Using heat.exe tool output file in setup project - wix

I generate setup file list using heat.exe but I can't find out how I can use it in my wix setup project.
Can I import output file to my setup project?

MSBuild supports using wildcards (**, * and ?) to specify a group of files as inputs instead of listing each one separately. If you add something like the following to your project file, every wxs file in the same directory as your project file will be included in your build.
<Compile Include="*.wxs" />
According to this bug, Votive (WiX VS package) does not yet support wildcards, although it does work on my machine. Your mileage may vary. This, of course, is not an issue if you're not using Visual Studio to work on your setup.
Another solution would be to create the file and add it to your project file. Every time you'd build your setup, you would call heat and overwrite the file.
Afterwards, you just need to reference one of the generated elements in your setup to import the fragment. You can do this by using the -cg switch in your heat command.


How to define a dynamic preprocessor in wix for heat generated files

I am trying to package the binaries of an external application in my installer. This external application is managed by another department. There can be multiple versions installed and in multiple locations (ie Program Files and Program Files (x86)). There is a batch file that can find the latest version installed.
What I am trying to do is to dynamically define a preprocessor that matches the location of this external app.
Here is how I proceed.
In the Pre-build Event Command Line of the wix project, I call a batch file.
This batch file finds the path to the external app (ie C:\Program Files (x86)\Foo company\Bar program v3.4) and saves it in an environment variable (%EXTERNAL_APP_PATH%).
Then I call heat with: call "%WIX%bin\heat.exe" dir "%EXTERNAL_APP_PATH%" -cg ExternalAppBinaryFiles -dr INSTALLBINDIR -sreg -srd -var var.ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir -ag -sfrag -out "heat_generated.wxs"
Then I generate a custom file heat_var_ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir.wxs whose content looks like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<?define ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Foo company\Bar program v3.4" ?>
When building the project, I get the following error: heat_generated.wxs(6,0): error CNDL0150: Undefined preprocessor variable '$(var.ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir)'.
I was expecting that file heat_var_ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir.wxs which define this preprocessor variable would be sufficient for the heat generated file. Mostly because I do include heat_var_ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir.wxs in my project files.
My understanding is that heat generated files only resolves preprocessor variables from "global preprocessor variables" defined in the project properties (under Build section, label "Define preprocessor variables").
If I define this preprocessor variable as ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Foo company\Bar program v3.4 in the project properties, the solution builds with no error.
However, I do have to hardcode the path which is the opposite of "dynamically find the path of my application".
A possible solution would be to add a custom include file (*.wxi) in the generated heat file. Is there a way to force my heat generated file to include another file? This way I could generate a custom include file with the preprocessor variable defined.
Maybe I am not using heat as intended. If I omit the -var var.ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir part in the command line, the Source attribute of <File> elements are prefixed with SourceDir\.
The result is a build fail with the following error: error LGHT0103: The system cannot find the file 'SourceDir\myapp.exe'.
Is there a way to have absolute paths for Source attributes in a heat generated file?
I would like to keep the process as lite as possible for people that build the installer. For example, double-click the solution file in File Explorer, the solution opens in Visual Studio, right-click the Wix setup project and select Build.
I have looked at many other wix example. I have not found people that have the same use case as mine. Most use cases hardcode a preprocessor with a relative path to the binaries from the project files. Some suggest to change the arguments to candle.exe/light.exe, but like I said, I build from Visual Studio and does not call light.exe or candle.exe directly.
I suspect that I should be able to specify "search paths" for resolving paths that are prefixed with SourceDir\. Looking at my project properties in Visual Studio, there is a "paths" section, but it is all grayed out. Again, I will need to be able to specify dynamic search paths. The problem is still the same. Also search paths might be problematic if multiple directories have the same filename. This is often problematic when packaging a dll with a standard name.
I am using Visual Studio 2017 and Wix Toolset 3.11.
If you want to use an environment variable as the base for your files, you have a few options. Both MSBuild and WiX provide ways to access environment variables directly:
In MSBuild, environment variables are straight-up available as properties. So you could use $(EXTERNAL_APP_PATH) in your .wixproj and get the path. In particular, you could use it in a DefineConstants property in your .wixproj like:
In WiX, you can directly reference environment variables in the preprocessor using $(env.EXTERNAL_APP_PATH). That will accomplish the same as the above but without using $(var.ExternalAppBinariesSourceDir) as an intermediary.
The option I would choose is a combination of the above two. I'd use BindPaths (a WiX feature designed to allow you to specify where your files are found) along with the MSBuild support for environment variables by adding the following item to your .wixproj:
<BindInputPath Include="$(EXTERNAL_APP_PATH)" />
Then all the file sources rooted in SourceDir\ will automatically search the list of BindInputPaths from your .wixproj to be found.
The latter option is the most powerful and flexible. But any of the above should get you what you want... assuming you want to use the environment variable. Modifying the above to use an MSBuild property from the command line (or other options) should not be hard either.

Binary files copied to a wrong folder on build

Recent libgit2sharp Nuget uses a new Nuget feature that allows you to include a piece of a build script in your NuGet. The purpose it to copy a native dll to a subfolder of the bin folder, like that:
<None Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..\..\lib\net40\NativeBinaries\amd64\git2-e0902fb.dll">
Now, it was all nice and beautiful locally, but when I deployed it to AppHarbor, the native dlls appeared in the /bin folder (in addition to the target subfolder), which caused my app to fail.
The problem lies in the _CopyWebApplicationLegacy target, which does not execute locally (it's run only if you have a non-default output dir), thus I don't have this problem on my dev machine. Namely, it executes the following piece of code:
<!-- Copy items that have been marked to be copied to the bin folder -->
<Copy SourceFiles="#(_SourceItemsToCopyToOutputDirectory)"
You can see that the target folder is always /bin -- I believe it's a bug in the Microsoft.WebApplication.targets file (I can't control it on the target machine).
Is there a simple fix, or should I revert to a script in the PostBuild event (which I'll have to update with each new version)?
As mentioned here:
the way AppHarbor is building your project, it's triggering the old _CopyWebApplicationLegacy target, and that is basically broken. It messes up all files that are using the Copy to Output Directory property by putting them directly into the output directory instead of respecting the relative folder structure. It also doesn't run any web.config transforms you may have.
You can make your project use the newer _CopyWebApplication target instead by adding the following to your project file:
The thing I'm not sure about is if AppHarbor has some reason why they wouldn't want you to use the newer copy target instead of the old broken one.

Can I specify fileloggerparameters in msbuild project file

I see that you can use the /fileLogger and /fileloggerparameters command line arguments in msbuild to specify things like the location of the log file. Is there any way to specify this information in the Project or PropertyGroup section of the project file? I have all my other project properties imported via an include file. I really don't want to have to one set of properties in an include file and then another set that is specified on the command line.
As far as I'm aware just VC projects has ability log build into separate files. But you have to build it through devenv :-(
and you don't have control over other logging parameters.
Other ugly way is to execute build of each project via
<Exec Command="msbuild.exe project /fl /flp...." />
I guess you want to avid it.
I'm think it could be possible to create custom distributed file logger to do this but I sill don't have it working properly.

How to generate code from a power shell script using MSBuild

I've a PowerShell script that generates a partial class based on a resource file I've in my cs project.
I'd like to include this new file during compiling time.
Is the Exec Task the way to go? And if so, any examples of how to accomplish this?
You could accomplish this by modifying your .csproj file to automatically include files of a particular pattern, e.g.
<Compile Include="GeneratedPartialClasses\*.cs" />
Note that Visual Studio will also load these files as part of your project, so you may need to be careful that these generated files aren't accidentally checked-in to source control.

MSBuild target _CopyWebApplication does not copy all necessary files to the bin folder

Elsewhere on the Web, you can find recommendations on using something like this to simulate the Publish feature in the VS 2005-2008 IDE from a command-line (I hope I did not goof up the syntax!):
msbuild /t:ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication /p:BuildingProject=true;OutDir=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ blah.csproj
Now, it looks like the .dll's copy fine. However, there are certain configuration files and template files that are copied to the bin folder which are needed for the app to work. For example, an NHibernate configuration file shows up in blah.csproj as:
<None Include="blah.cfg.xml">
While using Publish from within the IDE copies this file as it should, the aforementioned _CopyWebApplication target does not. I need this file to be copied in the build script. Is this desired behavior for _CopyWebApplication? Any recommendations on how to fix this?
EDIT 4/21/2010:
Let me clarify that we are limited (for now) to VS 2005 and VS 2008 projects, and that our build scripts are written for MSBuild 3.x. We are not yet ready to move to VS 2010.
Let me also specify that we are looking for a solution available from within a command line so that we can automate a Publish-like command along with custom build options, and possibly automate deployments down the road.
This is just a workaround.
In the build script for publishing Web sites, after running MSBuild on the Web project itself to publish it (Targets="ResolveReferences;_CopyWebApplication"), I added a copy operation:
<Copy SourceFiles="#(ProjectBinFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(StageBin)\%(ProjectBinFiles.RecursiveDir)" />
where ProjectBinFiles is an Item representing the files in the bin directory in the source directory, and StageBin is a Property representing the bin folder in the published site's directory. So far, it seems to work.
I was having a similar issue as well. I think the answer is using MSDeploy. Investigating it now, but may provide functionality required...
I had this same issue in VS 2012 and eventually fixed it by doing the following to any files which needed to be copied:
Set the Copy to Output file property to Copy if newer
Set the Build Action file property to Content (or Compile if the file needs to be compiled)