Turning plain text into NSString - objective-c

I have a list of words like: hello hi bonjour etc.
I'm literally adding #"" around every word manually. It's not bad, but when you have thousands of words it can get really tedious. Is there a method, where you input a bunch plain text like hello hi and it turns it into: #"hello" #"hi", which I can then copy into code, or do I have to do this manually?

What I've done in similar cases is use an editor's text replacement feature to replace all blanks with (in your case) " #". You may have to get a bit fancier if you don't have blanks at the start and end of each line, or you have multiple adjacent blanks, etc, but the general technique works.

It sounds like what you want is NSString's componentsSeparatedByString: method. You can enter in a bunch of plain text into some text field or text view, get the raw string, and then push that through "componentsSeparatedByString:#" "" (make sure there's one space in there) and out comes an array of words.

You could try loading the strings from a Plist -- inserting them into code is kind of ugly. Something like [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:urlToMyPlist] or [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfURL:urlToMyPlist]

Look at the docs for NSString and you'll find the -initWithCharacters:length: method, which you can use to create strings. If you have a string that you want to break up into smaller strings, use -componentsSeparatedByString:.


NSTextField: integerValue behaving inconsistently

I have found that [NSTextField integerValue] behaves differently with values containing thousands separators depending on how the value was set.
(I am in Germany, so my thousands separator in these examples is a point ".").
If I call [myTextField setIntegerValue:4567], the text field will contain 4.567 (with tousands separator), and [myTextField integerValue] returns 4567.
If I type the value 4.567 info the text field manually, or use [myTextField setStringValue:#"4.567"], then [myTextField integerValue] returns just 4.
Apparently it stops parsing the number at the thousands separator, even though it inserts such a separator itself when calling setIntegerValue.
So I have actually two questions:
Is there a setting or other easy way that I can prevent it to format the number when using -setIntegerValue: ?
Can I "enable" the number parsing to understand/accept thousands separators when calling -integerValue? Or, if not, what would be the simplest way to parse a number with thousands separator from an NSString?
Add a Number Formatter (NSNumberFormatter) to the text field in the storyboard or XIB. This makes the contents of the cell and objectValue of the text field a NSNumber instead of a NSString.
Is there a setting or other easy way that I can prevent it to format the number when using -setIntegerValue: ?
Switch off Grouping Separator of the formatter.
Can I "enable" the number parsing to understand/accept thousands separators when calling -integerValue?
Switch on Grouping Separator of the formatter and set Primary Grouping to 3.
Or, if not, what would be the simplest way to parse a number with thousands separator from an NSString?
Use a NSNumberFormatter, see the class reference and Number Formatters.
integerValue is not locale-aware, it will always use . as the decimal point.
You should use NSNumberFormatter.numberFromString: instead.
Link to NSNumberFormatter class reference.

How to add UTF-8 characters to an NSString?

I need to make chemistry formulas (SO4^2-), and the easiest way to make subscripts and superscripts seems to be adding UTF-8 characters, since KCTSuperscriptAttributeName: property of NSAttributedString doesn't work.
Is it possible for me to make an nsstring with normal characters and utf-8 characters?
According to NSString Reference "NSString is implemented to represent an array of Unicode characters, in other words, a text string."
It would be convenient to write as below:
NSString* myStr = #"Any Unicode Character You Want";
Just make sure that your default text encoding is unicode.
Justin's answer is good but I think what you might really be looking for is NSAttributedString (documentation linked for you) or NSMutableAttributedString, where you can add superscripts, subscripts, and other character styles that NSString by itself can't handle.
Take a look at other NSAttributedString questions here or via Google, like this potentially related question or this one.
Hope this helps you out!
yes. i assume you know the normal approach to make an NSString - here's one method to create an NSString from a utf8 string: -[NSString initWithUTF8String:].

NSString and NSMutableString concatenation

I have three strings (a NSString, a NSMutableString, and another NSString) which I need to concatenate into a mutable string, in that order, to display as the source for a UIWebView. Comming from a PHP/JavaScript/HTML background, my knowledge of concatenation is pretty much this:
var concatenatedString = string1 + string2 + string3;
I presume that sort of thing won't work in Objective-C, so I'm wondering how to go about pulling them all together properly.
To give a bit of setting for this, the first string (NSString) is the header and canvas element of a web page, the second string (NSMutableString) is javascript from a text field that the user can define to manipulate the canvas element, and the third string (NSString) is the end tags of the web page.
Also, rather than initially creating the NSMutableString, should I just referance the UITextView.text to the get the user's text when concatenating the whole thing, or should I pull the text from the UITextView first?
NSMutableString *concatenatedString = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#%#", string1, string2, string3] mutableCopy];
The other two answers are correct in that they answer the question as you asked it. But by your description of what you want to do there is a much easier way. Use a format.
Assuming string1 and string3 will always be the same and only string2 will change,which is what it sounds like you are doing you can write something like this.
static NSString *formatString = #"String1Text%#String3Text";
NSString *completeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:formatString,self.myTextFieldName.text];
The %# in the format says to insert the description of the object following the format.(The description of an NSString is the stringValue.)
Assuming you have a UITextField named myTextFieldName, that currently contains the text 'String2Text' Then this will be the output:
In this way you only create 1 instance of an NSString format for the whole class no matter how many times you call this code.
To me it sounds like you don't need a mutable string at all. Feel free to leave a comment if I misunderstood anything.
Response to comment:
I'm not sure how you are implementing 'moves to test it out again' but, let's say you have a button named 'testJavaScript'. The IBAction method connected to that button would have the first two lines in it. So each time you pushed the button it would make a new formatted NSString filled with the current contents of the textfield. Once this string was formed it could not be changed. But it won't matter since next time it will make another.
NSString *concatenatedString = [string1 stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#%#", string2, string3];
You can make the resulting string mutable (if you really need to) by adding mutableCopy as shown in the answer by #Vinnie.

diffrent between NSLog and -print description- with NSString and UTF-8

I'm confused. I'm parsing json string.
Before parsing, I check what is the content of the NSString.
In Xode4:
When I click on the NSString variable "print description"
The console show the value as \u434 \u433 format of the UTF-8
When I call NSLog("%#",content) the console show the "readble" character of the UTF-8 encoding.
Why is this different? How can I know that the string I got to parse is 100% UTF-8 ?
If you can see the Cyrillic characters you're looking for, rather than the escapes, through any method, then you're working with a UTF-8 string.
The "-description" method is not what you want to use here. It's more likely to show escaped characters; in particular, any time you store a value in a property list item like an NSArray or NSDictionary, its -description will generally escape any characters other than plain ASCII.
NSLog is a more reliable guide, because it doesn't use -description. If it's showing up in NSLog, it's probably just fine.
If you want to be absolutely sure your string is properly encoded UTF-8, the best way to test it is to display it. Create a text interface element (an NSTextField or UITextField) in your user interface, wire it up, and set your string as the value. If it displays there, it is properly formatted.
Short version: if it shows up in the debugger as escaped characters, it doesn't necessarily mean it's not UTF8. If it's showing up anywhere (including NSLog) with the proper characters, it's probably in the proper encoding. If you want to be sure, set up a test interface element and see how it looks there.

NSString cutting one string to pieces

So, I am making an item class to my project and I want to have keywords to search it in my search tab, I read that you can't put arrays to coreData, so I thought I put a string and seperate keywords with ,
So how would I read that string then and cut it to smaller pieces? Or is there a better way to do this?
Look at NSString's -componentsSeparatedByString: and -componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: methods.