Widevine DRM on Windows 8 modern app is it possible? - windows-8

We need to play Widevine or/and Verimatrix DRM content on Windows 8 modern application. Will we have some problems with this? If yes, what are the solutions to achieve this goal? Will we need to buy some more product?

According to their site, Widevine support Microsoft Windows, but I didn't find any explicit mention of Windows 8 there.
However, to the best of my knowledge they have been supporting Windows 8 almost right from the start.
For an official answer, you should just ask them directly.


Cross-platform (Mac & Windows) desktop app with DRM support

Can anyone suggest me options for developing a cross-platform desktop application (MacOS & Windows8.1+) which supports DRM playback.
I have looked into ElectronJS (does not support DRM inbuilt), Used castlabs fork of Electron with VMP enabled Widevine DRM support but getting a production ready license cert from Google Widevine takes ages.
So looking into more options where DRM playback (PlayReady, Widevine & FairPlay) can be enabled.
Since you already know of the Castlabs Electron fork. I don't think you are going to find a better solution really.
You can always license PlayReady and port it to all the platforms you want to support, the licensing for that is straightforward but the actual implementation would require a large amount of effort. It would likely be easier to just try and embed Chromeless Safari and Chromeless Edge on the respective platforms.

Windows 8 private application submition

I am new to Windows 8 development, I am having one application which is already running in the i-pad (ios). I want to convert same application into Windows Store apps as this is the client requirement. So do i need to follow the design guidelines for such legacy application? Or I can just follow the same UI which is been developed in i-pad. Is this accepted by Microsoft for Windows Store apps certification ?
According to Microsoft's guidelines, it should not be accepted.
However, some such applications have appeared in the Windows Store in the past, so it's not completely impossible. I would not bet on it though.
And if your app is a game, the guidelines are less strict.
All the user experience (including design) guidelines are referenced here.
And there is a UX checklist to make sure you confort to them.

Looking for a VoIP solution to integrate in a Windows store app

I would like my Windows store app (Windows 8 + Windows rt) to integrate real time voice conversation with other users of the app (aka VoIP). Are there any in-app communication solution or SIP client for this?
I know about a solution for Windows Phone 8, but I'm looking for a solution for Windows 8/RT:
I would be able to host a server (FreeSwitch for instance) and to pay for a product if needed. My conditions is it integrates in a Windows store app (compatible WinRT).
I am pretty sure you've already looked over the Windows 8 Real-time communication sample!?
If you've already checked it out please share your experience with it. I am trying to use it for a video-chat functionality of my app, but this sample is "not very mature" - to put it mildly. Good luck with your voip solution!

Deploy private app to windows 8 phone [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can you install you own apps on your windows 7 phone
Sideloading apps on Windows 8 Pro
I am planing to buy and windows 8 phone and port some apps for private use to the system. I however read this article about the deployment process, which scared me off. If I understood the article correctly, you can only let Microsoft check your apps before they are accessible to everyone over the marketplace, or you use some overkill enterprise deployment eco-system which also requires all kinds of vetting processes. Is there a way just to create an installation package, put it on the sd card and then install it, without any additional overhead? And maybe hand the app to a few friends, that they can also use it.
I come from an android background where such an easy installation process is common. How does that compare to Windows 8 phone? Is there maybe some development mode? Devs must at least be able to debug their apps on the phone... I really can't find too much information on the internet, which is odd.
EDIT: I just read here that you require a pricy dev account for testing apps on the phone. After installing the required Windows 8 OS to be able to install Visual Studio for the Windows 8 phones development, my emulator won't start because my PC doesn't support some odd virtualization stuff. That makes it really easy to develop apps...

Windows 8 roaming storage in WPF desktop application?

I planned to create a Windows 8 Store App but reluctantly had to switch to desktop application. I found that Windows 8 Store Apps fail to detect second screen, which is necessary for me.
The intention still is to mimic the behaviour of Windows Store App as much as possible. Partly to educate myself but also to use a modern nice design.
I use WPF with very similar design (App bars, Navigation bar, snappy await-async pattern, etc)
Now I come to the point where I need to store settings!
I would really like to use the very convenient central storage available through Microsoft Live login. Is that possible even if I don't have Windows Store App?
Clients might be Windows 7 or Windows 8.
Can I make the user login to Microsoft Live and use these facilities?
Many WinRT APIs are available from desktop applications, in addition to Windows Store applications. Windows.Storage.ApplicationData appears to support desktop apps. Look under the "Requirements" section in the documentation:
Minimum supported client: Windows 8 [Windows Store apps, desktop apps]
Someone at Intel posted on how to use WinRT APIs from desktop apps. The post is from September, 2012, and the screenshots appear to be for an older version of the MSDN documentation. Just keep that in mind.
Dave Bennett of Microsoft has a useful blog post which will introduce you to roaming your app data.
I may have misunderstood you, but I think what I mention above is what you want instead of using the Live Connect APIs.