How to generate barcode 128 for os x, objective c - objective-c

I'm working on a project for a OSX and I'm using xcode 4.6.3. I need to generate a barcode image with Encoding 128, and insert it in a pdf file.
I've been researching and I can't figure out how I can do that. I tried to use cocoabarcode, I solved ARC error, but stil have some error tried to replace
sAttr = [[NSMutableAttributedString allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithString:leftCaption attributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:font,NSFontAttributeName,leftAligmentStyle,NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,[NSNumber numberWithFloat:kerning],NSKernAttributeName,nil]];
(error: zone is unavailable: not available in automatic reference counting mode),
and other warnings deprecated methods,
I want to know if someone it's ussing this library, if it's work propertly, or if there are other library like this one for iphone, but I need for OSX, or any other suggestion about what classes or library I should research.
Thank you in advance!

May spire.barcode could help you, it supports Code 128 Barcode


Xcode / AppleScript / Objective-C (AppDelegate.applescript)

I am having a lot of issues following this video tutorial. I'm getting hung up on the AppDelegate.applescript file. AppleScript Facelift
Here are the steps I'm taking:
1. Create a new project
2. Then I choose "App"
3.1 Options for interface
3.2 Options for Language
Save to file location - can't attach an image due to limit
5. "Template" files created
6. I can add frameworks and libraries (not sure if this is necessary? im doing things blindly...)
7. Then these are the AppDelegate files. (note- I can change the identity and type in the top right fields. if I select AppleScript Uncompiled Source, it does not change the extension)
I've tried creating a new "blank file" and saving it as AppDelegate.applescript, but I don't think this is working. Can someone point me in the right direction???
I've been working on an AppleScript project which works with my Apple Music. Someone mentioned I should look into Objective-C AppleScript, but this is making no sense. I think my end goal is having a window that allows more flexibility with input...
Thanks in advance!
The answer: I was taking a very dated approach to this and asking the wrong question.#has's suggestion to look at his project Swift-AppleScriptObjC is exactly what I needed.

The “Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) build setting error with project in Objective C

So i just went to build my app after adding in core data to update my app to store and fetch some information and i got this error. (I am using XCode 9.2)
The “Swift Language Version” (SWIFT_VERSION) build setting must be set
to a supported value for targets which use Swift. This setting can be
set in the build settings editor.
Now whats confusing me is this in an Objective C app and surely the swift version shouldn't matter. I have browsed some threads on here stating that i need to update build setting to Swift 3.0 or to set values to Yes then back to No, however i have none of these fields when i search for Swift in the search bar.
Is this just a bizarre bug or have i mistakenly added some swift code?
Any ideas would help, thanks.
I experienced this exact same issue after adding Core Data to an Objective-C framework I was working on.
I discovered that the reason I was getting the "Swift Language Version" warning was that the Code Generation language in the .xcdatamodel defaulted to Swift. Once I changed this back to Objective-C, the warning went away.
You can find this property in the File Inspector when you have the .xcdatamodel selected in the Project Navigator.
For Objective C Projects created using Xcode 8 and now opening in Xcode 9, it is showing the same error as mentioned in the question.
To fix that, Press the + button in Build Settings and select Add User-Defined Setting.
Then in the new row created add SWIFT_VERSION as key and 3.2 as value like below.
It will fix the error for objective c projects.

(ObjC) Unable to add libraries-Help please

I'm following an objC book and I need to use readline() to obtain a string.
However, before I can even get to that, I need to add the library that contains it. Therefore, I go into Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries -> Press the + ->Search and Add addlibreadline.dylib
After I do this, I have an icon under my top-level item that has the name of this library. BUT when I go into my code in main.m, NOTHING is imported. There is no #import
WHY? I have tried different things for hours and am frustrated!
Am I not understanding something about importing and libraries?
Btw: I am using Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a) and Yosemite 10.10.1 (14B25)
Thank you,
Since you've got the libraries linked, try adding this:
#import <readline/readline.h>
Then you should be able to use readline().

Where are the image and sound files inside XCode?

Are the images and sound files that are used inside the Unity IDE somehow compiled into libiPhone-lib.a inside XCode? I'm looking for a way to access the audio files and images inside XCode/Objective-C. As far as I can tell by looking at the exported XCode project, there are no sound files or other resources anywhere to be seen
They are compiled into the lib as a byte code which is then interpreted at runtime. Disclosure of this would destroy Unity's business model, as everyone would make corrections into unity-produced code. It is more easy for them to interpret bytecode rather than translating it into human-readable language like C or objective-c.
The answer is: yes, they are compiled into lib.
If you want to access them from objective-c layer, you have to add them to project again in a usual xCode way ,so their data will be doubled in the project.

Compiling/using libjpeg for iPhone (iOS 3.0+)?

I want to use the libjpeg ( library in an iPhone iOS 3.0 or greater project. I have tried a few different approaches, but being a bit naive, I'm not really sure how to begin.
I've been playing with parts and pieces of the SDL library project from here all to no real working outcomes.
Can anyone link me to a tutorial or give me a push in the right direction?
My ultimate goal is to be able to manipulate the DCT coefficients of jpeg images somewhat similar to this MatLab libjpeg wrapper.
So I would like to start with something like
UIImage *cover = [UIImage imageNamed:#"cover.jpg"];
// convert to the libjpeg structs
// do some DCT coefficient manipulations
UIImage *stego = ... // save it back to iOS SDK equivalent image type
You can unpack the entire library into your project and add the files to XCode. There's a file 'filelist.txt' which describes the minimal set you need to link into your project. Have a look at 'example.c' for how to call the API. I don't see functions to tweak the DCT coefficients - that you'll have to hack in yourself.