I started working with Pharo 1.4 and I wanted to load a file.st in order to work with extra classes and methods. What I did is dragging this file to pharo, and select "FileIn entire file". After doing this, a window pops up, stating: Syntax error: Nothing more expected. A loading message do not disappear. What's wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Enric use Pharo2.0 (because 1.4 is now old). We are improving Pharo a lot. . I loaded it in 20 without any problem. I loaded it also in a fresh 1.4 and it loaded perfectly (doing install in new changeset and fileIn entire...). Note in addition that we rarely import code this way. Finally if you send a mail to the mailing-list with your file you will get a real answer.
If you want to close the annoying window you can use option/ctlr + shift click to bring the halos on any graphical element and destroy it.
I chose pharo 1.4 because the teacher says i need to work with this one. The file is from:
and I saved it in the Desktop as a .st file (i removed the .txt format). Once saved, I dragged and drop the file in the pharo window and chose the option "FileIn entire file", and the error pop up. It says syntax error: Nothing more expected. Undefined object . And there is a message that does not disappear or does anything, saying "loading nameoffile.st".
I am debugging a .NET C# solution in VS2022. Whenever I attempt to set the next statement I get the error message
Unable to set the next statement. Class not registered.
I am also not able to hot-reload either when I make a change. If I make the slightest change (even just adding some whitespace) and the click on the hot reload button I get the message
This source file has changed. It no longer matches the version of the
file used to build the application being debugged.
I appreciate that the second statement is more common but I thought the point of hot-reload was that it recognised that the file had changed and would reload it!
I have found links for the first message but never in combination with the class not being registered.
When trying to open the form deisgn it says values cannot be null. (Parameter 'baseName'). I still can run the system without error. Dont know how to fix it and have to change some gui design. Help me its for my school tnx
I had this problem this morning and a few hours later I decided to just start over and copy the code from the old project to the new empty project. Everything is working in the new copy of the project. I copied from old to new by drag-n-drop. I copied all the UserControls before I copied anything that uses them, and built, then copied over the remaining things, and went through all the errors caused by the change in name of the top-level Namespace.
(All of the Namespace errors were in the .Designer.vb files. I have posted elsewhere "never edit those files by hand unless you know what you are doing." This case was one of the rare exceptions.)
I had the OP's problem that when I tried to open a Form in the designer, I got the message
Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'baseName')
It didn't matter if I tried to open the Form in Solution Explorer or by pressing Shift-F7 in the Form's code window. However, sometimes Shift-F7 resulted in a wait cursor followed by silence - no error message.
Like the OP, the project did run without errors (well, same bugs as before but you know what I mean).
Another symptom: If I launched VS and tried to open the Form designer before Intellisense was initialized, instead of the other error, the window that should show the layout of the Form showed this instead:
File path: full path of the file I was trying to open
Frame GUID: 2c01570-c72c-11d0-88c3-00ac0c9110049
Frame mode: VSFM_MdiChild
Error code: 0x80131500
There are no MDI containers in my project. It's a reference to VS 2019.
The same error occurred in every Form and UserControl in the project.
The same error occurred in any new Form or UserControl that I added to the project.
The error did NOT OCCUR in any and all other projects built in VS 2019 with a target of .Net 5.0
The error DID OCCUR with the same project on another machine running a clean install of a later version of VS 2019.
Attempts to Clean Solution or Clean Project failed, with a generic error message, it was something like "Clean Project failed."
Nothing about these problems appeared in any event logs.
Every time the problem happened, when I shut VS, one process was left running (per TM).
Here are some other things I did to try to suss it:
Ran a repair install on VS 2019 and reboot.
Opened each and every VS-generated file in another project and compared them line-for-line (most are text) against the corresponding files in the broken project. No data-independent differences.
Searched exhaustively with 3 search engines and many terms for someone else that posted about this error. This is the only post I found.
Deleted, renamed, or moved files that are automatically generated by VS, including some Json files, XMLs, and caches.
What I did not try:
Roll back the code to the most recent commit.
Uninstall VS 2019 completely, reboot, install VS 2019 as if an initial installation.
Just had the same experience. I took me a while before I got everything to work again, but the clue in my case was that I had added a new item to my project, and for some reason I had managed to delete the file name in the process so the only thing left was 3 new files with only the extensions .resx, .cs and .Designer.cs
I quickly deleted the ".cs" file but forgot the rest.
Suddenly I was unable to open my main form in the designer - and the “Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'baseName')” started to appear. It was only affecting my main form.
I tried almost everything described above except the reinstalling part.
But then I deleted ".Designer.cs" and ".resx" from within visual studio (Solution Explorer), and then the problem went away.
I started getting this error after using a hack to support generics forms (e.g. MyForm). The designer generated a file:
which worked for design time (even with the form being generic) but crashed at runtime. My hack was to rename the .resx file:
However that is when the Designer stopped working. It stopped working for ALL forms/user controls in entire solution (not just the generic I was experimenting with). I assume there is some kind of process that crawls all the resx files whenever you open any Designer and that is the source of the Exception.
I was able to work around the issue by:
Renaming the resx back to its non generic title (i.e. MyForm.resx)
Restarting visual studio.
I've made a new content page, but forgot to type the name.. So I deleted it an made it again with proper name..
I have done it like this multiple times already, but this time something went wrong and I cannot compile.
I have this error message:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error IDE1100 Error reading content of source file
'C:\Users\shark\source\repos\GalShare\GalShare\GalShare\Views\Page1.xaml' -- 'Could not find file
'C:\Users\shark\source\repos\GalShare\GalShare\GalShare\Views\Page1.xaml'.'. GalShare-XamlProject
C:\Users\shark\source\repos\GalShare\GalShare\GalShare\Views\Page1.xaml 1 Active
I have done nothing except the steps above.. What is the cause of this error and how can I fix it?
Cleaning the project did not solve, but closing and reopening solved my problem.
In addition to the answers of E.Zhao and messyprogrames, here a step-by-step walkthrough.
Clean Solution:
Navigation Bar > "Build" > "Clean Solution"
Unload project:
Choose your "problem project" on the right side within the solution explorer. Right mouse click > "Unload Project"
Reload project:
Choose your unloaded "problem project" again. Right mouse click > "Reload Project".
Opening and closing the solution wasn't helping, but unloading and reloading the project worked.
Actually, it is unnecessary to exit and reopen current solution, try to clean the error project, unload and then reload it again. hope it works for you.
In VS click your initials > Account Settings > and check there's no warning there asking you to re-fresh your credentials. It was this for me. After I re-entered my credentials, cleaned and rebuilt all was fine.
Unloading and reloading the project worked for me.
To reproduce this, in a new folder add a WPF user control with a accidental typo.
Rename with F2 or simply rename,
the code behind doesn't rename, so change that.
Initalize component gets a good old red squiggly!
create a new one with an appended number as you want to crack on...
delete the user control that you originally created.
You will get this error (well I did on enterprise edition Version 16.7.2)
Then as other contributors have suggest, remove the pain by unloading and reloading the project.
Typically when I compile a project I am working on in Codewarrior, the Problems window displays the errors and warnings it finds. From there, I am able to click on the errors and I will be linked to the location of the error in the code. In the current project I am working on, the errors are displayed in the problems window, but they do not link to the error. It shows the correct file and path, but the hyperlink to the location in the code is broken. In the console window, I can use the Next/Previous error buttons to navigate to error, but I can't do this from the Problems window - which I find easier to read. I know that this error is limited to this project, because I have opened other projects since this started happening and do not experience this problem in those projects. When I started this project, I copied an existing Codewarrior 10.5 project that does not have this issue and began changing names and editing. I have a suspicion that I might have missed something during this conversion process, but I am running out of places to look.
I'm not sure the exact reason for this error, but I did correct it by deleting the folders in the workspace folder and re-importing the project.
After updating Xcode(5.0.1),one of my project files is automatically unfolding the code every time i leave the file or close Xcode.And this weird behavior is bothering me a lot,i already tried to delete and recreate it but didn't worked.
Anyone knows what might be causing this single file to have its code unfolded?
With Xcode-9, this issue is resolved. Code folding is being remembered and saved by Xcode 9 Editor.
Code you have/had folded exact before last source build/save, is automatically stored upon document/file closure. And same will be visible as it was (folded) when you will open document/file next time.
You don't need to do anything (there is no any option in Xcode tool bar to enable or disable) to save your code fold.
There's no way around it. xCode will unfold your code automatically. Period. There is no option to "preserve" code folding. (sad, but true...)