How to use sqlite bulk insert with windows 8 application? - windows-8

I want to use sqlite bulk insert with windows 8 application.. right now I am inserting one row at a time and it takes huge amount of time when working with lots and lots of rows. Can any one help me with this?

You can use InsertAll(...) or InsertAllAsync(...) method which takes IEnumerable<T> (List<T>, ObservableCollection<T>, etc) as parameter.


QSqlTableModel fetchMore() wildly inefficient

Looking around, with QSqlTableModel, the way to get all rows out of a table is
while( canFetchMore() ) {
The first select seems fine, but the fetchMore() seems to grab one row at a time. I'm hammering the Sql server and a fetch of about 350 rows is taking up to a couple of seconds, not to mention wasting a bunch of CPU.
The Database is SQL-Server. Is there no better way?
EDIT: After some digging and help from a DBA, I can confirm that I get different behavior out of two different databases. Unfortunately, they are the same version of SQL Server, and both are using the ODBC Driver on Linux (written by Microsoft). Under the sheets, one will select 256 rows, then each iteration of fetchMore() will select another 256 rows. For the other one, select() and fetchMore() will only get one row at a time, and is causing all kinds of problems.
My solution is, unfortunately, is to pass QSqlQuery to a QSqlDatabase.

how to handle query execution time (performance issue ) in oracle

I have situation need to execute patch script for million row of data.The current query execution time is not meet the expectation for few rows (18000) which is take around 4 hours( testing data before deploy for live ).
The patch script actually select million row of data in loop and update according to the specification , im just wonder how long it could take for million row of data since it take around 4 hour for just 18000 rows.
to overcome this problem im decided to create temp table hold the entire select statement data and proceed with the patch process using the temp table where the process could be bit faster compare select and update.
is there any other ways i can use to handle this situation ? Any suggestion and ways to solve this.
(Due to company policy im unable to post the PL/SQl script here )
seems there is no one can answer my question here i post my answer.
In oracle there is Parallel Execution which is allows spreading the processing of a single SQL statement across multiple threads.
So by using this method i solved my long running query (4 hours ) to 6 minz ..
For more information :

SQL*Net message from dblink wait event in Oracle

I have an INSERT query in Oracle 10g that is getting stuck on a "SQL*Net message from dblink" event. It looks like:
INSERT INTO my_table (A, B, C, ...)
SELECT A, B, C, ... FROM link_table#other_system;
I do not see any locks on my_table besides the one from the INSERT I'm trying to do. The SELECT query on link_table#other_system completes without any trouble when run on its own. I only get this issue when I try to do the INSERT.
Does anyone know what could be going on here?
The SELECT returns 4857 rows in ~1.5 mins when run alone. The INSERT was running over an hour with this wait message before I decided to kill it.
I found an error in my methods. I was using a date range to limit the results. The date range I used when testing the SELECT only was before the last OraStats run on the link_table, but the date range that I used when testing the INSERT was after the last OraStats run on the link_table. So, that mislead me to believe there was a problem with the INSERT. Not very scientific of me to do this; my mistake.
SQL*Net message from dblink generally means that your local system is waiting on the network to transfer the data across the network. It's a very normal wait event for this sort of query.
How many rows does the SELECT statement return? How much data (in MB/ GB) does that represent?
When you say that it "completes without any trouble on its own", are you actually fetching all the data? If you're using something like TOAD or SQL Developer, the GUI will generally fetch the first N rows and return to you. That can be very quick but it doesn't imply that the database is done executing the query-- it may take much more time to finish producing all the rows your query is going to return. It's pretty common for people to measure the time required to fetch the first N rows rather than the time to fetch the last row-- your INSERT statement, obviously, can't return until all the rows have been fetched from the remote table.
Are you using a /*+ driving_site(link_table) */ hint to make Oracle perform the joins on the remote server?
If so, that hint will not work with DML, as explained by Jonathan Lewis on this page.
This may be a rare case where running the query just as a SELECT uses a very different plan than running the query as part of an INSERT. (You will definitely want to learn how to generate explain plans in your environment. Most tools have a button to do this.)
As Andras Gabor recommended in the link, you may want to use PL/SQL BULK COLLECT to improve performance. This may be a rare case where PL/SQL will work faster than SQL.

mysqldumpslow: What does these fields indicate..?

Recently we have started on optimizing live slow queries. As part of that, we thought to use mysqldumpslow to prioritize slow queries. I am new to this tool. I am able to understand some basic info, but I would like to know what exactly the below fields in the out put will tell us.
OUTPUT: Count: 6 Time=22.64s (135s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=1.0 (6)
What about the below fields ?
Time : Is it the average time taken of all these 6 times of occurance...?
135s : What is this 135 seconds....?
Rows=1.0 (6): again what does this mean...?
I didn't find a better explanation. Really thanks in advance.
I made a research for that coz i wanted to know that too.
I have a log from a pretty highly used DB server.
The command mysqldumpslow has several optional parameters (, including sort by (-s)
thanks to many queries I can work with, I can tell, that:
value before brackets represents an average value from all the same queries within to group ('count' in total) and the value within brackets is the maximum value of one of the queries. Meaning, in your case:
you have a query that was called 6 times, it is executed within 22.64 seconds (average), but once it took about 135 seconds to execute it. The same applies for locks (if provided) and rows. So most of the time it returns about one row, however it returned 6 rows at least once

Sending huge vector to a Database in R

Good afternoon,
After computing a rather large vector (a bit shorter than 2^20 elements), I have to store the result in a database.
The script takes about 4 hours to execute with a simple code such as :
#Do the processing
#Sends every thing to the database
What do you think is the most efficient way to do this?
I thought about using the same query to insert multiple records (multiple inserts) but it simply comes back to "chucking" the data.
Is there any vectorized function do send that into a database?
Interestingly, the code takes a huge amount of time before starting to process the first element of the vector. That is, if I place a browser() call inside sendToDB, it takes 20 minutes before it is reached for the first time (and I mean 20 minutes without taking into account the previous line processing the data). So I was wondering what R was doing during this time?
Is there another way to do such operation in R that I might have missed (parallel processing maybe?)
PS: here is a skelleton of the sendToDB function:
sendToDB<-function(id,data) {
query<-paste("INSERT INTO history VALUE(",id,",\"",data,"\")",sep="")
That's the idea.
I am at the moment trying out the LOAD DATA INFILE command.
I still have no idea why it takes so long to reach the internal function of the lapply for the first time.
LOAD DATA INFILE is indeed much quicker. Writing into a file line by line using write is affordable and write.table is even quicker.
The overhead I was experiencing for lapply was coming from the fact that I was looping over POSIXct objects. It is much quicker to use seq(along.with=myVector) and then process the data from within the loop.
What about writing it to some file and call LOAD DATA INFILE? This should at least give a benchmark. BTW: What kind of DBMS do you use?
Instead of your sendToDB-function, you could use sqlSave. Internally it uses a prepared insert-statement, which should be faster than individual inserts.
However, on a windows-platform using MS SQL, I use a separate function which first writes my dataframe to a csv-file and next calls the bcp bulk loader. In my case this is a lot faster than sqlSave.
There's a HUGE, relatively speaking, overhead in your sendToDB() function. That function has to negotiate an ODBC connection, send a single row of data, and then close the connection for each and every item in your list. If you are using rodbc it's more efficient to use sqlSave() to copy an entire data frame over as a table. In my experience I've found some databases (SQL Server, for example) to still be pretty slow with sqlSave() over latent networks. In those cases I export from R into a CSV and use a bulk loader to load the files into the DB. I have an external script set up that I call with a system() call to run the bulk loader. That way the load is happening outside of R but my R script is running the show.