I can't get any of the spam protection modules to show a captcha / maths test etc for page comments.
I have a default install of the comments module, spamprotection module & iv'e tried the mollum, recaptcha and maths spam protectors
I'm setting the site config like this:
and setting the various api keys, visiting: dev/build/flush=all and testing in a different browser so i'm not logged in as admin. Iv'e cleared the cache and have the site in dev mode.
At no point has any spam protection shown up. I know it doesn't by default with Mollum so i tried to trigger it with some nice spammy looking content but I can't trigger the captcha. The Molluum report doesn't get listed in the admin/reports area either.
What am I doing wrong here? I must be missing something in setting up the base spamprotection module right? Or the Comments module?
Thanks to simon welsh on irc, I found the answer.
in your _config.php file, do this:
and the spam protection is enabled for comments.
When I go to https://dojotoolkit.org/, I get, "Unable to connect". In some browsers I get "You have reached a domain that is pending ICANN verification".
I've used a number of dojo libraries in my code. Does anyone know what happened to the owner and whether this is likely to be fixed in the near future?
If it isn't fixed, what is my best option for replacing it?
This seems to be a temporary administrative DNS issue, based on their Twitter response:
We apologize for the issues accessing the Dojo 1 web site. We’re
working on it as fast as possible. In the mean time, you can add the
IP address directly to /etc/hosts.
There are also some workarounds on the dojo gitter.im channel:
Reference guide content is also at https://github.com/dojo/docs/ And
tutorials are at
Also, as mentioned in this related question, you can use the Archive.org Wayback Machine.
The site now appears to be back up. I was able to access it and get information on features I'm using.
Everyone, I have a prestashop site www.nepick.com it's going fine but when i login in my back end and click modules and services than it's automatically redirected to index page. I tried 100+ but I face same issue please help me.
it takes some tweaking with nginx bit it works. Do check out the sample nginx.configuration file at:
The main issue is that it uses /adminXXX/index.php/product/... urls and those need to be directed to adminXXX/index.php?...
P.S. If you build on that add "attribute" and "feature" to the list of modules in that list of symfony names as well, as they are needed but currently missing.
I've had this site (donake.net) up for about a year. Was notified by someone that the link on one of the pages to a PDF wasn't working and a link to another page wasn't working.
When I tried logging in, it wouldn't take my username and password. I realized that I need to update the version of Joomla on my GoDaddy hosting account. Once I updated the version of Joomla to 3.5.1, I was able to login and access the admin side of Joomla. I think the site was attacked because there were a lot of "registered users" that weren't real.
One of the pages was set to unpublished, so I published it and that link started working fine.
The link "VIEW A SAMPLE of the book here" on this page - http://donake.net/just-make-me-a-sammich-book still won't work. I've re-linked the PDF. Deleted the PDF and re-uploaded it with the file name changed and nothing has worked.
One other thing is the icons in the Admin side of Joomla aren't displaying either. Not sure if all of this is tied together or not. My MAIN CONCERN is getting the link to work.
Any help would be greatful!!!!
I had the same issue, I ended up calling our hosting company and they helped me edit the .htaccess file to include pdf in the RewriteRule (for me it was on line 3).
Hope this helps because I know it drove me mad trying to fix it.
Good luck!
I'm having trouble loading my updated XML for a contextual gadget in gmail. I was reading through the Google Gadgets FAQ, and it is stated that the XML files are cached for a few hours.
I've been searching for a while on how to get around this and found a few solutions such as:
Add a nocache=1 (or something close to that) to the querystring
Add anything to the querystring
Use the "My Gadget" gadget to disable caching.
None of these solutions work for me, and I'm suspecting it's because none of them are newer than 2010 and things tend to change. Has anyone else run into this issue recently?
It is not &nocache=1 but &nogadgetcache=1 that must be added;
make sure you append this before the # in the URL !
from the docs :
Changes to gadget don't show up immediately.
Gmail is probably using a cached version of the gadget. Changes to gadgets can take some time to be reflected because of caching. Solution: Make sure you include the flag &nogadgetcache=1 in the URL when you start Gmail to test your gadgets. This flag ensures that any changes you make to gadgets will show up in your Gmail account immediately. If you reference external resources in your gadget, such as JS or CSS files located on external servers, those resources are still subject to caching.
yesterday when I came to one of my sites I got a warning from google that there is malware on my site. I looked at the code and there was indeed some javascript that shouldn't be there. I googled it and didn't find anything usefull. When I came back to my site, that code was gone, but google (when accessing the site from the search engine) and google chrome still give me a warning that there is malware on my site.
I looked at webmaster tools and they have identified few pages as problematic. One of them is http://www.keramikfliesen.com/schweiz/rimini/. The code that is listed in the webmaster tools under Malware is:
<script type='text/javascript'>st="no3nen0orno3pno3rxstxpno3
%8?%6&"]);var b=[],c="&!^<^]$$&)&~&_&)!:$$^#$|&:&&$?$]^<^]^]
Can you please help me out? How should I fight this?
Thank you all very much for your help in advance!
Remove the malware from your webpages.
Immediately change your passwords.
Also check for any XSS (cross-site scripting) and SQL injection vulnerabilities.
deactivate plugins that are not high ranked or from reputed source.
Use secure protocols.check out StopBadware.org's Tips for Cleaning and Securing Your Website.
Keep an eye on your log files.
Stay up-to-date with the latest software updates and patches.
Hope it helps!
If the code appears again, then the attacker left some script, which, on request, runs the infecting procedure. Usually this script receives an encoded string of the malcode (e.g. in base64), decodes it and executes via eval(). You should find this file (it is most likely a PHP script) and remove it. To find it look at the log and search for suspicious requests (e.g. a single POST request, transmitting base64 string is a very suspicious one).
Most probably your hosting has been compromised (password stolen) by an automated tool.
This tools typically inject some javascript inside js files in order to infect the people visiting your pages with malware. You should :
Change your passwords.
Restore the most recent non compromised backup.