Python module Pisa: how change background color for all page? - pdf

How i can change background color of all page?
like this :
body,div { background-color:#f4f4f4; }
Now background changes only for div with information, remaining page have white color. if it is possible, can you write example?
P.s. How i can draw border around ?

Acording to the documentacion #page only accept few css propierties:
margin, margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right, margin-top
So maybe the easyest is to make a jpg to draw the background with background color and border. And use that image in background-image propierty:
#page {background-image: url('local_path/to/your/image.jpg')}

I hope this will help you
body,div { background-color:#f4f4f4; }
and your Second Question > How i can draw border around ?
border:1px #ccc solid


how to set background color of ion content

I want to set background color of whole app or a single background color
but what happened if i use div , different device take different height that's why bottom side not cover up and i am unable to set ion content background.
Add below code to your app.scss file :
html, body, ion-app, ion-content, ion-page, ion-view, .nav-decor {
background-color: #yourColor !important;
Bro u can use in this case i have a stylesheet global with primary color variable

Is it possible to add a background image to a plot in vega or vega-lite?

I see from that it is possible to change the background color. But i don't see any docs for adding an underlay background image.
vega-lite creates a canvas element.
So adding a background image is explained in a question about how to add a background to a canvas element.
HTML5 Canvas background image
But you can just do it with css:
canvas {
background: url("my_background.png");
This is just like any other background image css.

Background image on :hover does'nt show

I'm trying to apply a background image on a menu li on a :hover, however, it doesn't seem to recognize/show the image. It does respond to a color as background on the hover, which is in the same background line in the CSS.
I've made a jsfiddle with the code narrowed down to basics:
Obviously the image wouldn't show in this Fiddle, i'm using a local image.
As you can see, it does respond to the background colors, but not to the images.
Where am I going wrong here?
this works:
.logo li:hover
background:navy url('');
display: inline-block;
your doesnt work because you are setting
and then you do this:
background: navy;
this way you are reseting the background canceling previous values
see updated fiddle
You did small mistake following will give your result
background: navy url('paper.gif');
Your mistake is you have given as
background: navy;
the background property override the background-image:url('paper.gif');

Hiding content outside of background and show when scrolling

Working URL:
What I am trying to accomplish is to hide the content when it is outside of the background area (1280x800). I like the way the backgrounds are coming in when you scroll to a new section, but I want to hide the content until it gets into that 1280x800 viewport? Any suggestions on how I can accomplish this?
Bonus...It would be great if I could also hide the content under the top navigation once it scrolled up under it as well. A guy can dream. :)
For the first part you can add another div and target with css something like this:
.viewport {
width: 1280px;
height: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -640px;
background: black;
clip: rect(800px, 1280px, auto, auto);
Basically, set the background to the same color as the page background and use clip to only display the portion of the div that sits below your desired viewport area hiding the content outside the viewport area.
If you add content to the footer later you may need to tweak some z-index settings to make sure it sits on top of the viewport div.

Safari with unexpected vertical tile for icons on footer, should display in line

I was trying to add twitter/facebook icon to the site footer, much like footer. I got everything working, except that safari having unexpected vertical tile for twitter and facebook. I tried to upload screenshot but I am new user, so can't do that right now.
So I was searching for the answer and found this q/a here, Is <img> element block level or inline level?
So I went to again to see its css does have user agent stylesheet.
I added this line of code to my css:
.footer ul li img.t, li img.f {
width: 40px;
vertical-align: middle;
display: inline-block;
and it fixed the problem.
But I have a few questions in head:
why does's css show as non-editable user agent, while I have to add that display-inline to my css?
How does "display: inline-block" fix the problem?
Notice that: When mouse over to the gray twitter, it triggers swap.js, changing the icon image to the colored one, but in safari, the highlighted icon is bigger than the gray one. I think i almost know the answer. Just need someone who knows all the kinks behind this.
To fix this problem make sure you set the height and width on the image so that it doesn't change during loading.
<img src=""
class="twitter_bird img_swap" height="52px" width="52px" />
.twitter_bird {
When you switch the images name, safari begins to load the image but it doesn't know the height or width until it's done downloading. If you set the height and width it will not grow from 0px to 52px.