Array as store in list in sencha touch - sencha-touch-2

Can we use Array Instead of Store for List in "sencha touch".
store: 'storeName',
scrollable: true,
itemTpl: '<div>{store_id}</div>'
This is config part of my store I want to use array for this list instead of store.
Please provide some code.

You can use a List's data config property, which is an array of any fields you want, with some that will match your itemTpl for display. It's basically a direct line into a List's store, which is created in the background for you without needing to be set. You will not need to define the store when setting the data directly.
It's probably best to set the data as an array in a defined store, and then set the store to the list, but you don't have to do it this way, and there are some cases you want to just use a simple array (see example below).
The Sencha Touch documentation shows examples of using the data array without a defined store here.
Sencha Touch 2.1.1 List data example
Ext.create('Ext.List', {
fullscreen: true,
itemTpl: '{title}',
data: [
{ title: 'Item 1' },
{ title: 'Item 2' },
{ title: 'Item 3' },
{ title: 'Item 4' }
You could also set data to an externally defined array, provided your list is created after the array is. If this turns out to be a timing problem, then you can set the data with an array at any later time using
Provided you got a proper reference to listname ahead of time.


Unique field types and specific GET-parameters for api calls in Apostrophe CMS

I have several questions about Apostrophe CMS:
Is it possible to add a unique field type in apostrophe-pieces? I can't find a way to do this.
Edit: I noticed that I wasn't specific enough. I want to make sure that there can't be two instances in the database with the same value in an added field. It should be something like an additional id. Is there an option for this? Maybe something like:
addFields: [
name: 'secondId',
label: 'Second ID',
type: 'string',
required: true,
unique: true
I want to access the apostrophe-headless api and get a specific element by passing a certain value of one of the created field types of the correspondent piece in a GET-parameter. Is something like this possible?
For example:
module.exports = {
extend: 'apostrophe-pieces',
name: 'article',
label: 'Article',
pluralLabel: 'Articles',
restApi: {
safeFor: 'manage'
addFields: [
name: 'title',
label: 'Name',
type: 'string',
required: true
name: 'author',
label: 'Author',
type: 'string',
required: true
Desired api call for getting all articles which have strored "Jon" as author:
Thank you very much in advance!
Custom field types
You can add custom field types at project level by extending apostrophe-schemas and adding the proper definition. You'll need to add a converter for server-side sanitization and a populator for the front-end of the form field.
You can follow the examples in Apostrophe's schema module, linked are the functions defining a float
You would add your definitions in your project level lib/modules/apostrophe-schemas's index.js and public/js/user.js respectively.
You can search your piece index for a string like Jon by adding ?search=jon to your query but more likely you want to filter pieces by the value of a join.
If you had piece types article and authors, you could have a joinByOne field in article's schema that lets you relate that article to an author piece. Then, by enabling pieceFilters you could filter directly on those joined properties.
A complete rundown of piecesFilters can be found here
I think you'd also need to mark that filter as safe for api use in your apostrophe-headless configuration

Custom xtypes as a cell in ext.listview

I am using sencha touch 2 and not getting help inside sencha forum, so I hope you guys can help me.
I want to create a list with custom items. In this custom item i want to have a horizontal scrollable listview with buttons as items.
I tried to do it component.DataItem but it does no work for me.
I tried also to add an custom xtype als an item in a list, but this does not work.
I think this is a simple task but sencha touch makes it a challenge for me.
So please help me and show me, how can I get a view like shown in this picture.
Instead of a standard list you are going to want to use Component DataView. Essentially, you are going to need to first define an Ext.dataview.component.DataItem, which is then implemented into the DataView. Below is a simple example of a buttons in a DataView as referenced from the DataView guide:!/guide/dataview
First create the DataItem:
Ext.define('MyApp.view.DataItemButton', {
extend: 'Ext.dataview.component.DataItem',
requires: ['Ext.Button'],
xtype: 'dataitembutton',
config: {
nameButton: true,
dataMap: {
getNameButton: {
setText: 'name'
applyNameButton: function(config) {
return Ext.factory(config, Ext.Button, this.getNameButton());
updateNameButton: function(newNameButton, oldNameButton) {
if (oldNameButton) {
if (newNameButton) {
We must extend Ext.dataview.component.DataItem for each item. This is an abstract class which handles the record handling for each item.
Below the extend we require Ext.Button. This is simply because we are going to insert a button inside our item component.
We then specify the xtype for this item component.
Inside our config block we define nameButton. This is a custom configuration we add to this component which will be transformed into a button by the class system. We set it to true by default, but this could also be a configuration block. This configuration will automatically generate getters and setters for our nameButton.
Next we define the dataMap. The dataMap is a map between the data of a record and this view. The getNameButton is the getter for the instance you want to update; so in this case we want to get the nameButton configuration of this component. Then inside that block we give it the setter for that instance; in this case being setText and give it the field of the record we are passing. So, once this item component gets a record it will get the nameButton and then call setText with the name value of the record.
Then we define the apply method for our nameButton. The apply method uses Ext.factory to transform the configuration passed into an instance of Ext.Button. That instance is then returned, which will then cause updateNameButton to be called. The updateNameButton method simply removes the old nameButton instance if it exists, and adds the new nameButton instance if it exists.
Now create the DataView:
Ext.create('Ext.DataView', {
fullscreen: true,
store: {
fields: ['name', 'age'],
data: [
{name: 'Jamie Avins', age: 100},
{name: 'Rob Dougan', age: 21},
{name: 'Tommy Maintz', age: 24},
{name: 'Jacky Nguyen', age: 24},
{name: 'Ed Spencer', age: 26}
useComponents: true,
defaultType: 'dataitembutton'
In your case, rather than using a button for the DataItem, you'll want to use a horizontal scrolling list. Here is an example that I found from this answer: Horizontal scrolling list
var list = Ext.create('Ext.DataView',{
store: store,
itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<img src="{icon}" />'),
inline: { wrap: false },
scrollable: {
direction: 'horizontal',
directionLock: true
Note that you will probably have to use components in the second dataview as well in order to achieve your buttons with image

Sencha Architect xtype change

How can i change a xtype in Sencha Architect?
xtype: 'list'
xtype: 'RefreshableList'
As a disclaimer, I am one of the lead engineers on the Sencha Architect product.
Drag out a List as a top level component. All top level components are their own classes. Set the userAlias and userClassName configurations to values like 'refreshablelist' and 'RefreshableList'. Take a look at the code generated for this.
Drag out a Panel as a top level component, drag the existing RefreshableList in the inspector into the new Panel. A prompt will ask you if you would like to Move, Copy or Link the list, choose "Link". This will create an instance of your subclass RefreshableList.
This is currently the best way of going about this task inside of Architect. In the case that you built your RefreshableList component outside of Architect and would like to link it in the process will be a little different. You will have to create an override and change the xtype you are instantiating there. We are attempting to address this limitation in Sencha Architect 2.2. You will be able to specify what we are currently calling a createAlias. This is what alias (xtype, ptype, type, etc) to create.
For example if you dragged out a Panel and then put a list inside of it, you could then select the list in the inspector and configure the createAlias to 'RefreshableList'. This will replace the xtype in the generated code from 'list' to 'RefreshableList'. It will NOT change what is rendered on the canvas inside of Architect. You would have to load your RefreshableList class via a JS Resource and/or the dynamic loader/requires functionality.
You have to create your own class by extending the list class and give it your own widget alias. This tutorial has all you need:
Here is some code for a very basic custom list
//this follows the MVC structure, if you wanted you could also do something like ux.RefreshableList
Ext.define('myAppName.view.RefreshableList', {
extend: 'Ext.dataview.List',
xtype: 'RefreshableList',
config: {
fullscreen: true,
itemTpl: '{title}',
data: [
{ title: 'Item 1' },
{ title: 'Item 2' },
{ title: 'Item 3' },
{ title: 'Item 4' }
initialize: function() {

Extjs4 - Reloading store inside itemselector

I have an itemselecor inside a grid, and i have an combobox that should reload only the store inside the itemselector( the value fields should remain intact)
Here is the itemselector
var grid = Ext.widget('form', {
id: 'grid',
title: '',
width: 600,
bodyPadding: 10,
renderTo: 'itemselectorproduto',
items: [{
xtype: 'itemselector',
name: 'itemselector',
id: 'itemsel',
anchor: '100%',
imagePath: '/ux/images/',
store: store,
displayField: 'Nome',
valueField: 'ID',
value: vitrine,
allowBlank: true,
msgTarget: 'side'
I tried to call the normal store.load(), but it have no effect and it shows no error on the console
If needed i will post more of the code, but i think just this should be enough
Looking through the code if ItemSelector it doesn't look like it supports any changes in the store once it's been binded. It basically creates local copies of the data. And if you call bindStore method to assign different store - it will erase your selection.
You can always improve code in ItemSelector to allow such behavior. It should not be a problem. You can subscribe to datachanged or load event of the store when binding to it, and then handle situation when store data is changed.
Actually i think the best way to do such thing is using ItemSelector`s "populateFromStore". Sure except of extending item selector. In case of extending you should look on the "onBindStore" function of the ItemSelector.
onBindStore: function(store, initial) {
var me = this;
if (me.fromField) {;
// Add everything to the from field as soon as the Store is loaded
if (store.getCount()) {
} else {'load', me.populateFromStore, me);
So as you see in case of the empty store it hooks to the load event. And it should be like this:
onBindStore: function(store, initial) {
var me = this;
if (me.fromField) {;'load', me.populateFromStore, me);
// Add everything to the from field as soon as the Store is loaded
if (store.getCount()) {

insert in sencha touch data store

Could someone please explain how the insert works to add a record in a datastore
with tha fields: "title", "info" and "price"?
because i tried some things and none of them work. and the sencha website doesnt make it very clear.
Adding a new item to an existing Store isn't that hard actually.
First of you will need to configure your model and store. In your question you name the fields 'title, 'info' and 'price'.
Ext.regModel('myModel', {
fields: [
{name: 'id', type: 'int' },
{name: 'title', type: 'string' },
{name: 'info', type: 'string' },
{name: 'price', type: 'int' }
Next you configure the store that will hold the data, based on the above model. I think that, in your case, it should be a model without any data preloaded via, for example, JSON?
So lets make a localstorage (empty store). The Store consists of the model (myModel), you give it a storeID (so that you can later on reference the store by this ID). The proxy is localstorage and the unique ID of the Store will be the ID field of the Model.
var myStore = new{
model: "myModel",
storeId: "myStoreID",
proxy: {
type: "localstorage",
id: "id"
Now, suppose you have some kind of Form (in which the user can add input a title, info and price, and you want to add these items to the existing store on submittal.
Within the handler of the submittal button you now have to 'call' the store, and perform the add function on it. Within this add function you will have to define the params (the model params) and the data to insert.
Below I have used a mixture of fixed data and a variable to insert.
myStoreID.add({ title: "Mijn Titel", info: "Informatie, price: prijsvar });
The store will now be filled will now be filled with an extra data-record which you can use. Lets say for example that the store is attached to a dataview, then you can perform:
The above isn't a full tutorial, but I think this will help you along?
Just an update of the YDL answer.
As per the dataView should be related to the updated store, the last sentence dataView.update() should not be needed, due to the automatic update of the views related to a store when it change.
new Ext.DataView({
store: MyStore,
itemSelector: 'div.thumb',
tpl: thumbTpl
later, if I do the following, the new item should be displayed in views (List, DataView, etc.) that have MyStore as store.
Milton Rodríguez.
If you are trying to pass in an object that was returned from a getValue() on your form, make sure that you run a
after you have called the add() method, or you wont see it in your browsers local store.
It is Very easy try these
// first get those values and store in locally
var A_select1=Ext.getCmp('select1').getValue(); // get value
localStorage.setItem("Adult1_select1",A_select1); // set localStore
var AdultSalutation={
'Adult1_select1':A_select1, // assign the value
var AdultSalutationstore = Ext.getStore('Adult_AdultSalutationstore'); // get store
AdultSalutationstore.add(AdultSalutation); // add object
AdultSalutationstore.sync(); // sync
AdultSalutationstore.load(); // load