Pass a viewmode edit/add to the durandaljs wizard - durandal
When I look at this wizard I ask myself how can I pass a variable - like the mode being in an edit or add-mode for the wizard - to the index.js which creates step1, step2 and step3.
I do not see where I could pass this data because the index.js which is the main-wizard holding all steps is created by durandal dynamically.
So how can I pass data to the index.js so that I can decide wether I run the service.create() or service.edit() function to get different data etc...
define(['durandal/app','plugins/dialog', 'knockout', 'services/dataservice', 'plugins/router', 'moment'], function (app, dialog, ko, dataservice, router, moment) {
var SchoolyearDialog = function () {
var self = this;
self.activeScreen = ko.observable('viewmodels/SchoolyearBrowser'); // set the schoolyear browser as default module
app.on('startWizard').then(function (obj) {
app.on('dialog:close').then(function (options) {
dialog.close(self, options );
self.closeDialog = function () {
dialog.close(self, { isSuccess: false });
} = function () {
return SchoolyearDialog());
The SchoolyearDialog module is in control which screen is shown. And the SchoolyearDialog has subscribed to the startWizard event. The startWizard event is fired by pressing the createWizard button. There is also an editWizard button which would fire another event like startWizardEdit. Either the activeScreen is set to the default module id: 'viewmodels/SchoolyearBrowser' or to
the module id: 'viewmodels/SchoolyearWizard' which loads the wizard
Is it possible somehow to pass the activeScreen property a value (viewMode) and retrieve it inside the wizard module holding the steps?

I've update the initial example slightly, so that it better fits this use case.
In index.js you'd have to create an instance of the wizard, which you then pass into the activeScreen observable (you can opt for an activator here as well if you need the full Durandal event lifecyle).
Take a look at to see it in action.
define(['durandal/activator', 'knockout', './wizard'], function( activator, ko, Wizard ) {
var ctor = function() {
this.activeScreen = ko.observable();
ctor.prototype.activate = function( wizId ) {
// Get wizard data based on wizId from the backend
var json =
{"id": "wizard001", "mode": "create", "steps": [
{"id": "s001", "name": "step one", "props": {"prop1": "a", "prop2": "b"}},
{"id": "s002", "name": "step twoe", "props": {"prop3": "a", "prop4": "b"}},
{"id": "s003", "name": "step three", "props": {"prop5": "a", "prop6": "b"}},
{"id": "s004", "name": "step four", "props": {"prop7": "a", "prop8": "b"}},
{"id": "s005", "name": "step five", "props": {"prop9": "a", "prop10": "b"}}
this.activeScreen(new Wizard(json));
return ctor;
define(['durandal/activator', './step', 'knockout'], function( activator, Step, ko ) {
var ctor = function( options ) {
this.stepsLength = ko.computed(function() {
return this.steps().length;
}, this);
this.hasPrevious = ko.computed(function() {
return this.step() > 0;
}, this);
this.hasNext = ko.computed(function() {
return (this.step() < this.stepsLength() - 1);
}, this);
ctor.prototype.init = function( options ) {
var json = options;;
function createSteps ( steps ) {
var result = [];
$.each(steps, function( idx, obj ) {
result.push(new Step(obj));
return result;
return ctor;
define(['knockout'], function( ko ) {
var Property = function( id, val ) { = id,
this.val = ko.observable(val);
var ctor = function( options ) {
this._options = options || {}; = ko.observable(); = ko.observable();
this.props = ko.observableArray([]);
ctor.prototype.init = function( options ) { || ''); || '');
function createProperties (props) {
var result = [];
$.each(props, function( prop, val ) {
result.push(new Property(prop, val));
return result;
return ctor;
Feel free to fork and I'm taking pull requests ;-)


Zapier Dynamic Custom Fields

I am trying to offer custom fields from a platform as input fields I have done this in the past with another platform and with Zapiers older UI. It does not seem to be that simple now.
const options = {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-API-KEY': bundle.authData.ApiKey
params: {
'ApiKey': bundle.authData.ApiKey
return z.request(options).then((response) => {
const results = response.json;
const col = results.DatabaseColumns.filter((item) => item.IsCustom).map((item) => {
return {
id: item["ColumnName"],
return col});
That is what I am trying to use for the Action. I am using this same does for a Trigger and it works there, but not as Dynamic Field Option along with other standard inputs.
Not sure if I need to tweak the code or if I can invoke the data that the Trigger would pull?
Here is the visual of the fields, but I need it to pull and offer the custom fields. This would be like favorite color, etc.
Image of Zap
Any help is appreciated.
I was able to use this code:
// Configure a request to an endpoint of your api that
// returns custom field meta data for the authenticated
// user. Don't forget to congigure authentication!
const options = {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-API-KEY': bundle.authData.ApiKey
params: {
'ApiKey': bundle.authData.ApiKey
return z.request(options).then((response) => {
const results = response.json;
var col = results.DatabaseColumns.filter((item) => item.IsCustom).map((item) => {
return {
key: item["ColumnName"],
value: item["ColumnName"]
//var col = col.filter(items => ['FirstName', 'LastName'].indexOf(items) >= 0 )
for (var i = col.length; i--;) {
if (col[i].key === 'FirstName' || col[i].key === 'LastName' ) {
col.splice(i, 1);
return col});
return [
"key": "FirstName",
"value":"First Name"
"key": "LastName",
"value": "Last Name"
"key": "Test",
"value": "Test 2"

Column Visibility is not restored from a saved state via stateLoadCallback

I have added the Column Visibility button to choose to show or hide certain columns. I'm saving the state in a database, I call the stateSaveCallback function via a click on a button.
I cant find documentation about retrieving data this way, so I just link to the page and pass variables to get the data back from the database, and then load that using stateLoadCallback.
Now all this works fine, EXCEPT the column visibility is not restored. It is in the JSON data being returned though.
Here is my full code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$.extend( jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
"date-uk-pre": function (a){
return parseInt(moment(a, "DD/MM/YYYY").format("X"), 10);
"date-uk-asc": function (a, b) {
return a - b;
"date-uk-desc": function (a, b) {
return b - a;
var edit_date_col_num = $('th:contains("Edit Date")').index();
var entry_date_col_num = $('th:contains("Entry Date")').index();
var table = $('.mainTable').DataTable( {
pageLength: 50,
colReorder: true,
stateSave: true,
columnDefs: [
{ "type": "date-uk", targets: [ edit_date_col_num, entry_date_col_num ] }
dom: 'Blfrtip',
buttons: [
'copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'print',
extend: 'colvis',
collectionLayout: 'fixed four-column',
postfixButtons: [ 'colvisRestore' ]
$id = $this->input->get('id');
$action = $this->input->get('action');
if(isset($action) && $action == 'load' && isset($id) && $id != '') :
"stateLoadCallback": function (settings) {
var o;
// Send an Ajax request to the server to get the data. Note that
// this is a synchronous request since the data is expected back from the
// function
$.ajax( {
"url": EE.BASE + "&C=addons_modules&M=show_module_cp&module=ion&method=state_save&action=load&id=<?php echo $id;?>",
"async": false,
"dataType": "json",
"success": function (response) {
response = JSON.parse(response);
o = response;
return o;
initComplete: function (settings) {
this.api().columns().every( function () {
var column = this;
var select = $('<select><option value=""></option></select>')
.appendTo( $(column.footer()).empty() )
.on( 'change', function () {
var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex(
.search( val ? '^'+val+'$' : '', true, false )
} ); function ( d, j ) {
select.append( '<option value="'+d+'">'+d+'</option>' )
} );
} );
// Need to re-apply the selection to the select dropdowns
var cols = settings.aoPreSearchCols;
for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++)
var value = cols[i].sSearch;
if (value.length > 0)
value = value.replace("^", "").replace("$","");
$("tfoot select").eq(i).val(value);
} );
// Save a datatables state by clicking the save button
$( ".save_state" ).click(function(e) {
$('.mainTable').DataTable( {
colReorder: true,
stateSave: true,
"stateSaveCallback": function (settings, data) {
var save_name = $('.save_name').val();
// Send an Ajax request to the server with the state object
$.ajax( {
"url": EE.BASE + "&C=addons_modules&M=show_module_cp&module=ion&method=state_save&action=save&save_name="+save_name,
"data": data,
"dataType": "json",
"type": "POST",
"success": function (response)
} );
window.location.replace(EE.BASE + "&C=addons_modules&M=show_module_cp&module=ion&method=applications");
$( ".clear_state" ).click(function(e) {
window.location.replace(EE.BASE + "&C=addons_modules&M=show_module_cp&module=ion&method=applications");
} );
Here is the saved JSON with several visible false in the beginning (which are visible once loaded):
In my case datatables rejects old data according to "stateDuration" and "time" properties..
Solution: ignore state duration
"stateSave": true,
"stateDuration": -1,
Above case:
"visible":"false" may should be "visible":false
After a while of debugging this myself here's what worked for me..
This issue is that all the values in your JSON are strings and they need to be of correct datatypes for the datatables plugin.
Within the "stateSaveCallback" ajax request to save your state I did the following to the json string and then it saved all the values properly which then loaded the state as it should.
"stateSaveCallback": function (settings, data) {
var save_name = $('.save_name').val();
// Send an Ajax request to the server with the state object
$.ajax( {
"url": EE.BASE + "&C=addons_modules&M=show_module_cp&module=ion&method=state_save&action=save&save_name="+save_name,
//"data": data,
"data": JSON.stringify(data), // change to this..
"dataType": "json",
"type": "POST",
"success": function (response)
} );

Trouble getting m.request to auto-cast to a class in Mithril

I have defined a class and am asking m.request to cast a web service's JSON response to it, but each of the class properties come out equal to n/b(), and my view renders each property as function (){return arguments.length&&(a=arguments[0]),a}.
If I do not attempt to auto-cast the JSON response to my class in m.request, then my view renders just fine, which I think tells me that the JSON object returned by the web service is valid JSON.
I want to use my class. What is wrong?
Here is an edited sample of the JSON returned by the web service:
"q":"blah blah",
"heading":"A Great Heading",
"title":"A Title",
"content":["Blah blah blah blah blee blah."]
"heading":"Another Heading",
"title":"Another Title",
"content":["My bonny lies over the ocean."]
Here is my Mithril app:
var findus = {};
findus.Document = function (data) { = m.prop(;
this.title = m.prop(data.title);
this.heading = m.prop(data.heading);
this.identifier = m.prop(data.identifer);
this.url = m.prop("//" + data.url + "#" + data.identifier);
findus.vm = (function() {
var vm = {};
vm.init = function () {
// user input
vm.queryText = m.prop(""); = function () {
if (vm.queryText()) {
vm.results = m.request({
method: "GET",
url: "/prd/query?q=" + vm.queryText(),
type: findus.Document,
unwrapSuccess: function (response) {
unwrapError: function (response) {
return vm;
findus.controller = function () {
findus.view = function () {
return [
m("input", {onchange: m.withAttr("value", findus.vm.queryText), value: findus.vm.queryText()}),
m("button", {onclick:}, "Search"),
findus.vm.results ? m("div", [
findus.vm.results().map(function (result) {
return m("div", [
m("h2", result.heading),
m("p", result.content),
m("a", {href: result.url}, result.url)
]) : ""
m.module(document.body, {controller: findus.controller, view: findus.view});
Oh, bugger. I forgot that my class properties are getter/setters via m.prop, so I should have been calling them as functions in the view -- see below.
False alarm, problem solved, I'm embarrassed.
findus.view = function () {
return [
m("input", {onchange: m.withAttr("value", findus.vm.queryText), value: findus.vm.queryText()}),
m("button", {onclick:}, "Search"),
findus.vm.results ? m("div", [
findus.vm.results().map(function (result) {
return m("div", [
m("h2", result.heading()),
m("a", {href: result.url()}, result.url())
]) : ""

Inheritance for durandal (HotTowel) viewmodels?

Simple question, pretty sure it's a complicated answer :)
Is it possible to implement some form of inheritance for viewmodels in Durandal?
So if you have a viewmodel something like this:
define(['durandal/app', 'services/datacontext', 'durandal/plugins/router', 'services/logger'],
function (app, datacontext, router, logger) {
var someVariable = ko.observable();
var isSaving = ko.observable(false);
var vm = {
activate: activate,
someVariable : someVariable,
refresh: refresh,
cancel: function () { router.navigateBack(); },
hasChanges: ko.computed(function () { return datacontext.hasChanges(); }),
canSave: ko.computed(function () { return datacontext.hasChanges() && !isSaving(); }),
goBack: function () { router.navigateBack(); },
save: function() {
return datacontext.saveChanges().fin(function () { isSaving(false); })
canDeactivate: function() {
if (datacontext.hasChanges()) {
var msg = 'Do you want to leave and cancel?';
return app.showMessage(msg, 'Navigate Away', ['Yes', 'No'])
.then(function(selectedOption) {
if (selectedOption === 'Yes') {
return selectedOption;
return true;
return vm;
//#region Internal Methods
function activate(routeData) {
logger.log('View Activated for id {' + + '}, null, 'View', true);
function refresh(id) {
return datacontext.getById(client, id);
Is it possible to make that into some kind of base type and inherit further viewmodels from it, being able to extend the requires list and so on?
There is another question on this, but the viewmodels don't appear to be quite the same as the one's that I build for durandal/HotTowel.
I'm pretty sure this can be accomplished with jQuery's extend method. This just occurred to me, so there may be something that I'm missing, but a basic example would be something along the lines of:
... your mentioned viewmodel
define(['basevm'], function (basevm) {
var someNewObservable = ko.observable();
var vm = $.extend({
someNewObservable : someNewObservable
}, basevm);
return vm;
Please let me know if this works. I just coded from the top of my head and it hasn't been tested.
Just based off what your saying I came up with this. Let me know if this works for you and if it doesn't then let me know what I did wrong.
define(['durandal/app', 'services/datacontext', 'durandal/plugins/router', 'services/logger'],
function (app, datacontext, router, logger) {
var vm = function () {
var self = this;
this.someVariable = ko.observable();
this.isSaving = ko.observable(false);
this.hasChanges = ko.computed(function () { return datacontext.hasChanges(); });
this.canSave = ko.computed(function () { return datacontext.hasChanges() && !self.isSaving(); });
vm.prototype = {
activate: function (routeData) {
logger.log('View Activated for id {' + + '}', null, 'View', true);
refresh: function (id) {
return datacontext.getById(client, id);
cancel: function () {
goBack: function () { router.navigateBack(); },
save: function() {
var self = this;
return datacontext.saveChanges().fin(function () { self.isSaving(false); })
canDeactivate: function() {
if (datacontext.hasChanges()) {
var msg = 'Do you want to leave and cancel?';
return app.showMessage(msg, 'Navigate Away', ['Yes', 'No'])
.then(function(selectedOption) {
if (selectedOption === 'Yes') {
return selectedOption;
return true;
return vm;
parent viewmodel
define([viewmodelBase], function (vmbase) {
var vm1 = new vmbase();
vm1.newProperty = "blah";
var vm2 = new vmbase();
I wrote a post on my blog that addresses this issue. In short, I use prototypical inheritance for all of my modal dialog views in one of my projects. Here's the link to the post I wrote (feel free to skip to the code part) and a jsFiddle example that demonstrates it.
Simplified example that can work in Durandal (NOTE: each view-model returns its constructor function, not an object):
function(system) {
var modal = function () { = 'Modal';
modal.prototype = {
activate: function() {
system.log( + ' activating');
attached: function(view) {
system.log( + ' attached');
deactivate: function() {
system.log( + ' deactivating');
detached: function(view, parent) {
system.log( + ' detached');
return modal;
define(['durandal/system', 'viewmodels/modal'],
function(system, Modal) {
var child = function() { = 'Child Modal';
// inherits from Modal
child.prototype = new Modal();
child.prototype.constructor = child;
child.prototype._super = Modal.prototype;
// overrides Modal's activate() method
child.prototype.activate = function() {; // we can still call it from the _super property
system.log( + ' activating [overridden version]');
return child;
I prefer this implementation because it supports code reuse, conforms to OOP principles as best as javascript allows, and it gives me the ability to call the base class' methods via the _super property when I need to. You can easily convert this as needed.

Routing/Modularity in Dojo (Single Page Application)

I worked with backbone before and was wondering if there's a similar way to achieve this kind of pattern in dojo. Where you have a router and pass one by one your view separately (like layers) and then you can add their intern functionality somewhere else (e.g inside the view) so the code is very modular and can be change/add new stuff very easily. This code is actually in jquery (and come from a previous project) and it's a "common" base pattern to develop single application page under jquery/backbone.js .
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"home" : "home"},
home: function(){
if (!this.homeView) {
this.homeView= new HomeView();
utils.loadTemplate(['HomeView'], function() {
app = new AppRouter();
loadTemplate: function(views, callback) {
var deferreds = [];
$.each(views, function(index, view) {
if (window[view]) {
deferreds.push($.get('tpl/' + view + '.html', function(data) {
window[view].prototype.template = _.template(data);
} else {
alert(view + " not found");
$.when.apply(null, deferreds).done(callback);
window.HomeView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
render:function () {
return this;
And basically, you just pass the html template. This pattern can be called anywhere with this link:
<li class="active"><i class="icon-home"></i> Dashboard</li>
Or, what is the best way to implement this using dojo boilerplate.
The 'boilerplate' on this subject is a dojox.mvc app. Reference is here.
From another aspect, see my go at it a while back, ive setup an abstract for 'controller' which then builds a view in its implementation.
Then i have an application controller, which does following on its menu.onClick
which fires loading icon,
unloads current pane (if forms are not dirty)
loads modules it needs (defined 'routes' in a main-menu-store)
setup view pane with a new, requested one
Each view is either simply a server-html page or built with a declared 'oocms' controller module. Simplest example of abstract implementation here . Each implements an unload feature and a startup feature where we would want to dereference stores or eventhooks in teardown - and in turn, assert stores gets loaded etc in the setup.
If you wish to use templates, then base your views on the dijit._TemplatedMixin
Here is a simplified clarification of my oocms setup, where instead of basing it on BorderLayout, i will make it ContentPanes:
Example JSON for the menu, with a single item representing the above declared view
identifier: 'view',
label: 'name',
items: [
{ name: 'myForm', view: 'App.view.MyForm', extraParams: { foo: 'bar' } }
Base Application Controller in file 'AppPackagePath/Application.js'
Note, the code has not been tested but should give a good impression of how such a setup can be implemented
"OoCmS/messagebus", // dependency mixin which will monitor 'notify/progress' topics'
], function(declare, lang, registry, msgbus, dtopic, itemfilereadstore, djforestmodel, djtree) {
return declare("App.Application", [msgbus], {
paneContainer: NULL,
treeContainer: NULL,
menuStoreUrl: '/path/to/url-list',
_widgetInUse: undefined,
defaultPaneProps: {},
loading: false, // ismple mutex
constructor: function(args) {
lang.mixin(this, args);
if(!this.treeContainer || !this.paneContainer) {
console.error("Dont know where to place components")
this.defaultPaneProps = {
id: 'mainContentPane'
buildRendering: function() {
this.menustore = new itemfilereadstore({
id: 'appMenuStore',
this.menumodel = new djforestmodel({
id: 'appMenuModel',
store: this.menustore
}); = new djtree( {
model: this.menumodel,
showRoot: false,
autoExpand: true,
onClick: lang.hitch(this, this.paneRequested) // passes the item
// NEEDS a construct ID HERE
paneRequested: function(item) {
if(this.loading || !item) {
console.warn("No pane to load, give me a menustore item");
return false;
if(!this._widgetInUse || !this._widgetInUse.isDirty()) {
this.loading = true;
if(typeof this._widgetInUse != "undefined") {
if(!this._widgetInUse.unload()) {
// bail out if widget says 'no' (isDirty)
return false;
delete this._widgetInUse;
var self = this,
modules = [this.menustore.getValue(item, 'view')];
require(modules, function(viewPane) {
self._widgetInUse = new viewPane(self.defaultProps);
// NEEDS a construct ID HERE
self._widgetInUse.ready.then(function() {
return true;
paneLoaded: function() {
// hide ajax icons
// assert widget has started
this.loading = false;
AbstractView in file 'AppPackagePath/view/AbstractView.js':
"dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(declare, deferred, lang, registry, contentpane) {
return declare("App.view.AbstractView", [contentpane], {
observers: [], // all programmatic events handles should be stored for d/c on unload
parseOnLoad: false,
constructor: function(args) {
lang.mixin(this, args)
// setup ready.then resolve
this.ready = new deferred();
// once ready, create
this.ready.then(lang.hitch(this, this.postCreate));
// the above is actually not nescessary, since we could simply use onLoad in contentpane
if(typeof this.content != "undefined") {
this.set("content", this.content);
} else if(typeof 'href' == "undefined") {
console.warn("No contents nor href set in construct");
startup : function startup() {
// if you override this, make sure to this.inherited(arguments);
onLoad: function() {
// alert the application, that loading is done
// and call render
render: function() {'no custom rendering performed in ' + this.declaredClass)
isDirty: function() { return false; },
unload: function() {
dojo.forEach(this.observers, dojo.disconnect);
return true;
addObserver: function() {
// simple passthrough, adding the connect to handles
var handle =,
arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
View implementation sample in file 'AppPackagePath/view/MyForm.js':
// the contentpane href will pull in some html
// in the html can be markup, which will be renderered when ready
// pull in requirements here
"dijit/form/Form", // markup require
"dijit/form/Button" // markup require
], function(declare, lang, baseinterface) {
return declare("App.view.MyForm", [baseinterface], {
// using an external HTML file
href: 'dojoform.html',
_isDirty : false,
isDirty: function() {
return this._isDirty;
render: function() {
var self = this;
this.formWidget = dijit.byId('embeddedForm') // hook up with loaded markup
// observer for children
dojo.forEach(this.formWidget._getDescendantFormWidgets(), function(widget){
if(! lang.isFunction(widget.onChange) )
console.log('unable to observe ' +;
self.addObserver(widget, 'onChange', function() {
self._isDirty = true;
// #override
unload: function() {
if(this.isDirty()) {
var go = confirm("Sure you wish to leave page before save?")
if(!go) return false;
return this.inherited(arguments);