xcode adding button to uitabbarcontroller is not clickable on landscape - objective-c

I am adding a simple button into a view on a tabbarcontroller to the bottom right of the view. This button is clickable only when it is on portrait, not when the app is flipped to landscape. The app is using autolayout, so I've added two constraints so it hugs the bottom right of the view on landscape and portrait. Horizontal space at 20 and Vertical space at 24. I've tried this on a UIViewController without the UITabBarController, and it works perfectly. But once the view is added to a tab, it stops working. How do I get this button clickable on both portrait and landscape?
This seems like a very simple setup, but I have no idea why this does not work.

I tried the same thing it works. Here is the sample code try to run it on your own simulator and on device.
Sample Project


Reload round rectangle groupped tableview in Landscape mode

I am using Boris's answer (objective-C) for custom tableview with round rectangle border.
Screenshot 1
It is working fine. It shows border around my custom tableView cells. When I rotate device in landscape mode then it also rotates but doesn't auto-resize border.
I also have a sliding menu that opens tableview screen. If I open tableview screen again in landscape mode using sliding menu button then it redraws cell border before cell appears and shows border correctly in landscape mode. So I know it appears correctly in landscape mode too but only when it reloads screen.
Screenshot 2
It should also redraw it upon rotation.I am trying to achieve it from last 2 days but it is not working anyhow. I tried to call willDisplayCell method manually in landscape mode but no success. I tried to refresh and reload tableView but none worked.
How do I fix it? Any help is appreciated.

Scroll view doesn't appear in Storyboard

I got an issue,
This morning i just discovered that i can't see the scrollview and all its contents from the storyboard. In the ViewController Scene, the Scroll view is like transparent, as you can see in the below screen.
The app is still working well in the simulator and i have no warnings
Any idea?
thanks in advance

xCode - Why can't I see this object on the view?

This might be a silly question, but why in the world can't I see the the following button that I simply dragged and dropped to the view from the interface builder?
I am using Simulator iPhone Retina (3.5 inch) / iOS 7. When I try to scroll to the bottom, the scrolling ends and I cannot see the button that I placed at the bottom. Why is that? Thanks.
EDIT: I didn't do anything fancy. I simply created a new single view app, and then dragged the button to the bottom of the view on storyboard and then clicked run.
Storyboard simulate size of 4 inch display. When you run it on 3.5 inch display, content at the bottom of the screen will be clipped.
Just add constraints to attach button to bottom of the screen.

iPad SplitView with UiScrollView on it shows bottom half of view in landscape

I have a simple iPad app with a UISplitView, I added a UIScrollView to the detail view and everything is fine in portrait orientation. When I go to landscape, the detail view only shows the bottom of the detail view and when I try to scroll to see the top of the view, it springs back down to showing just the bottom half. I am new to this and can't figure out what I am missing.
EDIT: Turning on all 4 Struts of the UIScrollView in IB took care of it.
Turning on all 4 Struts of the UIScrollView in IB took care of it.

Seems like it should be easy: Landscape Scrolling Text Field

I have a application that I am working on that is in landscape mode and does not rotate. However I can not get the text field to rotate. I have been putting in way to many hours so don't be to harsh if this is a easy answer...
Are you using Interface Builder to create the view? In that case, adding the UITextField to the UIView in landscape mode. In case you do not know how to use IB for creating views in landscape mode, open the UIView object in IB. There is a small arrow on the top-right corner of the view. Click on that arrow to rotate the view to landscape mode.
Edit your Info.plist file so that it includes the "Initial device orientation" key and specify UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft (the Home button should be to the right if an app opens in landscape, according to Apple's UI guidelines). Some samples come with this property already in the plist, but most don't.