What are Circular Triggers in SQL Server? [closed] - sql

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm a noob.
I was wondering if someone could give me an overview of what Circular Triggers are.
When I search for it, I see people talking about them and trying to avoid them, but I would like to see an example of a circular trigger actually happening.
Like I said, I'm a noob and I apologize. This is into is needed for something I'm doing with work. Thanks!

A circular trigger is a trigger that triggers itself, causing an endless loop.
Nested AFTER Triggers in SQL Server
Nested AFTER Triggers in SQL Server are AFTER triggers nested to each
other or a trigger on table1 could affect table2 and a trigger on
table2 could affect table1 recursively. This circular execution will
go till it reaches its maximum depth of 32 then it will stop.


Diffing Sql Schema [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need to move some changes from database a to database b, and some from b to a. Every comparison tool I've used requires you to pick a direction first and if you want to go the other direction, well then you get to wait for it to completely re-compare all over again.
Also the tools I've used don't allow you to make changes on the fly. If I see something I need to update, I've got to go update it using SSMS and then come back to the tool and re-compare all over again.
What I really want is a tool that works just like a text diffing application (BeyondCompare, WinMerge, etc.).
I've thought about trying to write my own app to do this so many times but it's a big undertaking so I always say "nah, it's not worth it". Well I've finally decided to give it a shot but I just want a final word on 2 issues:
1) Have I overlooked some amazing product that already does this? I've searched but haven't found anything. Would hate to waste a lot of time if someone has already done it though.
2) What Diffing api would be best suited for this type of application?
The best tool for doing this action is from redgate called sql compare.

Anonymizing and masking of text data [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I have a set of emails which i need to anonymize before I can do any analysis on it. Since sensitive data may be disclosed in the emails, like referring to people, or providing phonenumbers etc.
The tools i have found so far, only uses tables, and mask this, which is quite straight forward to do myself, but it does not solve my problem.
So i am looking for a tool or library, that can help me solve this. I would assume it need to do some Natural language processing in order to analyze how the text is built up, and where refferences to people are being mentioned. I would also appreciate any good articles in this area

PostgreSQL triggers functions (e.g.: RI_Fkey_setnull_upd etc..) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am getting acquainted with PostgreSQL.
Trying to find information for trigger functions listed below:
Google shows me only sources of PGSQL.
suppress_redundant_updates_trigger and tsvector_update_trigger are in the documentation.
trigger_in is a placeholder function associated with the TRIGGER pseudotype, and is never actually called.
The rest are implementation details of foreign key and uniqueness constraints. You should find everything you need to know about these constraints in the documentation. You shouldn't need to know anything about the underlying triggers (and if you do, the only explanation you're likely to find is the source code itself).

Did I use trigger properly? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a program in C#. I have no question about the C# code but there is something that bothers me. I have been using a trigger in some big transactions in my system. Is it really advisable or good practice to use a trigger in transaction? I have been researching and found that I should use triggers only in audit trails. But I have no problems when using triggers. I'm asking this question because I really want to know your opinion so that in the future if it's not advisable then I can avoid using the trigger in a transaction.
Major drawbacks of using triggers are:
1- Making the whole process slow in large number of transactions
2- Lack/difficulty of control especially for checking the result of the action done by trigger
3- Making your system more difficult to maintain
4- Injection of problems regarding concurrency

What is a good, free database scripting tool [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for a free tool that will allow me to specify a SELECT statement on a table and then generate the result set as a series of INSERT statements to transfer to another database. I have the SQL Publishing Wizard, but that only allows me to generate statements for the entire table, and I can't specify a WHERE clause to filter the data it publishes. So far the only tool I have seen is made by Red Gate, which my employer only gives to DBA's. Are there any free tools out there that will let me do the same thing, without having to go and bug a DBA everytime I need to update some data in a database?
SSMS Tools Pack has a good collection of features, including generating insert statements. Works on MS SQL 2005 and beyond.
I've used this one in the past, I don't think its been updated recently: