SQL: Want to alter the conditions on a join depending on values in table - sql

I have a table called Member_Id which has a column in it called Member_ID_Type. The select statement below returns the value of another column, id_value from the same table. The join on the tables in the select statement is on the universal id column. There may be several entries in that table with this same universal id.
I want to adjust the select statement so that it will return the id_values for entries that have member_id_type equal to '7'. However if this is null then I want to return records that have member_id_type equal to '1'
So previously I had a condition on the join (commented out below) but that just returned records that had member_id_type equal to '7' and otherwise returned null.
I think I may have to use a case statement here but I'm not 100% sure how to use it in this scenario
SELECT TOP 1 cm.Contact_Relation_Gid,
FROM Contact_Member cm (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN Member_Coverage mc (NOLOCK)
ON cm.contact_relation_gid = mc.contact_relation_gid
AND mc.Record_Status = 'A'
INNER JOIN Subscriber_Coverage sc (NOLOCK)
ON mc.Subscriber_Coverage_PKID = sc.Subscriber_Coverage_PKID
AND mc.Record_Status = 'A'
LEFT outer JOIN Member_ID mi ON mi.Universal_ID = cm.Contact_Gid
--AND mi.Member_ID_Type_PKID='7'
WHERE cm.Contact_Relation_Gid = #Contact_Relation_Gid
AND cm.Record_Status = 'A'

Join them both, and use one if the other is not present:
select bt.name
, coalesce(eav1.value, eav2.value) as Value1OrValue2
from BaseTable bt
left join EavTable eav1
on eav1.id = bt.id
and eav1.type = 1
left join EavTable eav2
on eav2.id = bt.id
and eav2.type = 2
This query assumes that there is never more than one record with the same ID and Type.


Trying to update a field conditionally in SQL Stored Procedure

I have a procedure that populates two sets of application information into the same fields. First the fields are filled out with applicable accounts from group "A" and then the same process happens for group "B" accounts.
Most of the group B fields are filled in by a insert/select statement. However, the query to select "account number" is a little more complex and that is in an UPDATE statement. I will paste the code below but I cannot get it to properly update the rows (for group B) with account numbers, despite the fact the query works on its own outside the procedure (essentially, the account numbers do exist).
Any idea why? I tried adding a case statement to single out group B rows (the where clause is hardcoded for group B... e.g. clfcode = 3) but that didn't work. Let me know if you need more information. I haven't much experience with update statements in stored procedures.
update src
set account_key = case when src.clfcode = 3 and src.branch_key = 12 then a.account_key else src.account_key end
from #src_table src
inner join SDFDW_Landing.cu.FICS_ms_Investor_Loan l
on l.loan_id = src.application_number
left join dm.dim_product p
on p.product_key = src.product_key
left join (
Select Distinct t.PARENTACCOUNT, t.USERCHAR1 as loan_id
from SDFDW_Landing.dbo.tracking t
where t.TYPE = 1
and t.ProcessDate = #v_max_last_processed_date
and t.USERCHAR1 is not null
) t on t.loan_id = l.loan_id
left join dm.dim_account a
on t.PARENTACCOUNT = a.account_nkey
WHERE p.bdw_report_category = 'Mortgage'
and l.processdate = #v_max_last_processed_date
The join on a subquery might cause the issue. You could try to replace it with an apply and see if that helps.
account_key =
src.clfcode = 3
and src.branch_key = 12
#src_table src
inner join
SDFDW_Landing.cu.FICS_ms_Investor_Loan l
on l.loan_id = src.application_number
left join
dm.dim_product p
on p.product_key = src.product_key
outer apply (
dm.dim_account acc
inner join
SDFDW_Landing.dbo.tracking t
on acc.account_nkey = t.parentaccount
t.TYPE = 1
and t.ProcessDate = #v_max_last_processed_date
and t.USERCHAR1 is not null
and t.loan_id = l.loan_id
) a
p.bdw_report_category = 'Mortgage'
and l.processdate = #v_max_last_processed_date
alternatively since you are already within a stored procedure, I'd populate a temp table with the data from your subquery and simply join on that temp table from your update statement.

SQL statement return matching records from join and null records from join

I have a db with records like the following structure in the table;
19 ,"start","2012-02",NULL
20 ,"end","2012-03",19
21 , "start",2012-04,NULL
I have and entire db set up like this where the fid in some cases matches the id of another record. Id like to return all records that have matching start and end dates and just the start date if it doesn't have a corresponding end date fid like below:
19 ,"start","2012-02","end","2012-03"
21 , "start,"2012-04,"",NULL
I think you want a left join:
select t.fid, t.date as start_date, tf.date as end_date
from t left join
t tf
on tf.id = t.fid
where t.msg = 'start'
This assumes that there are only two types of records and fid is always non-NULL for 'end' records.
You just need a LEFT OUTER JOIN to your table. You can use an alias to refer to each instance:
SELECT startdt.id, startdt.msg, startdt.date, enddt.msg, enddt.date
FROM yourtable as startdt
LEFT OUTER JOIN yourtable as enddt
ON startdt.fid = enddt.id
AND enddt.msg = 'end'
WHERE startdt.msg = 'start'

Display Y/N column if record found in detail table

I'm trying to create a query so that I can have a column show Y/N if a particular item was ordered for a group of orders. The item I'm looking for would be OLI.id = '538'.
So my results would be:
Order#, Customer#, FreightPaid
12345, 00112233, Y
12346, 00112233, N
I cannot figure out if I need to use a subquery or the where exists function ?
Here's my current query:
SELECT distinct
Accountuid as Customerno
FROM [SMILEWEB_live].[dbo].[OrderLog] OL
inner join Orderlog_item OLI on OLI.orderlogkey = OL.[key]
inner join Account A on A.uid = OL.Accountuid
where A.GroupId = 'X9955'
and OL.CreateDate >= GETDATE() - 60
I would suggest an exists clause instead of a join:
select ol.OrderID, ol.Accountuid as Customerno,
(case when exists (select 1
from Orderlog_item OLI join
Account A
on A.uid = OL.Accountuid
where OLI.orderlogkey = OL.[key] and A.GroupId = 'X9955'
then 1 else 0
end) as flag
from [SMILEWEB_live].[dbo].[OrderLog] OL
where OL.CreateDate >= GETDATE() - 60;
This prevents a couple of problems. First, duplicate rows which are caused when there are multiple matching rows (and select distinct add unnecessary overhead). Second, missing rows, which happen when you use inner join instead of an outer join.

SQL Join / Union

I have two statements that I want to merge into one output.
Statement One:
select name from auxiliary_variable_inquiry
where inquiry_idbr_code = '063'
Returns the following list of names:
Statement Two:
select name, value from auxiliary_variable_value
where inquiry_idbr_code = '063'
and ru_ref = 20120000008
and period = 200912
Returns the following:
Name Value
Affiliates 112
NetBookValue 225.700
I would like to have an output like this:
Name Value
Affiliates 112
NetBookValue 225.700
Parents 0
Worldbase 0
So basically, if the second query only returns 2 names and values, I'd still like to display the complete set of names from the first query, with no values. If all four values were returned by both queries, then all four would be displayed.
Sorry I must add, im using Ingres SQL so im unable to use the ISNULL function.
You can do a left join. This ensures that all records from the first table will stay included. Where value is null, no child record was found, and we use coalesce to display 0 in these cases.
select i.name, COALESCE(v.Value,0) from auxiliary_variable_inquiry i
left join auxiliary_variable_value v
on v.inquiry_idbr_code = i.inquiry_idbr_code
and v.ru_ref = 20120000008
and v.period = 200912
where i.inquiry_idbr_code = '063'
I'd recommend a self-JOIN using the LEFT OUTER JOIN syntax. Include your 'extra' conditions from the second query in the JOIN condition, while the first conditions stay in the WHERE, like this:
select a.name, CASE WHEN b.Value IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE b.Value END AS Value
auxiliary_variable_inquiry a
auxiliary_variable_inquiry b ON
a.name = b.name and -- replace this with your real ID-based JOIN
a.inquiry_idbr_code = b.inquiry_idbr_code AND
b.ru_ref = 20120000008 AND
b.period = 200912
where a.inquiry_idbr_code = '063'
if i got right, you should use something like:
FROM auxiliary_variable_inquiry i
LEFT JOIN auxiliary_variable_value v
ON i.inquiry_idbr_code = v.inquiry_idbr_code
WHERE v.ru_ref = 20120000008
AND v.period = 200912

Doing an Update Ignore in SQL Server 2005

I have a table where I wish to update some of the rows. All the fields are not null. I'm doing a sub-query, and I wish to update the table with the non-Null results.
See Below for my final answer:
In MySQL, I solve this problem by doing an UPDATE IGNORE. How do I make this work in SQL Server 2005? The sub-query uses a four-table Join to find the data to insert if it exists. The Update is being run against a table that could have 90,000+ records, so I need a solution that uses SQL, rather than having the Java program that's querying the database retrieve the results and then update those fields where we've got non-Null values.
Update: My query:
UPDATE #SearchResults SET geneSymbol = (
SELECT TOP 1 symbol.name FROM
GeneSymbol AS symbol JOIN GeneConnector AS geneJoin
ON symbol.id = geneJoin.geneSymbolID
JOIN Result AS sSeq ON geneJoin.sSeqID = sSeq.id
JOIN IndelConnector AS joiner ON joiner.sSeqID = sSeq.id
WHERE joiner.indelID = #SearchResults.id ORDER BY symbol.id ASC)
If I add "AND symbol.name IS NOT NULL" to either WHERE I get a SQL error. If I run it as is I get "adding null to a non-null column" errors. :-(
Thank you all, I ended up finding this:
UPDATE #SearchResults SET geneSymbol =
ISNULL ((SELECT TOP 1 symbol.name FROM
GeneSymbol AS symbol JOIN GeneConnector AS geneJoin
ON symbol.id = geneJoin.geneSymbolID
JOIN Result AS sSeq ON geneJoin.sSeqID = sSeq.id
JOIN IndelConnector AS joiner ON joiner.sSeqID = sSeq.id
WHERE joiner.indelID = #SearchResults.id ORDER BY symbol.id ASC), ' ')
While it would be better not to do anything in the null case (so I'm going to try to understand the other answers, and see if they're faster) setting the null cases to a blank answer also works, and that's what this does.
Note: Wrapping the ISNULL (...) with () leads to really obscure (and wrong) errors.
with UpdatedGenesDS (
select joiner.indelID, name, row_number() over (order by symbol.id asc) seq
GeneSymbol AS symbol JOIN GeneConnector AS geneJoin
ON symbol.id = geneJoin.geneSymbolID
JOIN Result AS sSeq ON geneJoin.sSeqID = sSeq.id
JOIN IndelConnector AS joiner ON joiner.sSeqID = sSeq.id
WHERE name is not null ORDER BY symbol.id ASC
update Genes
set geneSymbol = upd.name
from #SearchResults a
inner join UpdateGenesDs upd on a.id = b.intelID
where upd.seq =1 and isSNV = 0
this handles the null completely as all are filtered out by the where predicate (can also be filtered by join predicate if You wish. Is it what You are looking for?
Here's another option, where only those rows in #SearchResults that are succesfully joined will be udpated. If there are no null values in the underlying data, then the inner joins will pull in no null values, and you won't have to worry about filtering them out.
UPDATE #SearchResults
set geneSymbol = symbol.name
from #SearchResults sr
inner join IndelConnector AS joiner
on joiner.indelID = sr.id
inner join Result AS sSeq
on sSeq.id = joiner.sSeqID
inner join GeneConnector AS geneJoin
on geneJoin.sSeqID = sSeq.id
-- Get "lowest" (i.e. first if listed alphabetically) value of name for each id
inner join (select id, min(name) name
from GeneSymbol
group by id) symbol
on symbol.id = geneJoin.geneSymbolID
where isSNV = 0 -- Which table is this value from?
(There might be some syntax problems, without tables I can't debug it)