SQL Table Constraint to prevent column totals exceeding 100 - sql

I have a table which contains columns like this:
SomeId, Int PK
Item1Weighting, Int
Item2Weighting, Int
Item3Weighting, Int
I want to add a constraint to the table that prevents the total of the three "weighting" columns on a single row exceeding a total value of 100.
I've done quite a bit of searching and can't find any help so any suggestions would be gratefully received.

You can do this declaratively without resorting to triggers.
Item1Weighting Int,
Item2Weighting Int,
Item3Weighting Int,
CONSTRAINT CK_WeightingNotOver100
CHECK ((ISNULL(Item1Weighting,0) +
ISNULL(Item2Weighting,0) +
ISNULL(Item3Weighting,0)) <= 100)
Or to add it retrospectively to an existing table
ADD CONSTRAINT CK_WeightingNotOver100
CHECK ((ISNULL(Item1Weighting,0) +
ISNULL(Item2Weighting,0) +
ISNULL(Item3Weighting,0)) <= 100)


Having troubles with Identity field of SQL-SERVER

I'm doing a school project about a school theme where I need to create some tables for Students, Classes, Programmes...
I want to add a Group to determined classes with an auto increment in group_id however I wanted the group_id variable to reset if I change any of those attributes(Classes_id,courses_acronym,year_Semesters) how can I reset it every time any of those change??
Here is my table:
CREATE TABLE Classes_Groups(
Classes_id varchar(2),
Group_id INT IDENTITY(1,1),
courses_acronym varchar(4),
year_Semesters varchar(5),
FOREIGN KEY (Classes_id, year_Semesters,courses_acronym) REFERENCES Classes(id,year_Semesters, courses_acronym),
PRIMARY KEY(Classes_id,courses_acronym,year_Semesters,Group_id)
Normally, you do not (need to) reset the identity column of a table. An identity column is used to create unique values for every single record in a table.
So you want to generate entries in your groups table based on new entries in your classes table. You might create a trigger on your classes table for that purpose.
Since Group_id is already unique by itself (because of its IDENTITY), you do not need other fields in the primary key at all. Instead, you may create a separate UNIQUE constraint for the combination (Classes_id, courses_acronym, year_Semesters) if you need it.
And if the id field of your classes table is an IDENTITY column too, you could define a primary key in your classes table solely on that id field. And then your foreign key constraint in your new groups table can only include that Classes_id field.)
So much for now. I guess that your database design needs some more additional tuning and tweaking. ;)
where are you setting the values from?, you can have a stored proc and in your query have the columns have an initial value set when stored proc is hit assuming there are values at the beginning
.Then use an IF statement.
declare #initial_Classes_id varchar(2) = --initial value inserted
declare #initial_courses_acronym varchar(4) = --initial value inserted
declare #initial_year_Semesters varchar(5) = --initial value inserted
declare #compare_Classes_id varchar(2) = (select top 1 Classes_id from Classes_Groups order by --PK column desc for last insert); l would add Dateadded and then order with last insert date
declare #compare_courses_acronym varchar(2) = (select top 1 Classes_id from Classes_Groups where Classes_id = #compare_Classes_id);
declare #compare_year_Semesters varchar(2) = (select top 1 Classes_id from Classes_Groups where Classes_id = #compare_Classes_id);
IF (#initial_Classes_id != #compare_Classes_id OR #initial_courses_acronym != #compare_courses_acronym OR #initial_year_Semesters != #compare_year_Semesters)
Insert into Classes_Groups (courses_acronym,year_Semesters)
values (
Insert into Classes_Groups (courses_acronym,year_Semesters)
values (
NB: would advice to use int on the primary key. Unless you have a specific purpose of doing so.

MSSQL - set limit for a column value

I have a table named Test with the following columns.
id PK, int, not null
amount money, not null
I want to set a limit on the amount, say, 1000. I don't want anyone to insert a value greater than 1000 in this column. Can anyone help me on how to do this?
Something like this
CREATE TABLE tablename
amount money,
CONSTRAINT chk_amount CHECK (amount <= 1000)
You can add a check constraint, like this:
ADD CONSTRAINT chk_money CHECK (amount<=1000)
You can create check constraint for your table.
alter table dbo.Your_Table with check add constraint your_Table_Amount check (Amount <= 1000)
alter table dbo.Your_Table check constraint your_Table_Amount

Create a column with an if condition in SQL server

i am not sure if i could use conditional statement while creating new columns.
create table Employees(
Emp_ID int primary key identity (1,1),
Hours_worked int,
Rate int default '')
/*Now here in default value i want to set different rates depending upon hours worked. like if hour worked is greater than 8 then rate is 300, if hours worked is less than 8 hour the rate is 200.) How to write this as a Default value in sql server 2008.
My second question is:
Why i get error if i write like this,
create table tbl_1(
col_1 varchar(max) unique
The error is
Column 'col_1' in table 'tbl_1' is of a type that is invalid for use as a key column in an index.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
you can use COMPUTED Column, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191250.aspx
create table Employees(
Emp_ID int primary key identity (1,1),
Hours_worked int,
Rate as (case when Hours_worked > 8 then 300 else 200 end) persisted )
The default value cannot refer to any other column names. So the "default" value of Rate won't know the value of Hours_worked. You could handle it with a trigger or whatever is doing the actual inserting could contain this logic.
You cannot but a UNIQUE constraint on a VARCHAR(MAX) field.

SQL Server Database unique number generation on any record insertion

I have like 11 columns in my database table and i am inserting data in 10 of them. i want to have a unique number like "1101 and so on" in the 11th column.
Any idea what should i do?? Thanks in advance.
SQL Server 2012 and above you can generate Sequence
Create SEQUENCE RandomSeq
start with 1001
increment by 1
Insert into YourTable(Id,col1...)
Select NEXT VALUE FOR RandomSeq,col1....
or else you can use Identity
You can start the seed from 1101 and increment the sequence by 1
Create table YourTable
id INT IDENTITY(1101,1),
Col varchar(10)
If you want to have that unique number in a different field then you can manipulate that field with primary key and insert that value.
If you want in primary key value, then open the table in design mode, go to 'Identity specification', set 'identity increment' and 'identity seed' as you want.
Alternatively you can use table script like,
FName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
here the primary key will start seeding from 12 and seed value will be 1.
If you have your table definition already in place you can alter the column and add Computed column marked as persisted as:
ALTER TABLE tablename drop column column11;
ALTER TABLE tablename add column11 as '11'
+right('000000'+cast(ID as varchar(10)), 2) PERSISTED ;
--You can change the right operator value from 2 to any as per the requirements.
--Also replace ID with the identity column in your table.
create table inc
id int identity(1100,1),
somec char

need help in primary key and foreign key

I need help in auto populating the primary key values in foreign key table while inserting data in foreign key table. For Example: I have created table:
create table Patient
PatientId int IDENTITY(1,1) primary key,
FirstName varchar(50),
SurName varchar(50),
Gender char(20),
Say 5 rows are there in this Patient Table:
Say First Row value is: 1, Priya, Kumari, Female
I have created the Guardians Table:
create table Guardians
GuardiansId int identity(1,1) primary key,
PatientId int foreign key references Patient(PatientId),
FirstName varchar(50),
SurName varchar(50),
Gender char(20),
RelationToPatient varchar(50),
In this table Insert operations are like this:
insert into Guardians(FirstName, SurName, Gender,RelationToPatient)values('Sumit','Kumar','Male','Wife')
While selecting the Guardians Table PatientId showing NULL values: My query is while inserting the values in Guardians Table PatientId should be auto Populated which will come from Patient Table...
My second problem is: How to create the Identity column as varchar. For example: suppose I want to increment my Guardians Table with 'GRD0001', 'GRD0002', 'GRD0003' like this...
Your question is not very clear - what exactly do you want to do??
When you insert something into the Guardians table, you want to automatically also insert it into the Patients table? I don't quite follow. Can you make a complete example, maybe??
If you need to capture the insert IDENTITY value from the Patient table, do this:
INSERT INTO dbo.Patient(fields) VALUES(.......)
INSERT INTO dbo.Guardians(PatientId, ......) VALUES(#NewPatientID, ......)
As for your second question: leave you GuardiansId IDENTITY as it is (only an INT column can be an IDENTITY and you want to keep that - trust me!) and add a computed column to your table:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Guardians
ADD GuardianIDWithPrefix AS
'GDR' + RIGHT('0000' + CAST(GuardiansId AS VARCHAR(4)), 4) PERSISTED
Since it's a PERSISTED field, you can even index on it and use it like a normal field in every respect.
That should do the trick!