Interpolation and single quoted strings in SQL query - sql

I just started of with databases with SQLite3 and Ruby. I have run into a problem with my ruby code here.
I want to create a code where the user adds another record to the database. Now here is my problem.
User sawa found the solution of my first problem. Thank you!
puts "Enter name for the new user"
x = gets.chomp
puts "Enter the type of the user"
y = gets.chomp
$db.execute('insert into customers(id,name,type) values (11,"#{x}","#{y}")')
When I run this code and input the x any y value it will return in my database #{x} and #{y} and not the values I created.

You're actually going about this all wrong. You shouldn't be using string interpolation for SQL at all, you should be using placeholders and bound variables. The README even includes an example:
# Execute a few inserts
"one" => 1,
"two" => 2,
}.each do |pair|
db.execute "insert into numbers values ( ?, ? )", pair
and the fine manual even mentions bound variables in the second sentence:
- (Object) execute(sql, bind_vars = [], *args, &block)
Executes the given SQL statement. If additional parameters are given, they are treated as bind variables, and are bound to the placeholders in the query.
So you should be saying this:
$db.execute('insert into customers (id, name, type) values (?, ?, ?)', 11, x, y)
or this:
$db.execute('insert into customers (id, name, type) values (?, ?, ?)', [11, x, y])

As is warned, don't use single quotes. Use double quotes. Expressions in single quotes are not ignored. They are evaluated literally.


query using string in PyTables 3

I have a table:
h5file=open_file("ex.h5", "w")
class ex(IsDescription):
A=StringCol(5, pos=0)
B=StringCol(5, pos=1)
C=StringCol(5, pos=2)
table=h5file.create_table('/', 'table', ex, "Passing string as column name")
('abc', 'bcd', 'dse'),
('der', 'fre', 'swr'),
('xsd', 'weq', 'rty')
I am trying to query as per below:
if creteria=='B':
value=[x['A'] for x in table.where("""condition==find""")]
It returns:
ValueError: there are no columns taking part in condition condition==find
Is there a way to use condition as a column name in above query?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can use Pytables .where() to search based on a condition. The problem is how you constructed your query for the table.where(condition). See Note about strings under Table.where() in the Pytables Users Guide:
A special care should be taken when the query condition includes string literals. ... Python 3 strings are unicode objects.
in Python 3, “condition” should be defined like this:
condition = 'col1 == b"AAAA"'
The reason is that in Python 3 “condition” implies a comparison between a string of bytes (“col1” contents) and an unicode literal (“AAAA”).
The simplest form of your query is shown below. It returns a subset of rows that match the condition. Note use of single and double quotes for string and unicode:
query_table = table.where('C=="swr"') # search in column C
I rewrote your example as best I could. See below. It shows several ways to enter the condition. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to combine your creteria and find variables into a single condition variable with string and unicode characters.
from tables import *
class ex(IsDescription):
A=StringCol(5, pos=0)
B=StringCol(5, pos=1)
C=StringCol(5, pos=2)
h5file=open_file("ex.h5", "w")
table=h5file.create_table('/', 'table', ex, "Passing string as column name")
## table=h5file.root.table
('abc', 'bcd', 'dse'),
('der', 'fre', 'swr'),
('xsd', 'weq', 'rty')
query_table = table.where('C==find')
for row in query_table :
print (row)
print (row['A'], row['B'], row['C'])
value=[x['A'] for x in table.where('C == "swr"')]
value=[x['A'] for x in table.where('C == find')]
Output shown below:
/table.row (Row), pointing to row #1
b'der' b'fre' b'swr'

PYTHON - Using double quotes in SQL constant

I have a SQL query entered into a constant. One of the fields that I need to put in my where clause is USER which is a key word. To run the query I put the keyword into double quotes.
I have tried all of the suggestions from here yet none seem to be working.
Here is what I have for my constant:
"'company_number' and TYPE NOT IN (1, 4)"
I am not sure how to get this query to work from my constant.
I also tried wrapping the whole query in """. I am getting a key error on the USER.
COMPANY = 'company_number' and TYPE NOT IN (1, 4)"""
Below is the error I am getting:
nose.proxy.KeyError: 'user'
So the triple quoted solution was the best one. The problem I was running into was I had not included the "user" key in my dictionary of params which formatted the query.

How to use parameters with RPostgreSQL (to insert data)

I'm trying to insert data into a pre-existing PostgreSQL table using RPostgreSQL and I can't figure out the syntax for SQL parameters (prepared statements).
E.g. suppose I want to do the following
insert into mytable (a,b,c) values ($1,$2,$3)
How do I specify the parameters? dbSendQuery doesn't seem to understand if you just put the parameters in the ....
I've found dbWriteTable can be used to dump an entire table, but won't let you specify the columns (so no good for defaults etc.). And anyway, I'll need to know this for other queries once I get the data in there (so I suppose this isn't really insert specific)!
Sure I'm just missing something obvious...
I was looking for the same thing, for the same reasons, which is security.
Apparently dplyr package has the capacity that you are interested in. It's barely documented, but it's there. Scroll down to "Postgresql" in this vignette:
To summarize, dplyr offers functions sql() and escape(), which can be combined to produce a parametrized query. SQL() function from DBI package seems to work in exactly same way.
> sql(paste0('SELECT * FROM blaah WHERE id = ', escape('random "\'stuff')))
<SQL> SELECT * FROM blaah WHERE id = 'random "''stuff'
It returns an object of classes "sql" and "character", so you can either pass it on to tbl() or possibly dbSendQuery() as well.
The escape() function correctly handles vectors as well, which I find most useful:
> sql(paste0('SELECT * FROM blaah WHERE id in ', escape(1:5)))
<SQL> SELECT * FROM blaah WHERE id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Same naturally works with variables as well:
> tmp <- c("asd", 2, date())
> sql(paste0('SELECT * FROM blaah WHERE id in ', escape(tmp)))
<SQL> SELECT * FROM blaah WHERE id in ('asd', '2', 'Tue Nov 18 15:19:08 2014')
I feel much safer now putting together queries.
As of the latest RPostgreSQL it should work:
db_connection <- dbConnect(dbDriver("PostgreSQL"), dbname = database_name,
host = "localhost", port = database_port, password=database_user_password,
user = database_user)
qry = "insert into mytable (a,b,c) values ($1,$2,$3)"
dbSendQuery(db_connection, qry, c(1, "some string", "some string with | ' "))
Here's a version using the DBI and RPostgres packages, and inserting multiple rows at once, since all these years later it's still very difficult to figure out from the documentation.
x <- data.frame(
a = c(1:10),
b = letters[1:10],
c = letters[11:20]
# insert your own connection info
con <- DBI::dbConnect(
dbname = '',
host = '',
port = 5432,
user = '',
password = ''
"INSERT INTO mytable (a,b,c) VALUES ($1,$2,$3);",
The help for dbBind() in the DBI package is the only place that explains how to format parameters:
The placeholder format is currently not specified by DBI; in the
future, a uniform placeholder syntax may be supported. Consult the
backend documentation for the supported formats.... Known examples are:
? (positional matching in order of appearance) in RMySQL and RSQLite
$1 (positional matching by index) in RPostgres and RSQLite
:name and $name (named matching) in RSQLite
? is also the placeholder for R package RJDBC.

What is the most elegant way in Ruby to substitute '?' in string with values in array

I have the following variables:
query = "(first_name = ?) AND (country = ?)" # string
values = ['Bob', 'USA'] # array
I need the following result:
result = "(first_name = Bob) AND (country = USA)" # string
The number of substitutions varies (1..20).
What is the best way to do it in Ruby?
If you don't mind destroying the array:
query.gsub('?') { values.shift }
Otherwise just copy the array and then do the replacements.
Edited: Used gsub('?') instead of a regex.
If you can control the query string, the String#% operator is what you need:
query = "(first_name = %s) AND (country = %s)" # string
values = ['Bob', 'USA'] # array
result = query % values
#=> "(first_name = Bob) AND (country = USA)"
You have to replace ? with %s in your query string.
values.inject(query){|s1, s2| s1.sub("?", s2)}
query = "(first_name = ?) AND (country = ?)"
values = ['Bob', 'USA']
result = query.dup
values.each{|s| result.sub!("?",s) }
p query
# >> "(first_name = Bob) AND (country = USA)"
Since this question is tagged ruby-on-rails, you could (should) use ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#where with Array Conditions.
This will raise ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid if you provide the wrong number of bind variables in values, which saves you from checking this yourself.
Not only is this elegant because Rails performs the substitutions for you, it will also help guard you against SQL injection attacks by sanitising your SQL in the process.
Assuming your model is called User and query and value are as in your question, this:
User.where(query, *values)
...would generate SQL like:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE first_name = 'Bob' AND country = 'USA';
Display only
The example above will execute the query. To display the generated SQL without execution, simply invoke ActiveRecord::Relation#to_sql:
User.where(query, *values).to_sql
If you're using Rails (or at least ActiveRecord), I'd recommend using
ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql_for_conditions(['(first_name = ?) AND (country = ?)', 'Bob', 'USA'])
Unless it's just for a regular where condition, in which case it will ActiveRecord will just do this for you in User.where('(first_name = ?) AND (country = ?)', 'Bob', 'USA')

Rails3: SQL execution with hash substitution like .where()

With a simple model like that
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
we can do queries like that
Model.where(["name = :name and updated_at >= :D", \
{ :D => ( -, :name => "O'Connor" }])
Where the values in the hash will be substituted into the final SQL statement with proper escaping depending on the underlying database engine.
I would like to know a similar feature for SQL execution like:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( \
["update models set name = :name, hired_at = :D where id = :id;"], \
{ :id => 73465, :D =>, :name => "O'My God" }] \
(Please do not solve the example with loading a Model object, modifying and then saving! The example is only an illustration for the feature I would like to have / know. Concentrate on the subject!)
The original problem is that I want to insert large amount (many thousand lines) of data into the database. I want to use some features of the SQL abstraction of the ActiveRecord framework but I don't want to use model objects based on ActiveRecord::Base because they are damn slow! (8 queries per second for my current problem.)
query = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.prepare("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES(:name)")
query.execute(:name => 'test_name')
Extending the #peufeu solution with concrete code example for bulk insert:
users_places = []
users_values = []
timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
params[:users].each do |user|
users_places << "(?,?,?,?)"
users_values << user[:name] << user[:punch_line] << timestamp << timestamp
bulk_insert_users_sql_arr = ["INSERT INTO users (name, punch_line, created_at, updated_at) VALUES #{users_places.join(", ")}"] + users_values
sql = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, bulk_insert_users_sql_arr)
"something went wrong with the bulk insert sql query"
Here is the reference to sanitize_sql_array method in ActiveRecord::Base, it generates the proper query string by escaping the single quotes in the strings. For example the punch_line "Don't let them get you down" will become "Don\'t let them get you down".
Yes you could do raw SQL, but checkout the ar-extensions gem that helps with batch inserts:
Here's a post on it, and various other techniques:
For INSERTs, batching them using a long VALUES clause (as shown by Simon's link) is the fastest way (unless you want to generate a text file and load it in your database with MySQL's LOAD DATA INFILE). But you have to be very careful about escaping your text values (which is not done in the example).
I was asking "what database are you using" because it does matter for mass UPDATEs.
For instance, you can do this on postgres (and I believe SQL Server changing "columnX" to "colX" ):
JOIN (VALUES (1,2),(3,4),... long list) v ON (
SET = v.column2
And you can update a load of rows using a single statement, very fast.
If you don't need Ruby to perform some Ruby-specific magic on your data, the fastest way to transfer data from one DB to a different one is to export as a text file (CSV or tab separated), load it on the other DB (LOAD DATA INFILE on MySQL), perhaps in a temporary table, and bulk process using SQL.
EDIT : Here's how I do this in Python :
sql = [ "INSERT INTO foo (column list) VALUES " ]
values = []
for tuple in tuple_list:
append "(?,?,?,?)" to sql
extend values list with tuple
Then join sql into a string, you get "INSERT INTO foo (column list) VALUES (?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?)" with the "(?,?,?,?)" repeated as many times as you have lines to insert.
Then "values" contains a list of (a1,b1,c1,d1,a2,b2,c2,d2,a3,b3,c3,d3) with an,bn,cn,dn being the tuples you want to insert for line n. Each one corresponds to a placeholder in the sql string.
Then pass this to the usual "execute query with parameters" function which will handle quoting and escaping as usual.
I encountered a similar issue recently when tying to insert 100K+ records into a MySQL database for a Rails 4 app using mysql2 gem. The data included characters that had to be sanitized prior to insert.
The solution I ended going with was a slightly modified version of Option 3 described at
Here's the relevant code block from the above link:
TIMES = 10000
inserts = []
TIMES.times do
inserts.push "(3.0, '2009-01-23 20:21:13', 2, 1)"
sql = "INSERT INTO user_node_scores (`score`, `updated_at`, `node_id`, `user_id`) VALUES #{inserts.join(", ")}"
The modification I made was using the public method ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize() on values that required it.
inserts = []
created = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
params[:audits].each do |audit|
inserts.push "(#{audit.user_id), #{created}," + ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(audit.comment) + ", #{audit.status})"
sql = "INSERT INTO user_audits (`user_id`, `created_at`, `comment`, `status`) VALUES #{inserts.join(", ")}"