Rendering PDF in mobile browser - pdf

Is there any way of rendering the PDF in mobile browser without downloading them (prompting user to save them on their device) ?


Can we use Appium and Selenium together for testing and comparing app data with web data?

We are testing on moblie app using Appium, Which feature is to upload a video on Server. After uploading video it will be visible on Dashboard of Website. The dashboard feature is not present in mobile app. So here We need to check that Video related details using Selenium as it is on Website. Any Suggestion? How can we do this without performing separate tests.
This is integration testing so are in effect two different tests/steps.
You could do it in one project though so you could do something like:
open your mobile app using Appium
upload the video
open a browser using webdriver
navigate to the relevant page and check the video uploaded
close the browser
continue testing or close the mobile app

Downloading files from expo react native webView

I need to download pdf from the site I opened with webView. When I try this the application closes. Is there any way to do this? Do I need to add permission.
I am using expo. What I do is connect to a site with the webView. When you press the download button on the site it downloads base64 as pdf. I can do this on the Internet. I did it in Chrome. However, I could not do it in the mobile application. How can I do that. When I click the button, the application closes. I’m getting this warning on the console Can’t open url: data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKNCAwIG9iag… I can view but not download

How to show pdf on the mobile browser?

I am using iframe to embed a pdf on my web application , it is intended to support for all device , (desktop , mobile browsers) .
The problem is , on the desktop version it show perfectly (as chrome, fx has their own viewer).
However, when I view my website on ios/ android (android almost all browser not working) (ios Safari can show the pdf but without any function (e.g. zoom) ) .
How can I handle the mobile browsers (ios safari) (android chrome, fx and default one) if I need to display the pdf instead of download? thanks
<iframe src=”a.pdf” style=”width:600px; height:500px;” frameborder=”0″></iframe>
PDF's in iframes are not cross-Browser consistent, and there is not a lot you can do about it. The user may have to scroll in some iframes on certain Browsers. You may want to consider
<a href='a.pdf'>PDF Name</a>

How to prevent file sharing with Quick Look PDF viewer

I am using the QuickLook framework to display PDFs in my app. The pdfs are downloaded and stored in my apps sandbox, in the Application_Support directory.
Basically, I open the PDF in my app, no problems and then close my app.
Now if I open the Adobe App on my device, the pdf I was viewing with my app is available in
the Adobe app.
Is there any way of preventing this sharing of my pdf between my app and the Adobe App
Any help will be much appreciated
One solution would be to hide the right navigation button on the Quick Look Viewer nav bar.

PDF and Titanium SDK

I'm trying to make a app which is able to display PDFs. It should be possible to click web links within the document and dynamically load new PDFs into the app.
The file download and REST/JSON communication shouldn't be a problem but the PDF part looks kinda hard. Is there a way to display PDFs via the Appcelerator Titanium SDK?
This is app is targeting the iPad and iPhone.
You can show pdf files using Titanium.UI.WebView