Recognition Property or Dynamic Object Map in RFT - rft

Currently I'm using trial version of RFT for PowerBuilder v12.5 application. During recording when we save one windows information it generate a string (unique auto generated) for variable and use it for reference to store all other information from other windows and tabs . Currently RFT use this in Object Map for reference and when we playback the script, it fails as value of the variable changes from recorded value. I am unable to change recognition properties so that during playback it does not match above variable ‘Business Partner ID’.
I need to know how I can change the recognition property so that during playblack RFT skip the matching of this value or how can I make this dynamic so that whenever during playback RFT save the information it get the unique value each time.
Your prompt response will really help me a lot, thank you in advance. In case any other details required, do let me know.
Atif Abbas

In cases where recognition properties of an object are dynamic , there are two approaches two handle them:
Convert the dynamic property value to a regular expression.
Convert the object itself to a dynamic test object.
You can find detail information on converting the property value to a regular expression in the below link.
Also there is a nice blog on object map of RFT:

If you want to find objects with changing properties you can consider to use the TestObject.find method. This allows you to access test objects without even having them in the object map. A good introduction to the find method is provided by IBM developerWorks:


FactoryImpl to set atts via props for bound inputs

First, thanks for any advice. I am new to all of this and apologize for any obvious blunders.
Second, the question:
In an interface for entering clients that often possess a number of roles, it seemed efficient to create a set of inputs which possessed both visual characteristics and associated data binding based simply on the inputs name.
For example, inquirerfirstname would be any caller or emailer who contacted our company.
The name would dictate a label, placeholder, and the location in firebase where the data would be stored.
The single name could be used--I thought--with a relational table (state machine or series of nested ifs) to define the properties of the input and change its outward appearance and inner bindings through property manipulation.
I created a set of nested iffs, and console logged the property changes in the inputs, but their representation in the host element (a collection of inputs that generated messages to clients as well as messages to sales staff) remained unaffected.
I attempted using the ready callback. I forced the state change with a button.
I was unable to use the var name = new MyInput( name). I believe using this method would be most effective but am unsure how to "stamp" the JavaScript into a heavyweight stamped parent element.
An example of a more complicated and dynamic use of a constructor and a factory implementation that can read database (J-son) objects and respond to generate HTML elements would be awesome.
In vanilla a for each would seem to do the trick but definitions and structure as well as binding would not be organic--read it might be easier just to HTML stamp the inputs in polymer by hand.
I would be really greatful for any help. I have looked for a week and failed to find one example that took data binding, physical appearance, attribute swapping, property binding and object reading into account.
I guess it's a lot, but each piece independently (save the use of the constructor) I think I get.
Thanks again.
Ps: I am aware that the stamping of the element seems to preclude dynamic property attribute and binding assignments. I was hoping a compute attribute mixed with a factoryimpl would be an option (With a nice example).

IBM Worklight - JSONStore logic to refresh data from the server and be able to work offline

currently the JSONStore API provides a load() method that says in the documentation:
This function always stores whatever it gets back from the adapter. If
the data exists, it is duplicated in the collection". This means that
if you want to avoid duplicates by calling load() on an already
populated collection, you need to empty or drop the collection before.
But if you want to be able to keep the elements you already have in
the collection in case there is no more connectivity and your
application goes for offline mode, you also need to keep track of
these existing elements.
Since the API doesn't provide a "overwrite" option that would replace the existing elements in case the call to the adapter succeeds, I'm wondering what kind of logic should be put in place in order to manage both offline availability of data and capability to refresh at any time? It is not that obvious to manage all the failure cases by nesting the JS code due to the promises...
Thanks for your advices!
One approach to achieve this:
Use enhance to create your own load method (i.e. loadAndOverwrite). You should have access to the all the variables kept inside an JSONStore instance (collection name, adapter name, adapter load procedure name, etc. -- you will probably use those variables in the invokeProcedure step below).
Call push to make sure there are no local changes.
Call invokeProcedure to get data, all the variables you need should be provided in the context of enhance.
Find if the document already exists and then remove it. Use {push: false} so JSONStore won't track that change.
Use add to add the new/updated document. Use {push: false} so JSONStore won't track that change.
Alternatively, if the document exists you can use replace to update it.
Alternatively, you can use removeCollection and call load again to refresh the data.
There's an example that shows how to use all those API calls here.
Regarding promises, read this from InfoCenter and this from HTML5Rocks. Google can provide more information.

store.loadData not defined. How to load data into store Sencha Architect

In the past, I created my stores using Ext.create('', ...
and when I wanted to load data the was contained in a JSON loaded object, all I needed to do was MyStore.loadData(myDataObj);
This does not work with the stores you define in Sencha Architect, you get Not defined error for loadData.
I have a custom Ext.Ajax routine I use to get the data that does not lend itself to being defined in a stores proxy. My data is in the proper JSON format, but I have had no luck finding a way to force load data into a store without using a store proxy.
I was able to get MyStore.add({--json string ...}) to work, but this only adds a single record.
Why is store.loadData() not suppored ??? What can I use instead???
use store.setData assuming you are using a Touch project.
I have read the Sencha API docs. The issue here is that the Store.loadData does not appear to be valid (ie Un-defined) when referenced in a user defined function in Sencha Architect. I have not been able to find a way to take a variable that has a valid JSON object and load it into s store. The only method I believe would work is if I created the stores in a function, but that would defeat the awesome UI the architect provides.

WF4 Argument as Property

My scenario is the following:
I have a workflow (lets call it customActivity1) that do the basic actions for my system. I also have another workflow (customActivity2) that uses customActivity1 and do higher level actions. When I call customActivity1, I must pass on a few parameters, like Boolean or String values. I want to show some of these parameters as a checkbox or combobox (so the developer of customActivity2 can pass on only valid values) and found out that I can do that by setting the argument as PROPERTY (instead of In).
By doing a research, I also found out that you can’t directly use this argument in expressions, so I keep getting errors on my customActivity1.
That said and knowing that I need to narrow what the designer can pass on, how could I do that without using an activity designer or where could I find an answer?
I also attached two pictures, one of what I need and the other of the error I’m getting.
Thanks in advance.
The reason an InArgument only shows you a text field instead of a checkbox is because they are expressions not literal values. There is still type checking though, if you enter the value 1 you get the error message that an integer cannot be converted into a boolean.
You cannot do this. You can only bind to InArguments.
If you bind an InArgument and look at the xaml, you'll see something like this:
<p1:MyActivity MyInArgument="[BoundValue]" ...
The Workflow Runtime knows how to handle these. It doesn't know how to handle binding POCO properties.
If you want to model data flow but want to have a different user experience in the property grid I recommed using arguments (as they convey data flow semantics) and customizing the property grid for those arguments. There is a sample that demonstrates how to do this in the WF4 samples (sample readme available at

property qualified-name in method getContentReader

I first apologize for my poor english level and maybe for the stupidity of my question ;)
I am on an alfresco project to learn how it works.
I have to browse programatically my content repository and gather datas all along. In order to do that I guessed I had to use a ContentReader (I get from my ContentService) but the method getReader wants a nodeRef and a propertyQualifiedName.
I am ok with the nodeRef, I get what it's needed for.
But the propertyQualifiedName puzzles me, I barely get what it is but I frankly don't get how it is used.
Reading some alfresco forum threads I get more and more scared that I dont even get how a reader works, I somewhere saw that a reader can read only one node and only one time per instance.
If anyone knows a bit about the Java API for Alfresco Content Repository use I am all hears !
Cheers all !
ContentReader is a wrapper class for the content of a given property of a node. So, in order to get an instance of ContentReader you'll have to give the node from which you the property from and the property qualified name.
As for the qualified name, every node property is identified by the conjunction of two string values:
The property namespace. Usually an uri like ""
The property local name. Usually a simple string like "created".
These two values put together constitute the property qualified name. There are constants defined for most standard properties of the alfresco model in the org.alfresco.model.ContentModel interface. For example, to get the creator of a node you would do something like:
contentService.getReader(myNode, ContentModel.PROP_CREATOR).getContentString();