Scroll view doesn't appear in Storyboard - objective-c

I got an issue,
This morning i just discovered that i can't see the scrollview and all its contents from the storyboard. In the ViewController Scene, the Scroll view is like transparent, as you can see in the below screen.
The app is still working well in the simulator and i have no warnings
Any idea?
thanks in advance


How to force a tableView to creep under navigationBar?

I have a tableView that I want to show under the top bar or the navigationBar, I mean to make it start under the top bar as if it was not there, because my navigationBar is transparent. This is basically how they do it lately in the iOS Music app when you are checking an album. Any idea how I can achieve this?
Okay I solved it, uncheck Adjust Scroll View Insets after clicking on your viewController in the Storyboard.

views, buttons in nsscrollview not appearing anymore

In my Xcode4 projects I was using the Interface Builder to add scrollviews to my xibs.
After that I could drag other buttons or views into that scrollview so that they
appeared as expected when the app started. Strangely after switching to Mavericks and Xcode5 neither the buttons nor views appear after dragging them onto the scrollview in IB. So without changes from my side the projects using scrollviews don't work correctly anymore. Before starting the app everything looks the same. In the IB Document-Outline they are shown after Clip-View. Like this: ->scrollview ->clipview ->nsview_iwant_to_add. The buttons and views are shown in the IB preview.
Anyone an idea? Should be easy to reproduce. Just drag a scrollview to a xib and drag another (colored)view/button onto that scrollview to see they're not appearing in the running application.
Solved this by adding constraints to the elements put in nsscrollview. min. width height. etc.
The problem seems to be related to the way autolayout treats objects inside the scrollview.

xcode adding button to uitabbarcontroller is not clickable on landscape

I am adding a simple button into a view on a tabbarcontroller to the bottom right of the view. This button is clickable only when it is on portrait, not when the app is flipped to landscape. The app is using autolayout, so I've added two constraints so it hugs the bottom right of the view on landscape and portrait. Horizontal space at 20 and Vertical space at 24. I've tried this on a UIViewController without the UITabBarController, and it works perfectly. But once the view is added to a tab, it stops working. How do I get this button clickable on both portrait and landscape?
This seems like a very simple setup, but I have no idea why this does not work.
I tried the same thing it works. Here is the sample code try to run it on your own simulator and on device.
Sample Project

Xcode storyboard ViewController is being cut in simulator. Why?

For some reason if i put a button at the bottom of the screen and then run the simulator it wont show. It is almost like it is cutting out the bottom of the view controller. I thought it was something to do with the settings of the simulator but I cant find anything.
Any help would be really appreciated, thanks

UIWebView doesn't respond to touches when drawn off screen

Ok, so I have a UIScrollView that contains several subviews, the subview I am having difficulties with is the UIWebView. When the webview is displayed on screen without having to scroll down the UIScrollView, everything works great (figure 1).
Where the problem starts is when the webview is loaded off the screen (figure 2), and scrolling is needed to view it (figure 3). The webview no longer responds to any user interaction.
I've tried some basic things like reloading the webview after the scrollViewDidEndDecelerating delegate is called, but nothing seemed to work. Has anyone encountered this before or have any suggestions on how to fix it?
Turns out this was working perfectly all along. Only problem was I had a wrapper UIView that contained the imageView and webview, but the wrapper wasn't getting resized, so touches outside its bounds weren't being respected. I just want to mention, a webview really shouldn't be placed in a scrollview. I'm only doing this because the webview is being sized according to its content and has scrolling disabled. Plus, there are currently no other views in the documentation that support links without heavy modification.