How to set random variables with a range in batch - variables

I am making a text-based RPG game in batch, and I've been having a problem on an event in which certain weapons are supposed to do a random amount of damage between 0 and 10. Here is my code:
set /a damage=%random%/3277
echo %damage%
As you can see, 3277 is approximately 32767/10. However, I keep getting 9 as the result. Can anyone help me identify what I am doing wrong? Also, is there another way I can write the code so that it has a minimum as well as a maximum? I would prefer it to be between 6 and 10, not 0 and 10.

Use modulus:
SET /A damage=%random% %% 11
This way you guarantee numbers between [0, 11[.
For such a small divisor, you will get close to a uniform distribution (assuming %random% as also a uniform distribution).


what's best way for awk to check arbitrary integer precision

from GNU gawk's page
they have a formula to check arbitrary precision
function adequate_math_precision(n) { return (1 != (1+(1/(2^(n-1))))) }
My question is : wouldn't it be more efficient by staying within integer math domain with a formula such as
( 2^abs(n) - 1 ) % 2 # note 2^(n-1) vs. 2^|n| - 1
Since any power of 2 must also be even, then subtracting 1 must always be odd, then its modulo (%) over 2 becomes indicator function for is_odd() for n >= 0, while the abs(n) handles the cases where it's negative.
Or does the modulo necessitate a casting to float point, thus nullifying any gains ?
Good question. Let's tackle it.
The proposed snippet aims at checking wether gawk was invoked with the -M option.
I'll attach some digression on that option at the bottom.
The argument n of the function is the floating point precision needed for whatever operation you'll have to perform. So, say your script is in a library somewhere and will get called but you have no control over it. You'll run that function at the beginning of the script to promptly throw exception and bail out, suggesting that the end result will be wrong due to lack of bits to store numbers.
Your code stays in the integer realm: a power of two of an integer is an integer. There is no need to use abs(n) here, because there is no point in specifying how many bits you'll need as a negative number in the first place.
Then you subtract one from an even, integer number. Now, unless n=0, in which case 2^0=1 and then your code reads (1 - 1) % 2 = 0, your snippet shall always return 1, because the quotient (%) of an odd number divided by two is 1.
Problem is: you are trying to calculate a potentially stupidly large number in a function that should check if you are able to do so in the first place.
Since any power of 2 must also be even, then subtracting 1 must always
be odd, then its modulo (%) over 2 becomes indicator function for
is_odd() for n >= 0, while the abs(n) handles the cases where it's
Except when n=0 as we discussed above, you are right. The snippet will tell that any power of 2 is even, and any power of 2, minus 1, is odd. We were discussing another subject entirely thought.
Let's analyze the other function instead:
return (1 != (1+(1/(2^(n-1)))))
Remember that booleans in awk runs like this: 0=false and non zero equal true. So, if 1+x where x is a very small number, typically a large power of two (2^122 in the example page) is mathematically guaranteed to be !=1, in the digital world that's not the case. At one point, floating computation will reach a precision rock bottom, will be rounded down, and x=0 will be suddenly declared. At that point, the arbitrary precision function will return 0: false: 1 is equal 1.
A larger discussion on types and data representation
The page you link explains precision for gawk invoked with the -M option. This sounds like technoblahblah, let's decipher it.
At one point, your OS architecture has to decide how to store data, how to represent it in memory so that it can be accessed again and displayed. Terms like Integer, Float, Double, Unsigned Integer are examples of data representation. We here are addressing Integer representation: how is an integer stored in memory?
A 32-bit system will use 4 bytes to represent and integer, which in turn determines how larger the integer will be. The 32 bits are read from most significative (MSB) to less significative (LSB) and if signed, one bit will represent the sign (the MSB typically, drastically reducing the max size of the integer).
If asked to compute a large number, a machine will try to fit in in the max number available. If the end result is larger than that, you have overflow and end up with a wrong result or an error. Many online challenges typically ask you to write code for arbitrary long loops or large sums, then test it with inputs that will break the 64bit barrier, to see if you master proper types for indexes.
AWK is not a strongly typed language. Meaning, any variable can store data, regardless of the type. The data type can change and it is determined at runtime by the interpreter, so that the developer doesn't need to care. For instance:
$awk '{a="this is text"; print a; a=2; print a; print a+3.0*2}'
-| this is text
-| 2
-| 8
In the example, a is text, then is an integer and can be summed to a floating point number and printed as integer without any special type handling.
The Arbitrary Precision Page presents the following snippet:
$ gawk -M 'BEGIN {
> s = 2.0
> for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
> s = s * (s - 1) + 1
> print s
> }'
-| 113423713055421845118910464
There is some math voodoo behind, we will skip that. Since s is interpreted as a floating point number, the end result is computed as floating point.
Try to input that number on Windows calculator as decimal, and it will fail. Although you can compute it as a binary. You'll need the programmer setting and to add up to 53 bits to be able to fit it as unsigned integer.
53 is a magic number here: with the -M option, gawk uses arbitrary precision for numbers. In other words, it commandeers how many bits are necessary, track them and breaks free of the native OS architecture. The default option says that gawk will allocate 53 bits for any given arbitrary number. Fun fact, the actual result of that snippet is wrong, and it would take up to 100 bits to compute correctly.
To implement arbitrary large numbers handling, gawk relies on an external library called MPFR. Provided with an arbitrary large number, MPFR will handle the memory allocation and bit requisition to store it. However, the interface between gawk and MPFR is not perfect, and gawk can't always control the type that MPFR will use. In case of integers, that's not an issue. For floating point numbers, that will result in rounding errors.
This brings us back to the snippet at the beginning: if gawk was called with the -M option, numbers up to 2^53 can be stored as integers. Floating points will be smaller than that (you'll need to make the comma disappear somehow, or rather represent it spending some of the bits allocated for that number, just like the sign). Following the example of the page, and asking an arbitrary precision larger than 32, the snippet will return TRUE only if the -M option was passed, otherwise 1/2^(n-1) will be rounded down to be 0.

Bitwise negation up to the first positive bit

I was working in a project and I canĀ“t use the bitwise negation with a U32 bits (Unsigned 32 bits) because when I tried to use the negation operator for example I have 1 and the negation (according to this function) was the biggest number possible with U32 and I expected the zero. My idea was working with a binary number like (110010) and I need to only negate the bits after the first 1-bit(001101). There is a way to do that in LabVIEW?
This computes the value you are looking for.
1110 --> 0001 (aka, 1)
1010 --> 0101 (aka, 101)
111 --> 000 (aka, 0) [indeed, all patterns that are all "1" will become 0]
0 --> 0 [because there are no bits to negate... maybe you want to special case this as "1"?)
Note: This is a VI Snippet. Save the .png file to your disk then drag the image from your OS into LabVIEW and it will generate the block diagram (I wrote it in LV 2016, so it works for 2016 or later). Sometimes dragging directly from browser to diagram works, but most browsers seem to strip out the EXIF data that makes that work.
Here's an alternative solution without a loop. It formats the input into its string representation (without leading zeros) to figure out how many bits to negate - call this n - and then XOR's the input with 2^n - 1.
Note that this version will return an output of 1 for an input of 0.
Using the string functions feels a bit hacky... but it doesn't use a loop!!
Obviously we could instead try to get the 'bit length' of the input using its base-2 log, but I haven't sat down and worked out how to correctly ensure that there are no rounding issues when the input has only its most significant bit set, and therefore the base-2 log should be exactly an integer, but might come out a fraction smaller.
Here's a solution without strings/loops using the conversion to float (a common method of computing floor(log_2(x))). This won't work on unsigned types.

How would I create a function in objective-c that would correctly output the results of in mathematical precedence?

I want to create a mathematical calculator in objective-C. I need it to run
through a command line. The user will enter an equation like 4 + 2 * 12 etc. The output should calculate the 2 and 12 first because they are times by. How would I create a command line program that creates output based on mathematical order or precedence. for example solving whats in the brackets first then anything that is multiplied and or divided by etc etc.
there are multiple programs available online for this here is just one, in the CMD line you can specify precedence by simply using parenthesis like the following C:> set /a ((2*12)+4) obviously replacing hard coded values with that passed to a variable.

Fortran does'nt end when obtain unexpected value?

I've got a program, which compute a several variables and then these variables are writing in to the output file.
Is it possilbe, that when my program can't get a correct results for my formula, it does'nt terminate?
To clarify what I do, here is part of my code, where the variable of my interest are compute:
call PBC(dx,dy,dz)
call PBC(dx,dy,dz)
do ii=1,nk-1
do jj=ii+1,nk
call PBC(dx,dy,dz)
if( rspani=dxs
end do
and then in to the output I just write these variables:
870 FORMAT(3(f15.7,3x),f15.7)
The x, y, z are actully generate via a random number generator.
The problem is that my output contains, correct values for lets say 457 lines, and then a one line is just "*********" when I use mc viewer and then the output continues with correct values, but let's say 12 steps form do cycle which compute these variables is missing.
So my questions are basic:
Is it possible, that my program can't get a correct numbers, and that's why the result is not writing in to the program?
Could it this been caused due to wrong output formating or something related with formating?
Thank you for any suggestion
********* is almost certainly the result of trying to write a number too large for the field specified in a format string.
For example, a field specified as f15.7 will take 1 spot for the decimal point, 1 spot for a leading sign (- will always be printed if required, + may be printed if options are set), 7 for the fractional digits, leaving 6 digits for the whole part of the number. There may therefore be cases where the program won't fit the number into the field and will print 15 *s instead.
Programs compiled with an up to date Fortran compiler will write a string such as NaN or -Inf if they encounter a floating-point number which represents one of the IEEE special values

Find the optimum sequence of keyboard hits to produce the most repeated characters

You are provided with four possible operations that can be done on the editor (each operation requires one keyboard hit).
Now you can hit the keyboard N times and you need to find the maximum number of A's that can be printed. Also print the sequence of keyboard hits.
Googled for the answer:
Off of the top of my head...
A single A followed by iterations of Ctrl+A Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+V, where each iteration doubles the size of the text, starting at 1 character, then 2, then 4, then 8, etc.
So given N keystrokes, you can produce at most 2(N-1)/4 characters.
I suspect that this is not the optimal (minimal) number of keystrokes, though. (I have not yet read the answer posted by #David.)