delete, but we've verified that none of those other tables have any rows referring to that particular row.
There is no other user connected to the database at this time.
We've run DBCC CHECKDB against it, and it reports 0 errors.
Looking at the results of sp_who and sp_lock while the query is hanging, I notice that my spid has plenty of PAG and KEY locks, as well as the occasional TAB lock.
The table has 1.777.621 rows, and yes, pk is the primary key, so it's a single row delete based on index. There is no table scan in the execution plan, though I notice that it contains something that says Table Spool (Eager Spool), but says Estimated number of rows 1. Can this actually be a table-scan in disguise? It only says it looks at the primary key column.
Tried DBCC DBREINDEX and UPDATE STATISTICS on the table. Both completed within reasonable time.
There is unfortunately a high number of indexes on this particular table. It is the core table in our system, with plenty of columns, and references, both outgoing and incoming. The exact number is 48 indexes + the primary key clustered index.
What else should we look at?
Note also that this table did not have this problem before, this problem occured suddently today. We also have many databases with the same table setup (copies of customer databases), and they behave as expected, it's just this one that is problematic.
One piece of information missing is the number of indices on the table you are deleting the data from. As SQL Server uses the Primary Key as a pointer in every index, any change to the primary index requires updating every index. Though, unless we are talking a high number, this shouldn't be an issue.
I am guessing, from your description, that this is a primary table in the database, referenced by many other tables in FK relationships. This would account for the large number of locks as it checks the rest of the tables for references. And, if you have cascading deletes turned on, this could lead to a delete in table a requiring checks several tables deep.
Try recreating the index on that table, and try regenerating the statistics.
Ok, this is embarrasing.
A collegue had added a trigger to that table a while ago, and the trigger had a bug. Although he had fixed the bug, the trigger had never been recreated for that table.
So the server was actually doing nothing, it just did it a huge number of times.
Oh well...
Thanks for the eyeballs to everyone who read this and pondered the problem.
I'm going to accept Josef's answer, as his was the closest, and indirectly thouched upon the issue with the cascading deletes.