How to set constant seeds for Haskell's quickCheck function - testing

Every time I run "quickCheck prop_xyz", a new random seed is used. How do I enforce QuickCheck to always use the same random seed?

The functionality you need is in Test.QuickCheck; use quickCheckWith to specify custom Args. In particular, there's the replay :: Maybe (StdGen, Int) field, which allows you to replay tests. So you can use the stdArgs defaults and tweak them; for instance,
ghci> :load Main.hs
ghci> import Test.QuickCheck
ghci> import System.Random -- for mkStdGen
ghci> quickCheckWith stdArgs{replay = Just (mkStdGen 42, 0)} prop_xyz
The second component of the tuple has to do with the size of the test cases, but I forget exactly what.

Use the quickCheckWith function
quickCheckWith (stdArgs{replay = Just (myNewGen, testSize)}) property
If you have a test that's failing and you want to reuse it,
result <- quickCheckResult failing_prop
let gen = usedSeed result
let size = usedSize result
to get the size and seed used in a failing test.
Since you also want reproducible errors, a good shrinking algorithm may help. By default it returns [] but provide a nice enough one, then you can end up with the same (minimal) failures even on different random runs.

Example with QuickCheck >= 2.7 and tf-random.
If the output of your failing test run looks something like this:
Failure {
usedSeed = TFGenR 1CE4E8B15F9197B60EE70803C62388671B62D6F88720288F5339F7EC521FEBC4 0 70368744177663 46 0,
Then you can reproduce the failure as follows:
import Test.QuickCheck.Random (QCGen(..))
import System.Random.TF (TFGen)
qcheck :: Testable a => a -> IO ()
qcheck prop = quickCheckWith args prop
usedSeed = QCGen (read "TFGenR 1CE4E8B15F9197B60EE70803C62388671B62D6F88720288F5339F7EC521FEBC4 0 70368744177663 46 0"::TFGen)
usedSize = 75
args = stdArgs{
replay=Just(usedSeed, usedSize)

If you want to determine the Generator that caused the failure you could do the following:
import Test.QuickCheck
import System.Random
reproducableTest :: Testable a => a -> Maybe (StdGen, Int) -> IO ()
reproducableTest prop repl = do result <- quickCheckWithResult stdArgs{replay = repl} prop
case result of
Failure{interrupted = False} -> do putStrLn $ "Use " ++ show (usedSeed result) ++ " as the initial seed"
putStrLn $ "Use " ++ show (usedSize result) ++ " as the initial size"
_ -> return ()
Only the first of the two seed numbers should be used as an argument for the function.
So if you have your property prop, your initial call would be reproducableTest prop Nothing. You will get something like
Use x y as the initial seed
Use z as the initial size
Then you would call again with reproducableTest prop $ Just (mkStdGen x , z)


first `readLine` is skipped inside a `case - of` control flow in Nim-lang

I have the following code.
import lib
var stat = false
when isMainModule:
while stat != true:
echo("Option: ")
var opt = readChar(stdin)
case opt
of 'q':
stat = true
of 'n':
echo("Salu: ")
var ss = readLine(stdin)
echo("Nam: ")
var nn = readLine(stdin)
let k = prompt("Rust")
else: discard
What I am trying to achieve is, prompting and receiving user input one after another for two variables. Upon choosing n I am expecting Salu first and once user input is supplied then Nam.
However, what I receive when I execute the following nim code by issuing the following command is, nim c -r src/mycode.nim
~~> nim c -r src/cmdparsing.nim
CC: stdlib_system.nim
CC: cmdparsing.nim
Hint: [Link]
Hint: operation successful (48441 lines compiled; 2.338 sec total; 66.824MiB peakmem; Debug Build) [SuccessX]
Hint: /home/XXXXX/Development/nim_devel/mycode/src/mycode [Exec]
Salu is being echoed, but readLine doesn't wait for my input and immediately echoes Nam. But, stacked readLine commands from the prompt procedure appears one after the other for receiving user input.
I was wondering what is that I am missing to understand here. Could someone enlighten me?
Code for prompt lives in lib.nim which is as follows,
proc prompt*(name: string): bool =
echo("Salutation: ")
var nn = readLine(stdin)
var dd = readLine(stdin)
return true
You do a readChar to get the opt value, and then you input two chars: n and \n. The first is the opt value, the second gets buffered or retained in the stdin waiting for further reading. The next time you try to read a line, the \n that's still hanging is interpreted as a new line, and immediately assigned to ss. You don't see anything because the line is empty except for the newline char.
var opt = readChar(stdin)
case opt
of 'n':
var ss = readLine(stdin)
echo ss
Compile and run, but in the input write something like "ntest". n fires the first branch of case, test (the remainder of stdin) is assigned to ss, and echoed.
You have two options to solve the problem:
Read a line instead of a char, and store only the first char with something like var opt = readLine(stdin)[0].
Use the rdstdin module:
import rdstdin
var ss = readLineFromStdin("Salu:")

Elm seed for Random.initialSeed - prefer current time [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
elm generate random number
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
What's a simple way to do this?
The documentation for Random.initialSeed says:
"A good way to get an unexpected seed is to use the current time."
After a ton of reading, I can only find "solutions" that are well beyond my understanding of Elm and Functional Programming. They also don't seem to be solutions to this problem.
I'm currently hardcoding:
Random.initialSeed 314
If you use a library, please include the name used to get it from elm package. I've seen a solution that says use but I can't figure out how to get that one.
stackoverflow is suggesting this one but I can't understand how to apply it to my usecase Elm Current Date
You can try case nelson's answer from How do I get the current time in Elm?
From elm repl:
> import Now
> import Random
> Now.loadTime |> round -- get current time in Int
1455406828183 : Int
> Now.loadTime |> round |> Random.initialSeed -- get the Seed
Seed { state = State 1560073230 678, next = <function>, split = <function>, range = <function> }
: Random.Seed
I also have the code on my repo here.
Note: don't forget "native-modules": true in elm-package.json.
to try the code,
git clone
cd elm-backup/now
elm make Now.elm
add "native-modules": true in elm-package.json
elm repl
The simplest way I can think of is to use the Elm Architecture and Effects.tick mechanism to initialise the seed with a time value.
Here is an example of how this works:
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Random exposing (Seed, generate, int, initialSeed)
import Time exposing (Time)
import Effects exposing (Effects, Never)
import Task exposing (Task)
import StartApp
type alias Model = { seed : Seed, value : Int}
type Action = Init Time | Generate
init : (Model, Effects Action)
init = (Model (initialSeed 42) 0, Effects.tick Init)
modelFromSeed : Seed -> (Model, Effects Action)
modelFromSeed seed =
(value', seed') = generate (int 1 1000) seed
(Model seed' value', Effects.none)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
Init time ->
modelFromSeed (initialSeed (round time))
Generate ->
modelFromSeed model.seed
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ text ("Current value: " ++ (toString model.value))
, br [] []
, button [onClick address Generate] [text "New Value"]
app : StartApp.App Model
app = StartApp.start
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, inputs = []
main : Signal Html
main = app.html
port tasks : Signal (Task Never ())
port tasks = app.tasks

How can I set a global variable from a script/command line?

I'm trying to create a little menu to switch from "YouCompleteMe" to "Supertab" and vice versa.
function! TabFunction()
if !exists("g:WhatTab")
let g:WhatTab = "Tab function?"
if !exists("g:MenuTab_choices")
let g:MenuTab_choices = "&SuperTab\n&YouCompleteMe"
let n = confirm(g:WhatTab, g:MenuTab_choices, "Question")
if n == 1
let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<Tab>'
let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<S-Tab>'
let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = ['<C-Tab>', '<Down>']
let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = ['<C-S-Tab>', '<Up>']
elseif n == 2
let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<C-Tab>'
let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<C-S-Tab>'
let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = ['<Tab>', '<Down>']
let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = ['<S-Tab>', '<Up>']
This doesn't work.
When I try to check the value of these variables from the commandline
:echo 'global variable'
the values are correct but they don't work as expected.
Is it not possible to declare a global variable like this?
The use of the g: variable prefix ensures that the global variables are set from within a function; this is correct. Your problem is that the plugin configuration variables like g:SuperTabMappingForward are only evaluated once during plugin load (when Vim starts up), but not during runtime. This mechanism wasn't meant for dynamic reconfiguration.
Instead of toggling the (ignored) config variables, you have to do the remapping yourself. At least SuperTab defines corresponding <Plug>... targets; I guess YCM does this, too:
if n == 1
imap <Tab> <Plug>SuperTabForward
elseif n == 2
imap <C-Tab> <Plug>SuperTabForward
Alternatively, the brute-force variant would be to reload the plugins (:runtime plugin/supertab.vim) to get the changed global variable values to be considered, but that's very inefficient, may cause errors, and makes you work around plugin load guards in addition.

How to use detailed-0.9 in cabal testing

I'm having a surprising amount of difficulty getting the unit tests to run under cabal. I've copied the test code verbatim from the cabal documentation, with the exception of changing the module name
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Test.Integral ( tests ) where
import Distribution.TestSuite
instance TestOptions (String, Bool) where
name = fst
options = const []
defaultOptions _ = return (Options [])
check _ _ = []
instance PureTestable (String, Bool) where
run (name, result) _ | result == True = Pass
| result == False = Fail (name ++ " failed!")
test :: (String, Bool) -> Test
test = pure
-- In actual usage, the instances 'TestOptions (String, Bool)' and
-- 'PureTestable (String, Bool)', as well as the function 'test', would be
-- provided by the test framework.
tests :: [Test]
tests =
[ test ("bar-1", True)
, test ("bar-2", False)
However, when I try to build the tests, I get the following messages:
Not in scope: type constructor or class `TestOptions'
Not in scope: type constructor or class `PureTestable'
I tried importing them directly from Distribution.TestSuite, but it said that they weren't exported. This is simple enough that I have to be doing something stupid, but I can't see what it is.
But for what it's worth, here is some code that works:
module Main (tests) where
import Distribution.TestSuite
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = do
return [
test "foo" Pass
, test "bar" (Fail "It did not work out!")
test :: String -> Result -> Test
test name r = Test t
t = TestInstance {
run = return (Finished r)
, name = name
, tags = []
, options = []
, setOption = \_ _ -> Right t
There is not much support for detailed-0.9 out there. It's possible to hook up existing testing libraries to use it, but even then you will not get progress information as tests pass.
I recommend to use the exitcode-stdio-1.0 interface together with an existing testing framework + use GHCi during development.
A full example for Hspec is here

which OO programming style in R will result readable to a Python programmer?

I'm author of the logging package on CRAN, I don't see myself as an R programmer, so I tried to make it as code-compatible with the Python standard logging package as I could, but now I have a question. and I hope it will give me the chance to learn some more R!
it's about hierarchical loggers. in Python I would create a logger and send it logging records:
l = logging.getLogger("")
l.warn("say no")
In my R package instead you do not create a logger to which you send messages, you invoke a function where one of the arguments is the name of the logger. something like
logdebug("test", logger="")
loginfo("some", logger="")
logwarn("say no", logger="")
the problem is that you have to repeat the name of the logger each time you want to send it a logging message. I was thinking, I might create a partially applied function object and invoke that instead, something like
logdebug <- curry(logging::logdebug, logger="some.lower.logger")
but then I need doing so for all debugging functions...
how would you R users approach this?
Sounds like a job for a reference class ?setRefClass, ?ReferenceClasses
Logger <- setRefClass("Logger",
fields=list(name = "character"),
log = function(level, ...)
{ levellog(level, ..., logger=name) },
debug = function(...) { log("DEBUG", ...) },
info = function(...) { log("INFO", ...) },
warn = function(...) { log("WARN", ...) },
error = function(...) { log("ERROR", ...) }
and then
> basicConfig()
> l <- Logger$new(name="")
> l$debug("oops")
> l$info("oops")
2011-02-11 11:54:05 NumericLevel(INFO)
> l$warn("oops")
2011-02-11 11:54:11 NumericLevel(WARN)
This could be done with the proto package. This supports older versions of R (its been around for years) so you would not have a problem of old vs. new versions of R.
Logger. <- proto(
new = function(this, name)
this$proto(name = name),
log = function(this, ...)
levellog(..., logger = this$name),
setLevel = function(this, newLevel)
logging::setLevel(newLevel, container = this$name),
addHandler = function(this, ...)
logging::addHandler(this, ..., logger = this$name),
warn = function(this, ...)
this$log(loglevels["WARN"], ...),
error = function(this, ...)
this$log(loglevels["ERROR"], ...)
l <- Logger.$new(name = "")
l$warn("this may be bad")
l$error("this definitely is bad")
This gives the output:
> basicConfig()
> l <- Logger.$new(name = "")
> l$warn("this may be bad")
2011-02-28 10:17:54 may be bad
> l$error("this definitely is bad")
2011-02-28 10:17:54 definitely is bad
In the above we have merely layered proto on top of logging but it would be possible to turn each logging object into a proto object, i.e. it would be both, since both logging objects and proto objects are R environments. That would get rid of the extra layer.
See the for more info.
Why would you repeat the name? It would be more convenient to pass the log-object directly to the function, ie
# or
A bit the way one would use connections in a number of functions. That seems more the R way of doing it I guess.