Jython - Configuring modules path into a jython script - jython

Looks like function os.chdir() does not works for Jython, is there another way to switch of working directory in a Jython script ?
(Get the following error while running my script: OSError: [Errno 0] chdir not supported in Java)
Thanks in advance for any solution.
EDIT: Question title updated to match the solution. Tags too.

What Grimmy asked make me think different about my original problem (thanks to you)
My goal is (was) to define a path to find local jython modules. And so the correct way is to update 'sys.path'.
Problem solved. Thanks again Grimmy.


sql-lint without configuration file

How can I run sql-lint without configuration file?
If I do not have configuration file when running sql-lint, I get:
FAIL: following sql-lint errors found:
Can't open file /home/tavni/.config/sql-lint/config.json. Does it exist?
Author here. That message does not stop the checks from running it's just a recommendation that you should create a config file because you'll have a better experience.
Some recent work has been done to make this more obvious and is going to be in the next release. Hope that helps!

tar: Error opening archive: Can't initialize filter; unable to run program "bzip2 -d"

I'm trying to run this code from : https://github.com/pnnl/safekit ,using cmd on windows 10, I already installed python.
when I type the command:
tar -xjvf data_examples.tar.bz2
I keep getting the error:
tar: Error opening archive: Can't initialize filter; unable to run
program "bzip2 -d"
I have tried to download bzip2 through easy-7 zip and GnuWin32 , but it didn't work.
Can any one help me?
P.S.: I did search for the same problem before posting mine.
If you run the command in git bash instead of cmd it should work.
I've run into the same problem! My non-elegant solution so far has been to force Windows's tar.exe to use the bzip2.exe provided with my Windows Git installation. The trick is to add to your user PATH the directory where bzip2.exe is located, in my case:
C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin
So, right now my PATH looks like:
Path=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin
Notice that I've only touched the user environment PATH, not the system PATH, and I've appended the new directory. As always, touching your PATH can be a little bit dangerous, proceed with care. If someone has a better solution, I'd be glad to hear it.
Note: I tried copying the bzip2.exe to a separate directory, but this didn't work (I presume because bzip2.exe couldn't find some dependencies).

Installation of Pentaho-Data integration

After extracting the Pentaho zip file I downloaded. I set my class path to JDK 1.7.0. But, upon running the Spoon.bat file I keep getting the statement: "Unable to launch your Java Virtual Machine (JVM)." How do I resolve this problem ?
NB: I have configured JAVA_HOME, JRE_HOME as stated by similar previously answered questions.
Note that Pentaho7 requires java 8.
In any case, Set the PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME=dir, where dir is the directory that contains the /bin/java.exe executable.
The spoon.bat [resp spoon.sh] runs first the set-pentaho-env.bat to find a suitable java. Edit this file to know in which order it searches for it. So do like me, when nobody looks at you, edit this file manually, and set _PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME and _PENTAHO_JAVA manually.
To check: In a command line shell, cd to your PDI install directory and type spoon.bat. It writes something like start "Spoon" "**some\directory**\javaw.exe" more stuff. Check that you can type **some\directory**\javaw.exe -version in your shell.
If not: in the same directory, type set-pentaho-env.bat. It writes down the PENTAHO_JAVA and PENATHO_JAVA_HOME thAt spoon will use. Edit that file until %PENTAHO_JAVA%\java.exe -version and %PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME%\java.exe -version answers the appropriate version.
In my case (for PDI 9.2.x), installing an Oracle JDK 8 solved the issue (no need to set the Java home folder explicitly)

PyQt5 - pyuic5 module PyQt5.uic not found

I've upgraded my deveolpment environment from python-3.2/ Qt-4.8/ PyQt4 to python 3.4.2 / Qt5.3 / PyQt5.
Everything is Ok but the python source code generation with pyuic5.
When calling this commands I get the error
/usr/bin/python3: No module named uic
The Qt uic program is located at
The PyQt5 pacjakge is located at
Even if the PyQt5 environment is operational as runtime I can't build any new GUI interface, so I can't move forward with this application upgrade.
Any idea ?
Thanks for help.
Thanks for the answer from #Akhil. The code below really helps me avoid the "module not found" problem, and successfully create a .py file from a .ui file.
exec python -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic youruifile -o yourpyfile -x
call python -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic -x filename.ui -o filename.py
this one worked for me (28th june 2017, PyQt5, python 3.6, win10, 64bit)
I faced the same issue. I had installed PyQt into a virtual environment and the issue was the the pyuic5 script was not using the python interpreter for that virtual environment.
So I opened up the pyuic5 script
exec pythonw2.7 -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic ${1+"$#"}
exec python -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic ${1+"$#"}'
This resolved the issue for me.
I know this is late, but I just recently encountered this issue when setting up external tools for Qt Creator. I know its not exactly what you ran into but it produces the same error. I don't like the idea of modifying files in my anaconda/bin directory so I didn't want to implement either of the other answers.
What I did find is that when you are setting up an external tool Qt Creator operates as if you are working in a new environment (i.e. your PATH is not the same as your development path). What I found is that you need to set the Environment field to have the same path as your development environment. This occurs by default when you setup Build and Run Settings for your project, but not for external tools.
Like #ekhumoro said in his comment You must pay attention to your PATH at all times.
I believe you are a Mac user and I had faced a similar issue.
It seems you'll simply have to provide the full path of the pyuic file (for me, it was under a hidden folder usr in the home directory: /usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/5.10.1_1/bin/pyuic5).
In your terminal, change directory to where the *.ui files( which you wish to convert to a *.py file) lies.
So for instance, if you have a Qt designer file saved by the name untitled.ui on your desktop, put in the following command in your terminal:
Amars-MacBook-Pro:Desktop amaradak$ /usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/5.10.1_1/bin/pyuic5 -x untitled.ui -o untitled.py
Hope this helps...
Try this: i've been searching for 2 days and all problem solved!
First Rule in Python: Don't use .XML this is not Java instead use .PY for me i don't need uic at all
Let's begin, my pyuic5 actually there is no in PyQt5 folder instead in Scripts Folder
you have to make sure that the yourFile.ui is in the same location of your pyuic5.exe
Follow the pict below, you will be understand:
How to convert ui to py for easy way
uic not found solved
it works like a Charm !
Hi everybody , see last pict, i just converted ui to py for the first time in my life !

SQLDeveloper not starting

When i try to start SQLDeveloper, it is giving me the following error in command prompt:
Error: This product requires a Java(TM) Platform 5.0 runtime.
You are using 1.4.2-b28 from C:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre
But my JAVA_HOME is set to java 6
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_32
Can anyone explain what exactly to do to resolve this?
Oracle SQL Developer uses a configuration file named products.conf which is situated at your roaming directory.
If you are using Windows 7 then the directory path will be:
Delete whole sqldeveloper directory from C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\
Re run sqldeveloper executable, this will prompt for jdk home
Select jdk home. i.e C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_55
In my case i had 2 folders under C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\
SQL developer
after removing both of them and launching installation dir\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper64.exe it worked.
True acknowledgement / attribution belongs to Vishal at the following URL:
http://vishalorcl.blogspot.com/2012/12/sql-developer-from-11201-client-software.html. It describes in detail how to resolve this problem. From the page:
I am running Oracle 11g version of SQLDeveloper. I have same problem
noted above, after fresh install of Oracle. The summary is that
SQLDeveloper seems to require the Java 32-bit JDK.
Install 32-bit jdk V7 from Oracle:
There is a sqldeveloper.conf file located in
In the file change pathname within the line at end of file:
SetJavaHome C:\app\admin\product\11.2.0\client_1\jdk
To point to pathname of the jdk install directory; also sometimes
known as JAVA_HOME.
I had this problem too!
you should go to: C:\Users-your user name-\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper-version of your sql developer-
there is a file named product.conf there. Right click on it and edit it with notepad in the document change the address of java home and save it.
In my case, none of the other suggestions worked. Instead, I moved the installation directory from
anything else
And things worked again. Perhaps, some Windows registry value got broken in an unfixable way...
I don't think SQLDeveloper uses the environment variable. There should be a .conf file that contains a reference to the JDK directory.
I solved this by deleting the folder /home/USERNAME/.sqldeveloper
After that, I started SQLDeveloper and without typing anything, it found the right java-version and started without complaining :-)
So, if you don't want to delete the whole folder, maybe search there for the file which defines the java-version :-)
edit: just found that:
"Type the full pathname of a J2SE installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path
will be stored in ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk"
check the version of java that you are installing to you Pc the error show that you are using 4 so uninstall the java that you have then install a new one that is version higher than 5
Removing the instances from the registry worked for me.