WI-FI Printing in Windows 8 Metro App? - windows-8

I am developing a C#/XAML Metro Application , in which i want to how can i achieve Wi - Fi Printing Programatically through code in from my METRO App.
From C#/XAML Metro app , i want to detect what are the available Wi - Fi printers available in the present range of Wi -fi and connect to it and give a page for printing.
1) How can i achieve this , what are the various alternatives available to achieve this ??
2) Are there any API Avaliable to achieve this ??
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

There's no way to print document in background in Windows Store app. You must have go through device charm.


How to Increase sleep time of Pixelsense device , when it is in surface mode

when i am playing with my Pixelsense apps in surface mode OR in Surface Cell (Test mode) , my pixelsense device is active until I play my apps , as I stop playing with apps after 5 min the device goes to sleep mode .
I wants to active my device always, even though user is not interacting with apps . Is it feature of Pixelsense device which make device in sleep mode OR it is part of my application.
Please help me.
Thanks & regards
Anupam Mishra
I got the solution , I would like to share the link
From the above link you can change that on your device to whatever you need with a registry change.

how to add reminders / reminders kind notifications which reminds the user once set in c#/xaml metro app?

hi i am developing a c#/xaml metro app, i want to set reminders in my app .
1)how to set a reminder in c#/xaml metro app ??
2)reminders kind notifications which will remind the user at that particluar time?
3)alternative ways to adding reminders to c#/xaml metro app ??
i want to make it user specific , if the user sets the reminder he should get a notification even if my app is running or not running.
Please let me know how can i do this , help me out.
Thanks in Advance.
It sounds like Scheduled Notifications would work for you here.
Check out the official Windows SDK sample on scheduled notifications and I also have a blog post that may be helpful.

Windows 8 application Resolution

I have developed Windows 8 application. and when I try to run it , to test it on another laptop ; the design got worst and everything appear in bad way.(Fonts, images, ..)
Is that related to the resolution ? If yes How I can solve it ?
How was your app developed? Is this a xaml/cs app or html/js app for windows 8 store apps? Is it in the store yet or only testing? Are multiple resolutions supported?
You'll want to test out various resolutions to see how your app handles them. Two links to test out here with your application:
Windows Store app Development Snack: Simulator tips & tricks
Scaling to different screensre
Another area to check is pixel density. Follow the guidelines for scaling to pixel density to ensure your app looks great when scaled.

Tile Based UI inside windows 8 store app

I am creating window 8 store app that will run on windows 8 tablets,
In my application I want to give tile based UI,
Can any one guide, how will it be possible or is there any controls available like HubTile Control for WP7... ?
Thanks And Regards,
Telerik has released the Windows 8 controls which includes the Hub tile as you mentioned for WP 7.
Check it out : http://www.telerik.com/products/windows-metro/controls/hubtile.aspx

is there something like a hubtile (WP7) in win 8 metro style?

i want to port one of my windows phone 7 apps to the windows 8 metro style plattform.
the problem is, that i need a element like the hubtile which i use from the silverlight toolkit for windows phone.
is there something equal in the windows 8 metro style platform? maybe open source like the silverlight toolkit.
i dont want to add the livetile outside my app, this is easy. i want to have something like hubtile for WP7 for win8. This means a tile which is inside my application.
If I'm right I'm planning to do the same task. I didn't find any reference of a control which performs like a HubTile. Thus, I decided importing the one from the Silverlight Toolkit (for Windows Phone). Luckily it worked almost smoothly, you can see my sample at:
https://github.com/hmadrigal/playground-dotnet/tree/master/MsWinPhone.EmbedFont (tested on Windows 8 RP and Visual Studio 2012 RC)
Kind regards,
you can work with the live tiles of course and in several ways. You can use badge notifications, toast notifications, and so on.
I'll suggest you to take a look to this documentation.
And also take a look to those two samples: App tiles and badge sample and Push and periodic notifications client-side sample
By the way don't forget to enable the features you need in the package manifest.