Deploy private app to windows 8 phone [duplicate] - windows-phone

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can you install you own apps on your windows 7 phone
Sideloading apps on Windows 8 Pro
I am planing to buy and windows 8 phone and port some apps for private use to the system. I however read this article about the deployment process, which scared me off. If I understood the article correctly, you can only let Microsoft check your apps before they are accessible to everyone over the marketplace, or you use some overkill enterprise deployment eco-system which also requires all kinds of vetting processes. Is there a way just to create an installation package, put it on the sd card and then install it, without any additional overhead? And maybe hand the app to a few friends, that they can also use it.
I come from an android background where such an easy installation process is common. How does that compare to Windows 8 phone? Is there maybe some development mode? Devs must at least be able to debug their apps on the phone... I really can't find too much information on the internet, which is odd.
EDIT: I just read here that you require a pricy dev account for testing apps on the phone. After installing the required Windows 8 OS to be able to install Visual Studio for the Windows 8 phones development, my emulator won't start because my PC doesn't support some odd virtualization stuff. That makes it really easy to develop apps...


Windows 8 private application submition

I am new to Windows 8 development, I am having one application which is already running in the i-pad (ios). I want to convert same application into Windows Store apps as this is the client requirement. So do i need to follow the design guidelines for such legacy application? Or I can just follow the same UI which is been developed in i-pad. Is this accepted by Microsoft for Windows Store apps certification ?
According to Microsoft's guidelines, it should not be accepted.
However, some such applications have appeared in the Windows Store in the past, so it's not completely impossible. I would not bet on it though.
And if your app is a game, the guidelines are less strict.
All the user experience (including design) guidelines are referenced here.
And there is a UX checklist to make sure you confort to them.

Looking for a VoIP solution to integrate in a Windows store app

I would like my Windows store app (Windows 8 + Windows rt) to integrate real time voice conversation with other users of the app (aka VoIP). Are there any in-app communication solution or SIP client for this?
I know about a solution for Windows Phone 8, but I'm looking for a solution for Windows 8/RT:
I would be able to host a server (FreeSwitch for instance) and to pay for a product if needed. My conditions is it integrates in a Windows store app (compatible WinRT).
I am pretty sure you've already looked over the Windows 8 Real-time communication sample!?
If you've already checked it out please share your experience with it. I am trying to use it for a video-chat functionality of my app, but this sample is "not very mature" - to put it mildly. Good luck with your voip solution!

Windows 8 metro apps offline download

Is their any sites available to download windows 8 metro apps for offline installation. Alternative to windows store.Because i don't have internet connection in home.
Please tell me any sites ?
You have to be connected to install Windows 8 Store apps. You cannot sideload an app that has been downloaded from the Windows Store.
Alternatively, you can get your app directly from the developer without involving the Store, in which case, installation can be offline. Apps that aren't signed by Windows Store can only be installed on sideloading-enabled devices.
Actually you can install Windows apps offline, I did it by capturing the URL windows store referring to, it was a file with .appx or .appxbundle extension. However, the URL contained some security information referring to the Windows Store session and user id. It means you cannot multi-part-download it or resume it if disconnected, very disappointing in case of games with 2 Gb or more data. After that, I installed these packages with PowerShell command
Add-AppxPackage [Disk:\File Location\File name.appx]
without brackets. It installed and worked correctly.
Waiting for a dedicated side-software (Like Cydia or smith.) that does it in one-click.
It is only a few days for Windows app store to be live and unfortunately in your case, NO option to it for now.

Develop iPhone App on Windows / Compile on Remote Mac

I realize it's been asked countless times whether iPhone apps can be built in Windows and that the simple answer is no, with workarounds such as using VM or even something like Dragon SDK which requires the app to be written in C/C++, but I would like to build an app using Objective C.
My question is can the code for an iPhone app not be developed on a Windows computer, uploaded to a remote Mac computer, compiled on the Mac, and then downloaded back to Windows to install via iTunes? I don't want to buy a Mac mini to get my feet wet with iPhone development, but I don't want to be limited to writing an HTML 5 app using Phone Gap or similar.
If nothing else, wouldn't it be possible to develop the app directly on a remote / virtual Mac using a remote desktop connection?
If either of these are possible, does anyone know of a company offering such a service? If not, what would be a likely reason that it hasn't been created? It seems like there would be enormous demand.
Perhaps is what you are looking for.
I believe what you're trying to do is not possible but how about MonoTouch ?
Using .NET on Windows technologies to develop iPhone and other apps ?

windows 8 app for mobile device

I am new to Windows Phone applications and Windows 8 Apps. All I know about windows 8 is the metro style and the news that it will run on the PCs, tablets and Phones as well.
I want to get started developing an App for an expected Windows 8 Phone Device. All the guideline I found for windows 8 is for developing the apps for windows 8 tablets or PCs (not phones). Here is a link for windows 8 SDK, I am looking at.
Should I start developing a regular windows 8 app (for tablet) assuming that it will run on the expected upcoming windows 8 phone device?
Does anyone have any idea?
Microsoft has made very few announcements so far on the developer story for Windows Phone 8. What little news has been announced can be viewed in the Windows Phone Summit video here:
The only statement made so far regarding development across the two platforms is that applications developed using C# and Xaml will have "high compatibility" between Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8.
Windows Phone 8 is due out later this year so hopefully development tools aren't far off. If you want to get started right away I recommend you try your hand at developing a Windows 8 application using C# and Xaml. That should catch you up to speed and get you prepared for Windows Phone 8.
You can get started at
I think there is nothing really official about the development of applications windows phone 8 (except as regards the integration of the new features of future devices). Everything in internet indicates that one of the reasons that drove microsoft to update wp7 is precisely the desire to converge development for windows 8 with development for windows phone8. This convergence will be visual (for example the pivot layout will be characterized by a single page horizontally scrollable similar to windows 8 apps) and under the hood (with a kernel very similar).
The enhanced hardware will perform more complex operations (thus tending toward user experience similar to pc).
What we also know that in some metro style app in actual microsoft store someone found comments in the source related to the integration of the app in windows phone 8.
What I can suggest then is to develop your app for windows 8. In all likelihood make the porting to Windows phone 8 will be simple (different sized images for backgrounds, different icons, but side code probably will not change anything).