I am using google custom search engine api,and what i am looking for is,is there any way to do image search by uploading or dragging and dropping an image .
Thanks in advance
I'm building a site with different users who should not see each others' uploaded images. The wagtailimages.Image model and ImageChooserPanel always show all the images in the various "collections".
How can I customize ImageChooserPanel so that it only offers image upload?
I can use a Django models.ImageField and its simple upload widget but then do not get the nice preview in an Orderable list, nor the different rendition sizes. A previous query on this goal was ill-informed: Limit ImageChooserPanel to children of current Page? and now I realize it's basically a widget UX change I want.
Perhaps this https://github.com/spapas/wagtail-faq/blob/master/README.md#ok-fine-but-i-dont-want-my-editors-to-be-able-to-select-small-images and this could help https://github.com/neon-jungle/wagtailmodelchooser
First of all I am new in Xamarin.Form. I am trying to get best from Google but some of functionality I am not able to get even searched a lot.
I am creating a Xamarin.Form app. In that app I want to provide a functionality of image filter. In that, the image captured by user or get from their internal memory should by filter.
I have tried to search on google to get some idea for it in Xamarin.Form but I still not get any link which can help me to get start.
First of all I don't know whether it is possible in Xamarin.Form or not. Can anybody suggest me a link or idea to achieve it?
I attached a Screenshot so you can easily understand the problem.
There are no out of the box APIs in Xamarin.Forms for Image filters.
Each platforms handles the images differently, you will need to implement these filters per platform bases.
You can find the instructions for iOS here and here for Android, then you can use the DependencyServices to access them in Forms app
I am using google custom search API to show images, now I want to display both xxlarge, huge images in search results.
Custom search api link:
https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key={your Key}&cx={Search
In the above link for image size currently I can get huge images, I want to include xxlarge images.
I have the same issue, there doesn't seem to be a way of specifying multiple image sizes, or indeed or doing larger than a certain size, as you can do with google search tools (i.e. on google.com).
so what I am thinking of doing to work around this is calling 2 searches, and adding both results that I want to an array to combine them.
I'm working with Gigya's Share Bar javascript api and am having an issue with google plus sharing. I have separate UserAction objects for facebook, twitter and google plus to display different text and linkbacks. I'm adding a media item (image) to the facebook and google plus actions to share that image along with the text. Facebook is sharing the correct image, however, google plus is displaying a different image. I have no idea where this image is coming from. Text and link are correct on both, but the image is frustratingly incorrect.
Has anyone encountered an issue like this? Is there something different that must be done for google plus shares?
Test your target URL with Google's structured data testing tool.
Read the snippet documentation to understand how the Google crawler determines what to use in the share preview.
I am working on an application which will have an option for users to upload images. Once uploaded, the application will show other images from the web which look exactly similar, whether or not of the same size.
For this, I will create a temporary URL for the image so that I could provide Google custom search API the URL of the image. I would expect in response, URL's of images that are exactly the same or similar to it, perhaps in JSON format.
I did find a similar question posted in January. Till then Google did not support anything like this, apparently:
Google Javascript Custom Search API: Search images by image url
One can also simply do:
http://images.google.com/searchbyimage?site=search&image_url={Image URL}
Since that is not part of an official API, it may not be right to use this method.
Can someone help me?
Well, the answer quite simply is TinEye Commercial API https://api.tineye.com/welcome. I was looking in the wrong place I guess, I did not have any luck with Google Custom Search API.
Would you need a simple result?
If you are, you can use Vision API of Google.
This is very simple.
You can try on the top.
First, access the URL.
Second, upload your image file on the "Try API"
Third, click "JSON" tab menu on the result.
You can be seen JSON about similar images.