Standard iOS 7 blur implementation - cocoa-touch

I have read dozens of questions about mimicking iOS 7 blur effect in earlier versions of iOS. But the fundamental question that arises here is does iOS 7's UIKit really have a nice and convenient way to make any UIView blurred? That seems quite logical to me. Any help appreciated.

Apple has provided sample code to blur any UIImage in iOS 7's style.
Go to Apple Developer downloads and log in if necessary. Search for "imageeffects" to bring up the WWDC 2013 Sample Code entry, and download the iOS_UIImageEffects sample code.
In that project, there's a UIImage category in UIImage+ImageEffects.h that you can copy into your own project, containing the applyBlurWithRadius:... method.
You'll need to link your project with the Accelerate framework.
This won't automatically do a blur on a view in realtime — for that, see FXBlurView, which performs a similar technique by automatically snapshotting its superview. It can be pretty performance-intensive, though: consider first whether you can achieve what you want by statically blurring an image, rather than trying to "live"-blur moving content.

As of iOS 8.0 (not iOS 7), UIKit provides UIVisualEffectView and UIBlurEffect. You can watch WWDC 2014 Session 419 “Advanced Graphics and Animations for iOS Apps” (or just download the slides) for an introduction to these classes.
No, it doesn't. Apple has not exposed an interface for doing this conveniently. For example, if you read through this discussion, Rincewind's responses should make it clear that Apple doesn't provide a public API for this, and that the private APIs they use have serious limits and are likely to change.
You must implement the blur effect yourself. You'll probably want to use the new -[UIView drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates:] method to capture the appearance of the background view, and then apply a CIFilter to it to perform the blur.

UIKit does not have a convenient way of achieving this effect. However, there's a few libraries on Github that easily achieve this effect. Nick Lockwood's seems to be the most popular.


Library style app in Cocoa

I am planning to develop my first app in Cocoa. I have been collecting ideas for the UI and have settled in with the design very similar to iPhoto (i.e. library style or 'shoebox' application as referred by Apple's programming guide). In a nutshell I need master detail kind of setup like in iOS (iPad's UISplitview).
To achieve this should I put a NSSplitview and on the left panel have a NSTableView and on the right panel have a NSCollectionView?
Are there any examples/boilerplate or tutorials for creating app in OS X?
Your instincts are correct. You might decide eventually you want something more customizable that an NSCollectionView, but it’ll get you started fast and you can do most of what iPhoto does with it. (You can’t do rows with varying #s of items on them, like Delicious Library does, unless you write your own view.)

Objective-C, Methods for animating gui

I've created many types of interfaces using the Cocoa API — some of them using documented basic animation techniques and others simply by experimenting (such as placing an animated .gif inside an NSImage class) — which had somewhat catastrophic consequences. The question I have is what is the correct or the most effective way to create an animated and dynamic GUI so that it runs optimally and properly?
The closest example I can think of that would use a similar type of animation would be something one might see done in flash on any number of interactive websites or interfaces. I'm sure flash can be used in a Cocoa app, although if there is a way to achieve a similar result without re-inventing the wheel, or having to use 3rd party SDKs, I would love to get some input. Keep in mind I'm not just thinking of animation for games, iOS, etc. — I'm most interested in an animated GUI for Mac OS X, and making it 'flow' as one might interact in it.
If u wish to add many graphics animations, then go for OpenGLES based xcode project for iOS. That helps u to reduce performance problem. You can render each of the frames in gif as 2D texture.
I would recommend that you take a look at Core Animation. It is Apples framework for hardware accelerated animations for both OS X and iOS. It's built for making animated GUIs.
You can animate the property changes for things like position, opacity, color, transforms etc and also animate gradients with CAGradientLayer and animate non-rectagunal shapes using CAShapeLayer and a lot of other things.
A good resource to get you started is the Core Animation Programming Guide.

How should I design displaying a dynamic map? (Coordinates + Lines)

So I want to have a view (NSView, NSOpenGLView, something CG related?) which basically displays a map. Such as:
Obviously that looks horrible, but I did it using an NSView, and it draws SO slow. Clearly not designed for this.
I just need to allow users to click on the individual (x,y) coordinates to make changes, and zoom into a certain area (to see it better).
Should I go the OpenGL route? And if so - any suggestions as to how to get started? (I was able to follow the guide to draw a triangle, so that's good).
I did find this post on zooming in an NSView: How to implement zoom/scale in a Cocoa AppKit-application
My concern is if I'm drawing over 6000 coordinates and the lines connecting them, this isn't efficient at all.
I don't think using OpenGL would be of any good here. The problem does not seem to be the actual painting, but rather the rendering strategy. You would need a scene graph of some kind to dynamically handle level of detail and culling.
Qt has all this packaged in a nice class class QGraphicsScene (see for reference, and for an example).
Some basic concepts you should consider using:
Try using core graphics for this, really there is so much that could be done. Watch the video Practical Drawing for iOS Developers from WWDC 2011 and it should give an over view of what can be done with CG.
I believe even CoreGraphics will suffice for what you want to achieve, and that should work under a UIView if you draw the rectangle of your view completely under the DrawRect method of your UIView (you must overload this method). Please see the UIView Class Reference. I have a mobile application that logs points on the UIMapKit, kind of like Nike+, and it certainly works well for massive amounts of points/line segments. There is no reason why this simple approach cannot work for you as well.

Image Processing in iPhone

Actually I am adding Image Processing Feature in my iPhone Application It should do Brightness, Contrast, Sharpen, Exposure....
But i am not able to Find any article/Tutorial on the Internet. Will you please help me to find any tutorial or tell me how can i implement the iPhone View Based Application.
I have found 1 link its worked also for Brightness but its not working on iPad.
So Suggest something that i can start with my Image Processing Logic.
Rick Jackson
I personally like the approach in the GLImageProcessing project from Apple's sample code. Check it out.
There are a few libraries that support image processing in Quartz. There are even a few categories on UIImage to do some basic stuff.
The following are a few examples:
But as said before by #Felz those libraries are slow because they use the quartz codebase, which isn't that fast (for example: changing the saturation of an image with a resolution of 1024x1024 might take up to 4 to 8 seconds, depending on which device your using).
If your project is iOS 5 or higher then you should definitely consider using CoreImage
You can try GPUImage framework created by Brad Larson. It includes awesome image filters and also easy to use.

Cocoa: How to morph a drag image while dragging

In Interface (and some other cocoa apps), image dragging has a very nice/sexy effect of morphing the drag image while you drag a draggable item out of its window.
For example in Interface
Show the Library Palette (⇧⌘L, or Tools Menu -> Library)
Drag an item out of the Library palette
NOTE: as you drag the item out of the Library Palette window, it morphs from an image of the original list item to an image of the icon of the dragged item.
I have fully implemented drag and drop in my Application using the normal Cocoa NSDragSource/NSDragDestination facilities.
However, I can't find a hook for doing this image morph while dragging. I'm returning the initial drag image by overriding
-[NSView dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:]
But this is only called at the beginning of the drag.
How do you signal that you would like to replace the current drag image (ideally using the sexy morph effect).
You guys beat me to it. :-)
Yes, JLNDragEffectManager is open source (with attribution in your apps, please) and available on my blog. It should work fine as-is with no modification back to 10.5, but I'm not sure back any further. Others linked to it (and it's easily googleable), so to avoid self-congratulatory blog linking, I'll leave it at that.
Issues: One developer commented on (and submitted code to fix) the lack of dragging offset support. I've just not gotten around to posting the update. That's the only outstanding issue I'm aware of.
Improvements: I'd like to add multiple "zones" (say, one per document, so dragging from doc to doc keeps table rows looking like table rows, but anywhere outside doc windows turns them into a file icon a la HFS Promise Drag). Some day ...
Design: The post itself details the reasoning behind the design and the relatively simple morphing effect (cross-fade plus size are animated using basic NSAnimation, etc.). The code (the class as well as the demo app) is thoroughly blocked out and commented.
Won't link to my own post but would love the karma of upvotes for my effort. ;-)
UPDATE: Similar (but better-integrated) functionality is available as of 10.7. If you are targeting 10.7 or higher, it's best to use the new API. JLNDragEffectManager works fine on 10.7, so it can be used for earlier-targeted versions.
JNLDragEffectManager does exactly that. :)
The API does not support this well. Joshua Nozzi gives a method that looks reasonable in this weblog post.
IB's effect isn't that fancy. It's a crossfade and scale. Hold down shift to see it more clearly.
As of 10.7+ the current approach is to use the
API on NSDraggingInfo. The documentation is really poor but the ADC samples like MultiPhotoFrame or TableViewPlayground can give a good idea on how to use the new mechanism.