Snakemake wrappers fails to open environment file: HTTP Error 404: Not Found - snakemake

When using snakemake wrappers with snakemake version 5.5.2 like this:
rule bcf_to_vcf:
"" # optional parameters for bcftools view (except -o)
I get the following error:
Building DAG of jobs...
Failed to open environment file
HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Apparently, the wrapper files are no longer available on bitbucket.

To use snakemake-wrappers version 0.38.1 and above, you need to use snakemake version 5.7.0 or higher.
What is going on:
Snakemake (and snakemake-wrappers) recently migrated from bitbucket to Github. This causes some minor inconvenience with the paths to the snakemake-wrappers repository used internally by snakemake. The easiest way to solve this is to update snakemake to version 5.7.0 or newer. These version already use the new paths to the Github version.
While the bitbucket repo of snakemake wrappers is still online, it only contains the snakemake-wrapper versions 0.38.0 and lower. To use a higher version of snakemake-wrappers (as 0.38.1 in the code above), you need a newer version of snakemake, which pulls workflow data from the Github version of snakemake-wrappers repo.


dbt- synapse models\example generating error

The problem I’m having is after the profiles.yml All checks passed! (the connection successful)
when i run dbt get this message
Configuration paths exist in your dbt_project.yml file which do not apply to any resources. There are 1 unused configuration paths:- models.dbt_project.example
when I run
dbt --version
Core: - installed: 1.4.1
- latest: 1.4.1 - Up to date!
Plugins: - sqlserver: 1.3.0 - Not compatible!
- synapse: 1.3.2 - Not compatible!
At least one plugin is out of date or incompatible with dbt-core.
You can find instructions for upgrading here:
The error message is telling you what is wrong. There is config in your dbt_project.yml file that does not apply to any files in your models directory.
When you run dbt init, it creates some example models (.sql files) in the models/example directory, like my_first_dbt_model.sql. It also adds some example config to dbt_project.yml that looks like this:
# towards the bottom...
# Config indicated by + and applies to all files under models/example/
+materialized: view
You need to delete the example key, since you deleted that directory. You could also delete the keys above it, or keep them, since you'll probably add config at some point.
The OTHER error is probably because you installed dbt-core separately from dbt-synapse. You should delete your virtual environment and start over by just running pip install dbt-synapse, which will automatically install a compatible version of dbt-core. You should NEVER pin versions of dbt-core, only the version of your adapter (since the adapter will specify its compatible versions of dbt-core).

How to debug neovim lsp custom command

I am attempting to get the volar vue language server to work in place of vetur for neovim's native lsp.
Using both lspconfig and lspinstall I was able to create a working custom install for sumneko_lua (unrelated but had to manually build due to some issues with the built-in :LspInstall lua). Below is that code duplicated and modified for an attempt at using this new vue server:
local vue_config = require'lspinstall/util'.extract_config('vuels')
vue_config.default_config.cmd = {'node', './node_modules/vscode-vue-languageservice/out/index.js', '--stdio'}
require'lspinstall/servers'.newvue = vim.tbl_extend('error', vue_config, {
install_script = [[
! test -f package.json && npm init -y --scope=lspinstall || true
npm install vscode-vue-languageservice#latest
uninstall_script = nil
Running :LspInstall newvue installs properly, however :LspInfo shows this language server is attached to the buffer (of a .vue file) but not active. I believe the issue is with this path: ./node_modules/vscode-vue-languageservice/out/index.js. It exists, but may not be the correct entry point? The default vue ls simply has vls as the command because it provides a binary. Am I missing something in this package? I have yet to come across another language server without a single binary to pick out.
Can you try an absolute path to the out.js file? In my pretty elaborate config for a custom Volar install I'm using something just /home/myuser/dev/volar/packages/server/out/index.js (where the volar folder is just the whole volar cloned github repo). My full config is here
I don't think you can use relative paths like you did. I know you're assuming that the "./node_modules" means "workspace directory" but it's hard to tell in which directory nvim-lspconfig opens up those executables.
I have yet to come across another language server without a single binary to pick out.
Volar also provides a binary, it's volar-server (after running npm i -g #volar/server), it's just with a custom install (ie. alongside the real volar) you can't use it, because I assume you want to use your local install with custom code.
As for more indepth debugging/logging, you can check ~/.cache/nvim/lsp.log to see why the language server dies in detail.

orocommerce install failed you have requested a non-existent parameter "web_backend_prefix"

I done all steps to install orocommerce on azure CentOS and nginx.
So now i got the following error after
$ ./bin/console oro:install --env=prod --timeout=900
"In ParameterBag.php line 102:
You have requested a non-existent parameter "web_backend_prefix".
Have anybody an idea?
How exactly did you get the source code (if GitHub - what repository, tag/branch, if download - what website and version)? Based on the error text it seems like it might be OroPlatform or OroCRM application, not OroCommerce.

invalid command name "zlib" while executing http::geturl

I'm on TCL 8.5 (can't upgrade) and running version 2.7.7 of the HTTP package. I'm calling a library which appears to be using the following http::geturl command to download an image which has been gzipped:
http::geturl $url -headers {Accept-Encoding gzip}
and I'm getting this error:
invalid command name "zlib"
Searching on the web, I could only find this reference to the bug which basically recommends stopping sending Accept-Encoding gzip, which I can't do (nor can I upgrade to 8.6)
My question is: is there any 8.5 workaround for this issue? Is there a way to stop this library from sending the "Accept-Encoding gzip" header?
The issue is that the code believes you've got the zlib package (which supplies the zlib command) available, and so turns on support for gzip-compressed streams. The simplest fix in your code is to do:
package require zlib
So long as this happens before you call into the code that does the http::geturl, this should be enough.
If you don't have the package (in which case you'll get a clear failure from the package require) then you've hit a bug either where the soft dependency code in the http package is getting it wrong when building the request headers, or in the server which is sending gzipped data despite not being asked for it. The code pointed to from TIP #234 (i.e., the SVN repository at contains the source for a version of the zlib package, in particular it's the version that formed the starting point for the built-in support in Tcl 8.6, but I think it only uses Tcl 8.5 APIs.
Unhelpfully, there are several versions of the zlib package around; this is one of the messiest Tcl packages to acquire, alas.

casperjs.bat on windows fails with cannot find module cli.js error

I'm trying out casperJS to run some automated tests. On windows. I followed this installation guide but am stuck.
when I try to run a simple test from the command line like this:
casperjs.bat smoketest.js
I get the following error:
Error: Cannot find module 'C:/code/base/main/Shared/casperjs\modules\cli.js'
I checked, and the file cli.js does exist under the specified path.
I thought the problem could be the mixture of forward and backward slashes in the path, but I edited the bootstrap.js casper code to hard code the path and it made no difference - it still the cannot find module.
I'm have tried this using phantomJS version 1.9.0, and 1.8.2.
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Has anyone had success running casper on Windows?
This is due to a bug in PhantomJS 1.9.0 that does not allow for absolute path loading in Windows. Afaik, this should only be apparent if you are using a master build of CasperJS (v1.1).
This bug has been fixed, but is not yet in the Windows binary. You can compile it yourself if you'd like, but that can take quite a bit of time.
I was using the master build of casper. With the latest released version, 1.0.2, it works fine.