How to add UTF-8 characters to an NSString? - objective-c

I need to make chemistry formulas (SO4^2-), and the easiest way to make subscripts and superscripts seems to be adding UTF-8 characters, since KCTSuperscriptAttributeName: property of NSAttributedString doesn't work.
Is it possible for me to make an nsstring with normal characters and utf-8 characters?

According to NSString Reference "NSString is implemented to represent an array of Unicode characters, in other words, a text string."
It would be convenient to write as below:
NSString* myStr = #"Any Unicode Character You Want";
Just make sure that your default text encoding is unicode.

Justin's answer is good but I think what you might really be looking for is NSAttributedString (documentation linked for you) or NSMutableAttributedString, where you can add superscripts, subscripts, and other character styles that NSString by itself can't handle.
Take a look at other NSAttributedString questions here or via Google, like this potentially related question or this one.
Hope this helps you out!

yes. i assume you know the normal approach to make an NSString - here's one method to create an NSString from a utf8 string: -[NSString initWithUTF8String:].


Turning plain text into NSString

I have a list of words like: hello hi bonjour etc.
I'm literally adding #"" around every word manually. It's not bad, but when you have thousands of words it can get really tedious. Is there a method, where you input a bunch plain text like hello hi and it turns it into: #"hello" #"hi", which I can then copy into code, or do I have to do this manually?
What I've done in similar cases is use an editor's text replacement feature to replace all blanks with (in your case) " #". You may have to get a bit fancier if you don't have blanks at the start and end of each line, or you have multiple adjacent blanks, etc, but the general technique works.
It sounds like what you want is NSString's componentsSeparatedByString: method. You can enter in a bunch of plain text into some text field or text view, get the raw string, and then push that through "componentsSeparatedByString:#" "" (make sure there's one space in there) and out comes an array of words.
You could try loading the strings from a Plist -- inserting them into code is kind of ugly. Something like [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:urlToMyPlist] or [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfURL:urlToMyPlist]
Look at the docs for NSString and you'll find the -initWithCharacters:length: method, which you can use to create strings. If you have a string that you want to break up into smaller strings, use -componentsSeparatedByString:.

What does stringWithUTF8String do?

So I have done some searching around so that I could see what it was I was doing with my code, and I couldn't find any answers as to what this very one specific line of code does.
NSString* name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:countryName];
I know what the rest does (I only had to google how to do this part), it is supposed to take my char* (countryName) and turn it into an NSString so later on I can compare it with the
thing. I would just like to know what the following is actually doing to the char, and what does the UTF8String even mean?
I have barely any Objective C programming experience so any feedback is helpful :D
you are not totally right.
this method
Returns a string created by copying the data from a given C array of UTF8-encoded bytes.
so, UTF-8 string here is just a C array of bytes.
Check the documentation here.
It doesn't do anything to the char * string. It's just the input to the method. stringWithUTF8String takes a C-style string (in UTF-8 encoding), and creates an NSString using it as a template.

How to split strings into substrings in iOS

I have a string like this.
NSString *str=#"-85.33,45.78,0.0000 -85.78,46.98,0.000 -85.98,47.678,0.0000";
I have to extract individual strings from the above into an array.
The above string is 3 sets of longitude,latitude,altitude values. these are separated by "," and spaces. I have to extract longitude values into an array and latitude to another array.
Can anyone please suggest a solution.
You could use the componentsSeparatedByString: method of NSString, or you could use the NSScanner class. You could even use componentsSeparatedByString: to split on spaces, and then use NSScanner to parse the numbers out of each substring.
Let me give you a hint. If you have a say a NSString, you can see what methods (with descriptions) are available by command-clicking on NSString in XCode. Then you would have seen componentsSeparatedByString:
The beautiful thing is this works for all objects. At least take a look before asking.

What are the characters that stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding escapes?

I've had to switch from stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding to CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes because it doesn't escape question marks (?). I'm curious what exactly it does escape, and the rationale behind the partial escaping vs RFC 3986.
Be careful not to leak memory on conversions when using CFStringRef. Here's what I came up with to work with Latin characters, and others. I use this to escape my parameters, not the entire URL. Depending on your use case, you may need to add or remove characters from "escapeChars"
CFStringRef escapeChars = (CFStringRef)#"%;/?¿:#&=$+,[]#!'()*<>¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ \"\n";
NSString *encodedString = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL, (__bridge_retained CFStringRef) url, NULL, escapeChars, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
I hope this helps.
Some good categories have been created for doing just what you need:
The rationale for leaving certain characters out is beyond me... except to say that the definition of the function is: Returns a representation of the receiver using a given encoding to determine the percent escapes necessary to convert the receiver into a legal URL string.
To be completely correct, + and & are legal characters within a URL, whereas a space is not. Hence the method will correctly escape a space, but leaves + and & intact.
Reading RFC2396 - there is a set of reserved and unreserved characters defined. My guess is that none of these characters are escaped by stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding.

diffrent between NSLog and -print description- with NSString and UTF-8

I'm confused. I'm parsing json string.
Before parsing, I check what is the content of the NSString.
In Xode4:
When I click on the NSString variable "print description"
The console show the value as \u434 \u433 format of the UTF-8
When I call NSLog("%#",content) the console show the "readble" character of the UTF-8 encoding.
Why is this different? How can I know that the string I got to parse is 100% UTF-8 ?
If you can see the Cyrillic characters you're looking for, rather than the escapes, through any method, then you're working with a UTF-8 string.
The "-description" method is not what you want to use here. It's more likely to show escaped characters; in particular, any time you store a value in a property list item like an NSArray or NSDictionary, its -description will generally escape any characters other than plain ASCII.
NSLog is a more reliable guide, because it doesn't use -description. If it's showing up in NSLog, it's probably just fine.
If you want to be absolutely sure your string is properly encoded UTF-8, the best way to test it is to display it. Create a text interface element (an NSTextField or UITextField) in your user interface, wire it up, and set your string as the value. If it displays there, it is properly formatted.
Short version: if it shows up in the debugger as escaped characters, it doesn't necessarily mean it's not UTF8. If it's showing up anywhere (including NSLog) with the proper characters, it's probably in the proper encoding. If you want to be sure, set up a test interface element and see how it looks there.