How to call Objective-C++ (.mm) from Objective-C (.m) - objective-c

Is there a say to do this without changing every .m file to .mm?
OK. I am trying to implement the answer but having trouble. Take a look at my Objective C++ .h and .mm below
Objective-C++ - IDCaptureTemplateCommand.h:
#include "Template.h"
#interface IDCaptureTemplateCommand : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) IDCaptureTemplateCommand *IDCaptureTemplateCommand;
Objective-C++ -
#include "IDCaptureTemplateCommand.h"
#implementation IDCaptureTemplateCommand
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.captureTemplateCommand = [[IDCaptureTemplateCommand alloc] init];
return self;
Objective-C - IDCameraViewController.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "IDCaptureTemplateCommand.h"
#interface IDCameraViewController : UIViewController <UINavigationControllerDelegate>
#property (nonatomic) IDCaptureTemplateCommand *captureCommand; //ERROR - Unknown type name 'IDCaptureTemplateCommand'

You can do so in the same way as you can use C++ from C or whatever. You need to be able to declare the interface using pure Objective-C and then the implementation can be written using Objective-C++.
If your header file uses C++, e.g. your class has an std::string instance variable, then to make the functionality accessible from Objective-C you have to write a wrapper or otherwise hide the C++ at the interface, so that your Objective-C files don't need to see any of the C++ declarations.


Accessing Obj-C properties in Swift extension file

I started writing Swift extensions on my view controllers. So I have three files right now:
My header file, ViewController.h:
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController
My Obj-C implementation file, ViewController.m:
#interface MyViewController () <UIScrollViewDelegate>
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIScrollView *scrollView;
#implementation MyViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] init];
[self customiseScrollView]; //This is Swift method called from Obj-C file
And finally, ViewController.swift:
extension MyViewController {
func customiseScrollView() {
My question is, is it possible to access my Obj-C properties from my Swift implementation file? Every time I refer to it, I got an error:
Value of type 'MyViewController' has no member 'scrollView'
Bonus 1: Can someone also clarify if the Swift component can see what the .m is a delegate of as well. (To clarify, doing scrollView.delegate = self in Swift is a compile error because the Swift file does not realise that the .m file is a UIScrollViewDelegate).
Bonus 2: Can Swift extension file call Obj-C methods that are declared from the .m counterpart?
I think that you can't access private properties from extension. Your scrollView property is in .m file, not .h - which means it's private and it's not visible from extension file.
Solution: move
#property (strong, nonatomic) UIScrollView *scrollView;
to your header file.
You can access internal objc properties and methods if you declare the objc class extension in a separate header and include that header in the bridging header.
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *string;
#import "MyClass.h"
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *string;
#import "MyClass+private.h"
#implementation MyClass
#import "MyClass.h"
#import "MyClass+Private.h"
In Swift, private properties are not accessible from another file. This is the meaning of private in Swift. For example:
class MyClass {
private var privateProperty: String = "Can't get to me from another file!"
extension MyClass: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "I have a `var` that says: \(privateProperty)"
extension MyClass {
func cantGetToPrivateProperties() {
self.privateProperty // Value of type 'MyClass' has no memeber 'privateProperty'
A property declared in the implementation of an Objective-C class is a private property. As such, the property cannot be accessed from a Swift extension since this will be necessarily from a different (.swift) file...
You can. All you need is to create a bridging objective C header.
Per Apple Documentation:
To import a set of Objective-C files in the same app target as your
Swift code, you rely on an Objective-C bridging header to expose those
files to Swift. Xcode offers to create this header file when you add a
Swift file to an existing Objective-C app, or an Objective-C file to
an existing Swift app.
Just create a Bridging-Header file and later import your ObjC file in it, like:
#import <objectivec.h>
Later in your swift file:
var a = objectivec()
For more information read Apple Doucmentation from here.

Access ivar from subclass in Objective-C

I have class A which has this declaration in it's .m file:
#implementation A {
NSObject *trickyObject;
And class B which has this declaration in it's .h file:
#interface B : A
Is there any possibility to access the trickyObject from a method declared in the class B?
If you have a property or method that is private, but you want to make accessible to subclasses, you can put the declaration in a category.
So consider A:
// A.h
#import Foundation;
#interface A : NSObject
// no properties exposed
// A.m
#import "A.h"
// private extension to synthesize this property
#interface A ()
#property (nonatomic) NSInteger hiddenValue;
// the implementation might initialize this property
#implementation A
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_hiddenValue = 42;
return self;
Then consider this category:
// A+Protected.h
#interface A (Protected)
#property (readonly, nonatomic) NSInteger hiddenValue;
Note, this extension doesn’t synthesize the hiddenValue (the private extension in A does that). But this provides a mechanism for anyone who imports A+Protected.h to have access to this property. Now, in this example, while hiddenValue is really readwrite (as defined in the private extension within A), this category is exposing only the getter. (You obviously could omit readonly if you wanted it to expose both the getter and the setter, but I use this for illustrative purposes.)
Anyway, B can now do things like:
// B.h
#import "A.h"
#interface B : A
- (void)experiment;
// but again, no properties exposed
// B.m
#import "B.h"
#import "A+Protected.h"
#implementation B
// but with this category, B now has read access to this `hiddenValue`
- (void)experiment {
NSLog(#"%ld", (long)self.hiddenValue);
Now A isn’t exposing hiddenValue, but any code that uses this A (Protected) category (in this case, just B) can now access this property.
And so now you can call B methods that might be using the hiddenValue from A, while never exposing it in the public interfaces.
// ViewController.m
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "B.h"
#implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
B *b = [[B alloc] init];
[b experiment]; // this calls `B`’s exposed method, and that method is using the property not exposed by `A.h`
If you’re interested in a real-world example of this, consider UIKit’s:
#import UIKit.UIGestureRecognizerSubclass;
Generally the state of a UIGestureRecognizer is readonly, but this UIGestureRecognizer (UIGestureRecognizerProtected) category exposes the readwrite accessors for state (to be used, as the name suggests, by gesture recognizer subclasses only).

Objective C - Can't set superclass property in subclass

Take this simple class hierarchy:
#interface Tree : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<TreeDelegate> delegate;
#implementation Tree
#synthesize delegate;
#interface Aspen : Tree
- (void)grow:(id<TreeDelegate>)delegate;
#implementation Aspen
- (void) grow:(id<TreeDelegate>)d {
self.delegate = d;
When I try to do self.delegate = d;, I'm getting the following error:
-[Aspen setDelegate:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x586da00
I was expecting the Tree parent class's delegate property to be visible to the subclass as-is, but it doesn't seem to be since the error indicates the parent class's synthesized setter isn't visible.
What am I missing? Do I have to redeclare the property at the subclass level? I tried adding #dynamic at the top of the implementation of Aspen but that didn't work either. Such a simple concept here, but I've lost an hour searching around trying to find a solution. Out of ideas at this point.
The above code is just a very stripped-down example to demonstrate the issue I'm seeing.
I just tried your code, supplemented by the protocol, an object implementing it, the necessary import and a main function and on my system it works like a charm:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#protocol TreeDelegate <NSObject>
#interface MyDelegate : NSObject <TreeDelegate>
#implementation MyDelegate
#interface Tree : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, assign) id<TreeDelegate> delegate;
#interface Aspen : Tree
- (void)grow:(id<TreeDelegate>)delegate;
#implementation Tree
#synthesize delegate;
#implementation Aspen
- (void) grow:(id<TreeDelegate>)d {
self.delegate = d;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
MyDelegate * d = [[MyDelegate alloc] init];
Aspen * a = [[Aspen alloc] init];
[a grow:d];
return 0;
I was finally able to figure this out. My actual code leverages a 3rd party static library that defines the classes Tree and Aspen in my example. I had built a new version of the static library that exposed the Tree delegate given in my example, however I did not properly re-link the library after adding it to my project and as a result the old version was still being accessed at runtime.
Lessons learned: be diligent with steps to import a 3rd party library, and when simple fundamental programming concepts (such as in my example text) aren't working, take a step back and make sure you've dotted i's and crossed t's.

Is there any way to add an iVar that's not in the header file (not using LLVM 2.0 or later) in Objective-C?

I recently learned that you can add ivar in a class extension with LLVM2.0. (gcc can't do this)
This is somehow really private iVar because other users don't it's existence since it's not in the header file.
#interface SomeClass : NSObject {
#interface SomeClass ()
NSString *reallyPrivateString;
#implementation SomeClass
But this does rely on the compiler. Is there any other way to declare an ivar that's not in the header file?
The only place to declare instance variables is in the interface or a class extension (which is really an extension of the interface). But you can effectively add instance variables at any time with the modern runtime using the associated object functions.
If you are implementing a library and want to hide your instance variables take a look at what Apple does in the interface for UIWebView. They have an internal webview that does not expose a header file.
#class UIWebViewInternal;
#protocol UIWebViewDelegate;
UIKIT_CLASS_AVAILABLE(2_0) #interface UIWebView : UIView <NSCoding, UIScrollViewDelegate> {
UIWebViewInternal *_internal;
If you're just going to be using the ivar internally, and you're using the modern runtime (Snow Leopard 64 bit and iOS 3.0+, I think) then you can just declare properties in a class extension and synthesize them inside the class. No ivars are exposed in your header, no messy id _internal objects, and you get around fragile ivars, too.
// public header
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
// no ivars
- (void)someMethod;
// MyClass.m
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *privateString;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize privateString;
- (void)someMethod {
self.privateString = #"Hello";
NSLog(#"self.privateString = %#", self.privateString);
NSLog(#"privateString (direct variable access) = %#", privateString); // The compiler has synthesized not only the property methods, but also actually created this ivar for you. If you wanted to change the name of the ivar, do #synthesize privateString = m_privateString; or whatever your naming convention is
This works with Apple's gcc, in addition to LLVM. (I'm not sure if this works on other platforms, ie not Apple's gcc, but it will certainly work for both iOS and Snow Leopard+).

Dynamically typed class generates compiler warnings on method selection

Perhaps this is the wrong way to go about this, but it seems like such a clean and workable approach that I wonder how I can make the compiler warning go away?
#interface SomeView : UIView {
NSString *stringOfsomeImportance;
RelatedClass *niftyService;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * stringOfnoImportance;
#property (nonatomic, retain) RelatedClass *niftyService;
#implementation RelatedClass *pvSomeObj = [[RelatedClass alloc] initWithSender:self];
[self setNiftyService:pvSomeObj];
Now, looking at the RelatedClass implementations...
#interface RelatedClass : NSObject {
id thesender;
#property (nonatomic, retain) id thesender;
[thesender otherMethods]; // this generates a compiler warning
// that otherMethods cannot be found
// in SomeView, though it *is* found
// and seems to execute just fine
This seems like a valid approach, so I'm left wondering why the warning?
Is there a way to better "explain" this to the compiler?
Could someone kindly share if this type of linkage is encouraged or if there is a better way to link two related, interdependent classes that need to communicate with one another?
I can't statically declare the sender object (SomeView) in RelatedClass because that seems to cause a recursion problem, as SomeView is defined with RelatedClass as a member...
Any suggestions?
You can define a protocol and say that your thesender object must conform to it:
#protocol MyProtocol
#interface RelatedClass : NSObject {
id<MyProtocol> thesender; // Now compiler knows that thesender must respond
// to otherMethods and won't generate warnings
You can send otherMethods message another way (you may need to define theSender as NSObject here):
if ([theSender respondsToSelector:#selector(otherMethods)])
[theSender performSelector:#selector(otherMethods)];
Edit: Actually you can also define thesender as SomeView* in your RelatedClass using forward class declaration:
#class RelatedClass;
#interface SomeView : UIView {
RelatedClass *niftyService;
// then include RelatedClass.h in SomeView.m
#class SomeView;
#interface RelatedClass : NSObject {
SomeView* thesender;
// then include SomeView.h in RelatedClass.m
In your headers, you can forward declare classes that you want to use. In your implementation files, you can include the full header of those classes that you forward-declared.
For example:
#import <FrameworkHeader.h>
// Here, you are saying that there is a class called RelatedClass, but it will be
// defined later.
#class RelatedClass;
#interface SomeView : UIView
RelatedClass *niftyService;
#import "SomeView.h"
#import "RelatedClass.h"
// By including "RelatedClass.h" you have fulfilled the forward declaration.
#implementation SomeView
// Can use "RelatedClass" methods from within here without warnings.
#import <FrameworkHeader.h>
#class SomeView;
#interface RelatedClass
SomeView *someView;
// methods
#import "RelatedClass.h"
#import "SomeView.h"
#implementation RelatedClass
// Can use "SomeView" methods from within here without warnings.
id thesender = ....;
[thesender otherMethods]; // this generates a compiler warning
// that otherMethods cannot be found
// in SomeView, though it *is* found
// and seems to execute just fine
For the above to generate the warning as you describe, it is entirely because the method -otherMethods has not been declared someplace where the compiler sees the declaration before attempting to compile the call site.
That is, the declaration of the method:
- (void) otherMethods;
Must appear in a header file that is imported -- directly or indirectly -- by the implementation file compiling that particular call site or the method declaration must appear in the #implementation before the call site.