What is the default for cell origin in Petrel? - petrel

I wanted to export Permeability from a Petrel model as an ASCII file. It seems that the cell origin is at I=0; J=max J; k=0.
Why is the J index at max J instead of J=0?


C - fprintf output is not consistent within for loop

I am printing a vary large dataset to a text file using fprintf:
FILE *ff23=fopen("parts_in_cell_dript_part.txt","wa");
if (ff23 == NULL)
error("Error opening text file");
int N=e->s->nr_parts;
fprintf (ff23,"%d\n",N);
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
struct part *restrict p = &parts[k];
float xx=p->x[0];
float yy=p->x[1];
float zz=p->x[2];
int id;
fprintf(ff23,"%d %f %f %f %d\n",k+1,xx,yy,zz,id);
fprintf(ff23,"Finished func\n");
The output suffers from several problems:
lines overwrite other lines. The first column is should go consecutively from 1 to N.
more/less numbers are printed to the file than expected.
I have try to use only append but results stay the same.
I tried adding "t" mode, it did not help

Looping over an NSmutatable Array starting from a certain index

I have a quick question how can I loop over an NSMutable array starting from a certain index.
For Example I have these double loops I want k to start from the same index as l.
for (Line *l in L)
for (Line *k in L)
To elaborate further, lets say L has 10 object so l start from 0-10 and k from 0 -10. What I want is if l is equal 1 k should start from 1-10 rather than 0 - 10 and when l is equal 2 k should start from 2- 10 rather than 0. Any help is Appreciated
Objective-C is an extension of C, lookup the C for loop and you'll have your answer. HTH
I was going to let you benefit from the learning experience of looking up the C for yourself, however at the time of writing all other answers since added give the code but it is not complete, so here is what you need to produce the l and k values in the order you wish:
for(NSInteger lIndex = 0; lIndex < L.count; lIndex++)
Line *l = L[lIndex]; // index into your array to get the element
for(NSInteger kIndex = lIndex; kIndex < L.count; kIndex++)
Line *k = L[kIndex];
// process your l and k
As you can see the for has three sub-parts which are the initialisation, condition, and increment. The initialisation is performed first, then the condition to determine whether to execute the for body, and the increment is executed after the statements in the body and before the condition is tested to determine if another iteration should be performed. A for loop is roughly (there are some differences that are unimportant here) to the while loop:
body statements;
You simply need to modify for-statement.
NSInteger indexYouNeed;
NSInteger iterationCount;
for (int i = indexYouNeed; i < iterationCount; i++) {
/* Your code here */
You may find this link helpfulll.
You have to use an indexed (ordinary) for loop instead of fast enumeration (for-in):
int l;
for (l=startValue; l<=endValue; l++)
int i;
for (int i=l; i<=endValue; i++)

Selection sort implementation, I am stuck at calculating time complexity for number of swaps

static int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
if (arr[i] > arr[j]) {
swap(arr, i, j);
Is this the correct implementation for selection sort? I am not getting O(n-1) complexity for swaps with this implementation.
Is this the correct implementation for selection sort?
It depends, logically what you are doing is correct. It sort using "find the max/min value in the array". But, in Selection Sort, usually you didn't need more than one swap in one iteration. You just save the max/min value in the array, then at the end you swap it with the i-th element
I am not getting O(n-1) complexity for swaps
did you mean n-1 times of swap? yes, it happen because you swap every times find a larger value not only on the largest value. You can try to rewrite your code like this:
static int count=0;
static int maximum=0;
for(int i=0;i<arr.length-1;i++){
maximum = i;
for(int j=i+1;j<arr.length;j++){
if(arr[j] > arr[maximum]){
maximum = j;
Also, if you want to exact n-1 times swap, your iteration for i should changed too.

Better way to get line ranges in a UITextView

Right now, I am able to get the text ranges of each line in a UITextView containing n lines by using cycling through the tokenizer with paragraph granularity. Unfortunately, that means my search algorithm for the m-th line in the text is of order n. Is there any easier way for me to find the range other than making my algorithm log n? The following is how I find my text range for now:
- (UITextRange *)textRangeOfLineAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
UITextPosition *position = self.beginningOfDocument;
NSUInteger lineCount = 0;
while([self comparePosition:self.endOfDocument toPosition:position] == NSOrderedDescending && lineCount < index) {
position = [self.tokenizer positionFromPosition:position toBoundary:UITextGranularityParagraph inDirection:UITextStorageDirectionForward];
return [self rangeEnclosingPosition:position withGranularity:UITextGranularityParagraph inDirection:UITextStorageDirectionForward];

Explain code in Kinect SDK

I am working with Kinect and reading example from DepthWithColor-D3D, has some code but i don't understand yet.
// loop over each row and column of the color
for (LONG y = 0; y < m_colorHeight; ++y)
LONG* pDest = (LONG*)((BYTE*)msT.pData + msT.RowPitch * y);
for (LONG x = 0; x < m_colorWidth; ++x)
// calculate index into depth array
int depthIndex = x/m_colorToDepthDivisor + y/m_colorToDepthDivisor * m_depthWidth;
// retrieve the depth to color mapping for the current depth pixel
LONG colorInDepthX = m_colorCoordinates[depthIndex * 2];
LONG colorInDepthY = m_colorCoordinates[depthIndex * 2 + 1];
How to calculate the value of colorInDepthX and colorInDepthY as above code?
colorInDepthX and colorInDepthY is a mapping between the depth and color images so that they will align. Because the Kinect's cameras are slightly offset from each other their field of views are not lined up perfectly.
m_colorCoordinates is defined at the top of the file as such:
m_colorCoordinates = new LONG[m_depthWidth*m_depthHeight*2];
This is a single dimension array representing a 2-dimensional image, it is populated just above the code block you post in your question:
// Get of x, y coordinates for color in depth space
// This will allow us to later compensate for the differences in location, angle, etc between the depth and color cameras
As described in the comment, this is running an calculation provided by the SDK to map the color and depth coordinates onto each other. The result is placed inside of m_colorCoordinates.
colorInDepthX and colorInDepthY are simply values within the m_colorCoordinates array that are being acted upon in the current cycle of the loop. They are not "calculated", per se, but just point to what already exists in m_colorCoordinates.
The function that handles the mapping between color and depth images is explained in the Kinect SDK at MSDN. Here is a direct link: