SQL Query for .005 - sql

I want to be able to do a SQL Query that gets all numbers that end in .005
Select * from amount where (numbers end in X.XX5)
I don't care what the numbers are for X

I am assuming you don't care what the first and second digit after the decimal is.Try this:
select * from MyTable where MyField like '%.__5'
The % specifies a substitution for 0 or more characters, and the underscores are a substitute for a single character.
If there are digits after the 5, use
select * from MyTable where MyField like '%.__5%'

SELECT * FROM amount WHERE numbers LIKE '%.005';

Try this:-
Select * from amount where number like '%.005'
Select * from amount where number like '%.005%'
Considering the data type of number as string


Where x character equal value

How can I select records where in the column Value the 5th character is letter A?
For example the following records:
ID Value
1 1234A5636A6363
2 1234A4343B6363
3 1234B5353A6363
if I run
select * from table
where Value like '%A%'
this will return all records
but all I want is the first 2 where the 5th character is A, regardless if there are more A characters in the text or not
select *
from your_table
where substring(Value, 5, 1) = 'A'
The LIKE operator, in addition to %, which matches any number of any character, can use _, which matches any one single character. You may try:
FROM yourTable
WHERE Value LIKE '____A%'; -- 4 underscores here
use like below by using _(underscore)
LIKE '____A%'
SQL Server
select *
from YourTableName
where CHARINDEX('A', ColumnName) = 5
Note:- This finds where string 'A' starts at position 5
AND specify Your ColumnName

like search on number column in SQL

How do I do a like search on a number column in SQL?
I want numbers which are like '0.0000%'.
I tried with
select * from emp where emp_id & '' like '123%'
select * from emp where CONVERT(varchar(20), emp_id) like '123%'
but in vain.
Please help me
Regardless of which DBMS you are using AND assuming you have a valid reason to do this, you have several ways to solve problems like these. I can think of three right now:
Convert the number to a string and use a LIKE operator on this:
select *
from emp
where to_char(emp_id) like '123%';
Use mathematical operators directly (like Andrey suggests), for example:
select *
from table
where num between 0 and 0.0001;
Construct a mathematical expression (actually, this is just another case of method 2), for example:
select *
from table
where abs(num - round(num, 5)) < 0.00001;
Use comparison operators (> and <):
select * from table where num > 0 and num < 0.00001
select 0.0001*1000 from dual if it is <1 means the 0.0001 has 3 or more zeros.
so i did like
select * from emp where emp_id*10000<1

How I can get the first 3 digits in 123456 Numbers in sql?

I have field called CallingParty in My CDR table it contains data like this:
I want to select the first 3 number of each of those numbers like
if CallingParty is of type int:
From CDR
SQL Server has a Left() function, but it works best on strings. (varchar/char in SQL)
Select left(cast(267672668788 as varchar), 3)
Use this query:
If the data length does not change then you can always divide by 10 * the digits you have
SELECT FLOOR(267672668788 / 1000000000)
Try this:
SELECT Substring(callingparty, 1, Length(callingparty) - 9)
FROM cdr;

How to get the byte size of resultset in an SQL query?

Is it possible to get the size in bytes of the results of an sql query in MySQL?
For example:
select * from sometable;
ths returns 10000 rows. I don't want the rows but the size of the resultset in bytes. Is it possible?
select sum(row_size)
from (
char_length(column4) ... <-- repeat for all columns
as row_size
from your_table
) as tbl1;
char_length for enum, set might not accurate, please take note
To build on Angelin's solution, if your data contains nulls, you'll want to add IFNULL to each column:
select sum(
ifnull(char_length(column1), 0) +
ifnull(char_length(column2), 0) +
ifnull(char_length(column3), 0) +
ifnull(char_length(column4), 0) ... <-- repeat for all columns
from your_table
simplify :
select sum(char_length(column1)+
char_length(column4) ... )<-- repeat for all columns
from your_table
You need to add IFNULL() to each column as #futilerebel has mentioned
CHAR_LENGTH() gets number of characters if unicode will be more bytes - use LENGTH() for number of bytes:https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/string-functions.html#function_length

How can I select the first 100 characters in SQL Server?

I want to truncate a column to a max of 100 characters. How do you do this in SQL Server?
Try this:
SELECT LEFT (your_column, 100) FROM your_table
you can also try something like this:
SELECT LEFT (your_column, LEN(your_column)-5) FROM your_table
for say if you want to trim the last 5 characters from a record.
You can also use the LEFT() function.
LEFT(col, 100)
SUBSTRING(myColumn, 1, 100)
See the docs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187748.aspx
substring is the method:
SUBSTRING ( value_expression ,start_expression , length_expression )
from the help.
For those records, with length less than 100, the actual value would be shown.
Otherwise, some databases induce blank characters in the resultant records.