I am running a suite of automated test written using Rational Visual Test for which there is no support currently. These tests were working great on a Windows 7 machine. We are now testing our product on Windows 8 machine. I was able to install the tool (Rational Visual test) on Windows 8. Some lines of code work fine, but I hit a roadblock when a test could not click on the "OK" button of a dialog box. This same test worked fine on a Windows 7 machine. the following error popped up in VT - "Cannot set playback hook". How do i go about debugging this let alone fixing this. Is this because some functions in VT are not able to access the Window APIs?
The reason you are seeing the error message 'Cannot set playback hook' is that the exe files in the Visual Test folder (MSDEV.EXE, MT.EXE, MTRUN.EXE, MTSCREEN.EXE, MTVIEW.EXE and VCSPAWN.EXE) are not signed. Please look for a service or tool on the internet that can sign windows exe files. Once you have completed this process, copy the signed files into the Visual Test folder, overwriting the existing unsigned exe files.
I have written a user interface in Visual Basic that sends commands to AutoDesk Inventor to create 3D CAD assemblies. Towards the end of my program, the CAD file is saved and a SaveDialog box comes up. It was working perfectly fine for a while, but now there is an error. Here is the relevant code segment:
SaveDialog.Filter = "Inventor Part | *.ipt|Step File | *.stp"
SaveDialog.DefaultExt = "ipt"
SaveDialog.ValidateNames = True
On the last line shown, I get a run-time error as follows:
"The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is
missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this
After closing this error message, the SaveDialog box comes up anyway and works perfectly fine. Of course, on the compiled version the error box never actually shows up and the program simply hangs up indefinitely.
I have search for solutions to this problem for two days. I used Dependency Walker and found a list of other dlls that are reportedly missing, most of them under the MSHTML.DLL
I figure there is probably something that is not referenced correctly in my program, but I'm not sure where to look. Thanks for any help!
The problem is that the KB2999226 (Universal CRT) which is part of the Visual C++ Redistributable failed to install. Is your automatic updates turned OFF?
Install Windows Updates:
Go to Start - Control Panel - Windows Update
and click on Check for updates. Install all available updates. After the updates are installed, restart your computer. After the restart repeat the steps above again until no more updates are available.
Download the Visual C++ Redistributable:
For Windows 64-bit
For Windows 32-bit
Run the vcredist_x64.exe (64-bit) or vcredist_x86.exe (32-bit) and select Uninstall. Run the .exe again and select Install
I am trying to deploy a VB.Net application using the built in Click Once.
When a User tries to install the application they receive the following error message.
The machines they are trying to install to are Windows XP SP3 so I cant understand why I am getting this error.
Any help would be appreciated.
You should try the following steps:
Compile your program and copy the whole bin\Release folder (output directory) to the target system. Does your program run if it's not distributed via ClickOnce?
Build a simple "Hello World!" program and distribute it via ClickOnce. Can this basic app be installed on the target system by running the ClickOnce installer?
Even though this should not be a problem on any system running a later Version of Windows than Win2k, have your tried to just install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 SP1?
By doing so, you should be able to determine if your issue is either ClickOnce- or Application-related.
I created a Windows Store app using Visual Studio(2013). Right-clicked the project and chose "Deploy". Where was the app deployed? What I want to do is to be able to run that app from cmd, not from Visual Studio.
So the question is: where is the app deployed? Can I somehow change that location?
Normally installed Windows Store apps are found here: %programfiles%\WindowsApps\IdentifierForYourApp. But when you deploy from Visual Studio (for the purposes of debugging and whatnot), Visual Studio just registers the app to run from within your build output folder.
But I don't think you can launch the program from a command line. Even if you try to just double-click the executable, you get an error "This application can only run in the context of an app container"
You can launch the app via the IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication function in C++ code. There might be another way via managed code, but I'm not aware of it.
I would like to run a .exe file made with visual studio 2003 but I get an error every time I run it on a windows 7 machine, vista machine, and xp machine. The error on Windows 7 and vista says "application has stopped working" and then makes me close the error box.
In windows xp it's a little different error, "the application failed to operate (0xc0000135) Click on OK to terminate the application."
That error code seems to indicate the application failed to initialize correctly.
It is possible that the anticipated .NET version is not present.
As far as I know, VS 2003 by default compiles against the .NET 1.1 library. There is no straightforward way of installing this on a Windows 7 or Vista box. Do you need to compile it against the .NET 1.1 library, or can you load it in VS2005, change the output .net version to 2.0 or higher, and recompile the application?
If you have the source code to the application, try running the application in debug mode and stepping through line by line until you find the exception. If you do not have the source code, possibly try running the application in a couple different compatibility modes. Another option to try is to check the windows event log for anything more specific.
If you want to get really deep into it, you can use SysInternals ProcMon.exe and filter on the failing exe to view the WinAPI calls that are happening during the failure.
Also, a basic search of forums shows that error is usually accompanied with framework issues. Either recompile the application or check out what your required framework is in the VS2003 project settings.
I'm trying to diagnose why my Outlook plugin written in C#/VSTO 3.0/VS 2008 doesn't load after being installed.
The plugin works awesomely on my development machine, which has Visual Studio 2008 installed. I can't expect all my users to have all the prerequisites though so I went through these steps to write an installer:
I installed the add-in on a fresh Windows XP SP 2 machine with a fresh install of Outlook 2007. It installs all the prereqs ok (.NET 3.5, VSTO 3.0 runtime, Windows Installer 3.1, 2007 PIAs). Outlook starts but the add-in isn't run. If I go to the Add-ins tab in the Trust Center, I see my add-in in the "Inactive Application Add-ins" section with the message "Not loaded. A runtime error occurred during the loading of the COM Add-in.".
Not sure how to find the specific error so I can fix it.
The reg keys look ok. Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\BlahAddin I see Description, FriendlyName, LoadBehavior (set to 3 until it fails after which if becomes set to 2), and Manifest.
Tried the VSTO_SUPPRESSDISPLAYALERTS environment variable trick and then launched Outlook from the command line but no output came out.
I have remote debugging more or less working but I'm not sure what to look for. I don't see my DLL loaded when I attach to Outlook, but then again maybe managed DLLs don't show up the same way in VS.
Any other ideas on next steps I could follow to produce a specific error I can diagnose?
Solved my problem after weeks of pain. The "Manifest" reg key was getting corrupted to some junk value during the setup build. It was a known Visual Studio bug that supposedly got fixed in Visual Studio 2008 SP 1, but apparently wasn't for me. Renaming the project name to be different from the plugin name fixed the problem. Random, huh?
Make sure you have try-catch handlers at the top level of all methods called by Outlook and log any exceptions you are unable to handle in some way. Focus your troubleshooting on methods like the Startup method and other methods called during initialization.
You probably want to debug this using the remote debugger. Share out the MSVCMON.EXE folder from your developer machine (in your Visual Studio folders in Program Files) on your test machine (share it with a UNC path), and launch Outlook under the debugger trapping (.NET) exceptions in your modules and putting breakpoints in your methods.
If you need to clean your test computer each time before you install your solution, you should probably run XP under a Virtual PC 2007 VM (free download) and switch to a differencing HD after setting up everything but your plugin to snapshot your pre-installed state once so you don't have to keep uninstalling/reinstalling as you make changes to your program to fix bugs.
Are you installing Debug builds or Release builds? Perhaps one flavor has different requirements. Just guessing.
-Mike [MSFT Office Dev]
On your machine, when you run the addin from Visual Studio, it should create a registry key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSTO\Security\Inclusion{SomeGuid}. Make sure that these registry settings are also being deployed with your addin. They are the ones that allow your code to be trusted.