Objective C, and NSMutableString - objective-c

Header File:
#interface Picker : UITableViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate> {
NSMutableString *currentRow;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *currentRow;
Implementation File:
#import "Picker.h"
#implementation Picker
#synthesize currentRow;
- (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewStyle)style
self = [super initWithStyle:style];
if (self) {
currentRow = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:#"VehicleYear"];
return self;
After debugging this and stepping into where currentRow gets initialized with string. Step over the statement then hover over currentRow and value says "Invalid Summary".
It would seem that it gets a pointer as i get an address reference something like 0x33112 not actual memory reference.
No matter what I do I can't get a valid string in this property, so all of my comparisons are failing. What am I doing wrong?

I don't know if this has something to do with it, but if you read the documentation for the initWithString: method it returns an instance of a subclass of NSString which may or may not be an instance of NSMutableString
Try this instead, it will do what you want:
currentRow = [#"VehicleYear" mutableCopy];
Also, 99% of the time you want a string property of a class you want to declare it as:
#property(readwrite,copy)NSString *name;
If you declare a readwrite string property as anything other than copy then whoever sets it can change their string and affect your object's internal state, which is usually not what you want. If the original string is not mutable then its copy method does a retain anyway so there is no performance lost in the case where it mattered.
If you want a mutable string internally that no external user can change you probably want to declare the property like this:
#property(readwrite,copy)NSString *name;
And then implement -name and -setName: yourself so that you can call -mutableCopy to set it and -copy in the getter so that they cannot change your internal state. I have written extensively about this on my blog.
Note that this
#property(readwrite,copy)NSMutableString *name;
Doesn't do what anyone wants when you #synthesize the accessors as the setter invokes -copy and gets an NSString which is not an NSMutableString as a result.

I sometimes get incorrect information from the visual debugger. In the gdb console, you can type "print-obj currentRow" and it should give you better information.
One thing to make sure is that you're debugging a build with optimizations turned off (i.e., Debug, not Release, configuration), otherwise the code doesn't map exactly onto the compiled instructions.


Conflict between declaring instance variable and property

I am studying Objective-C. I asked a question about this code earlier but I came up with further questions. The below code is trying to make NSArray externally but really makes NSMutableArray internally so I can add pointers or remove in NSMutableArray
I face two questions.
1) What is the purpose of doing like this? Is there a specific reason you make NSArray externally? Why can't I just declare a property of NSMutableArray?
2)I learn that instance variable (_assets) is made when I declare a property of NSArray *assets. And I also declared NSMutableArray *_assets under the interface. I think those two _assets conflict each other even though they have different types. Am I thinking this in a wrong way?
#interface BNREmployee : BNRPerson
NSMutableArray *_assets;
#property (nonatomic) unsigned int employeeID;
#property (nonatomic) unsigned int officeAlarmCode;
#property (nonatomic) NSDate *hireDate;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *assets;
I'll try put your answers the way you have asked them. Let hope they clear your doubts. By now I guess you would be knowing that NSArray once initialised with data you wont be able to add or delete the data inside it which is different from NSMutableArray.
The benefit here no one else can change your externally visible data. Also when you try to sort or iterate the array you are sure that no other data would be removed or added. Also if you use NSMutableArray for such cases the application would crash if you add data while you iterate the array.
Like #KirkSpaziani Explained
#synthesize assets = _assets;
would create an instance variable for your property. However you are actually supposed to use this _assets only in getter and setter. Else places you should be using self.assets.
You can also synthesize your other array NSMutableArray *_assets as follows
#synthesize _assets = __assets;
Which would have double underscore, but frankly we shouldn't be using the underscore for a starting variable name. Plus would be great if you have different names altogether.
Also with advances in Objective C you dont require to synthesize these variables at all. Just use the self.variableName and you can access it.
Hope it clears some of your queries.
NSMutableArray *_assets;
in the #implementation block
#implementation {
NSMutableArray *_assets;
Putting the NSMutableArray in the implementation block hides the fact that it is mutable from consumers (it is no longer in the header file).
Follow it with:
#synthesize assets = _assets;
This might not be necessary actually, but makes things clearer. When you declare a property an ivar will be automatically created (unless you #dynamic the property). However an explicitly declared ivar of the same name will override the automatically created one - so long as the type is the same or a subclass.
The reason to make it an NSArray publicly visible is so that no one else can mutate your data structure. You will have control of it. If it is an NSMutableArray internally then you can add and remove items without exposing that functionality to consumers.
You can declare your property to be readonly or readwrite - a readwrite NSArray means you can replace the whole array with a property set, but you can't add or remove items. If internally you are adding and removing items, this can make things messy. Try to stick with readonly when having a mutable internal version.
Here's something you can do if you want _assets to be a mutable array, but you don't want other classes to modify it, implement the setter and getter of the assets property so they look like this (implementing the getter and the setter will cause the property to not be synthesised, which means the NSArray *_assets will not be created automatically):
-(NSArray *)assets{
return [_assets copy]; // Copy creates an immutable copy
-(void)setAssets:(NSArray *)assets{
_assets = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:assets];
Keep in mind that if you access the assets array a LOT, it might be slow since you're creating an immutable copy every time, so you can create an NSArray whenever your _assets array is modified and return that in the -(NSArray *)assets method
The reason you'd internally keep an NSMutableArray, but expose an NSArray externally is so that users of your API won't abuse it and mutate its data. Keeping it visible as immutable makes people less prone to mess with it.
Another approach you could take to this is to not use a property at all, but simply have a getter and a mutable property in a class extension. For example, in your .h:
#interface BNREmployee : BNRPerson
- (NSArray *)assets;
In your .m
#interface BNREmployee ()
// Inside of the class manipulate this property
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *mutableAssets;
#implementation BNREmployee
// Clients of your class rely on this
- (NSArray *)assets
// copy makes the result immutable
return [self.mutableAssets copy];
Another approach might be to make the property only writable to the implementation of you class.
To do that you declare your property as readonly in the header:
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSMutableArray *assets;
Than declare it as readwrite inside an inner interface in your implementation:
#interface BNREmployee()
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSMutableArray *assets;

Items disappearing from array within array

I create a NSMutableArray that I need as long as my app lives, lets call it suseranArray, just after the #implementation of my main class. This Array will hold several objects of a class called Vassal. A Vassal is simply:
1) A NSMutableString
2) Another NSMutableString
3) A NSMutableArray
4) Another NSMutable Array
Each Vassal created is also needed for the life of the app, and they never change.
These objects are made as (retain) properties in an .h file, synthesized in the .m file, and each given an alloc+init whenever the object Vassal is created during the init function. Each vassal has data filled in and stored in the suzerain Array. the 3rd item always has several elements, and after a bug appeared, I put a line to check if it is ever empty, but it never is, and life is good.
Now, later on when a certain Vassal object is needed, we try to access its 3rd property to fetch the data in there, and sometimes that array empty... I checked to see if it disappeared somehow, but it is always there on the debug, carrying a nice address like 0x2319f8a0 which makes sense since the NSMutableString just above it is at address 0x2319fb40 - (I was expecting 00000000 after a lot of headache). What is happening? I my head, I am creating an RETAINed objects, which retains data put in by default, and that object is put inside another, but somehow the data inside the array vanishes. What possible scenario could lead to this? Thank you for your time :)
Note: the last array currently just holds one item at this stage of development, and curiously enough, that one item is never missing, despite the two arrays being 'brothers'
#interface Vassal : NSObject
#property (retain) NSMutableString *wordBody;
#property (retain) NSMutableString *wordCode;
#property (retain) NSMutableArray *wordRelations;
#property (retain) NSMutableArray *wordLinks;
#implementation Vassal:NSObject
#synthesize wordBody;
#synthesize wordCode;
#synthesize wordRelations;
#synthesize wordLinks;
-(NSObject*) init
if(self=[super init])
wordBody=[[NSMutableString alloc] init];
wordCode=[[NSMutableString alloc] init];
wordRelations=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
wordLinks=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
//Somewhere in Suseran:
Vassal *vassal=[Vassal new];
for (int i=0;i<[originalDataString length];i++)
[vassal.wordRelations addObject:anItem];
int errorTest=[vassal.wordRelations count];
if (errorTest==0)
//breakpoint here. Program NEVER comes here
[bigArrayOfVassals addObject:vassal];
//these arrays are never touched again but here:
-(void) getVassalstuff:(NSMutableString*)codeOfDesiredVassal
Vassal *aVassal;
for (int i=0;i<[bigArrayOfVassals count];i++)
if ([codeOfDesiredVassal isEqualToString:aVassal.wordCode)
int errorTest=[aVassal.wordRelations count];
if (errorTest==0)
//yay! this breakpoint sometimes is hit, sometimes not,
//depending on code's mood. Why is this happening to me? :,(
I see that that you have properties that are mutable (which is itself a bad idea except for specific cases) and that you are retaining them.
Mutability means that if you have set the array as a property based on some other array, and if that original array is changed, the array in your property is also changed. It may be, and I don't know because you haven't shown any code, that you are emptying the original array, and thus changing the array you have as a property
My preferred solution is to use the immutable versions of these classes for your properties; NSString, NSArray and instead of retain use copy
A second solution is to leave the properties as mutable, but write a custom setter for each of them that stores a mutableCopy of the object that you pass in.
In both of these cases, your property will be a copy of the object used to set the property, so that if the object is changed outside of your class it will not affect your class's properties.
edited to add, after a comment
If you declare your property as
#property (copy) NSArray wordRelations;
Then simply writing
vassal wordArray = tempArray;
will do the same thing and is cleaner and more readable..

Objective-C : Need advice on setting instance variables in init method

I am using ARC.
This is my .h file
- (id)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)c title:(NSString *)t;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *title;
This is my .m file
#synthesize coordinate, title;
- (id)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)c title:(NSString *)t
self = [super init];
if (self) {
coordinate = c;
[self setTitle:t];
return self;
Is setting coordinate this way, the right way to do it? Given that I declare it as readonly, it seems like it is the only way to do it. What if I just use the default (i.e. readwrite), in this case, should I use the setter method [self setCoordinate] instead?
I could set the title by doing title = t as well. Compare to using the setter method, the result is the same, but what is the difference ?
Thanks! Wish I could accept all of your answers.
You're actually supposed to set ivars directly in an initializer method all the time. This is true whether or not you have a readonly or readwrite property. The documentation here even says so.
The reasoning behind this has to do with inheritance. If someone were to subclass your class and overwrite the setters for your properties such that they bypass the ivars you created (or do some other wacky thing), then suddenly your original implementation of your initializer method now no longer does what it is written to do. In particular, your initializer could end up creating an object with a weird state due to the subclass overriding your accessors. In the pre-ARC days, you could also end up with tricky (or just straight-up broken) memory situations when this sort of thing happens. The take-away message is: you should write initializers so that they will always create an object with a known valid state.
So (assuming you're using ARC) your initializer should actually be:
- (id)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)c title:(NSString *)t
self = [super init];
if (self) {
coordinate = c;
title = [t copy];
return self;
Personally, I prefer to synthesize ivars with a starting underscore to clarify when I'm using the property and when I'm accessing the ivar directly (LLVM 4.0 now does this to automatically synthesized properties as well).
#synthesize coordinate = _coordinate;
#synthesize title = _title;
- (id)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)c title:(NSString *)t
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_coordinate = c;
_title = [t copy];
return self;
1: As your code is now, yes, that is the right way to do it. If you weren't using ARC (assuming you are currently), you'd also want to retain the value to assert ownership. This will be done automatically under ARC. Keep in mind that that is not the only way of doing it; you could redeclare the property as readwrite in the class extension in the implementation file. This is a common practice which allows you to have the benefits of a readwrite property while having the property still be readonly to users of the class. Ex.
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSNumber* number;
- (void) initWithNumber:(NSNumber*)number;
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSNumber* number;
#implementation MyClass
//this changes the instance variable backing the property to _number.
#synthesize number = _number;
- (void) initWithNumber:(NSNumber*)number{
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.number = number;
return self;
At the end of the day, I'd say it's a good habit to use setters whenever you can to keep things KVO compliant and so that you always know when values change. For instance, if you have a custom UIView with a property that is reflected in its appearance, chances are you'd want to redisplay yourself when it changes. The easiest way to do this is to implement the setter yourself and call setNeedsDisplay after setting the value. You couldn't do that if you set the instance value backing the property directly; the user of the class would have to remember to call setneedsDisplay every time they set it, manually.
2: One goes through the setter method, giving you a way to know when a value is going to be set, while one sets a value to the instance variable backing the property. The setter method will always handle memory management in the way it was told to, while it's up to you to do things such as copying values for a copy setter if you assign directly to an instance variable, so that you maintain some consistent scheme. Going through setters sometimes, and not others can lead to some nasty bugs if you don't be careful. Never going through setters makes it hard to know when values change, making it near impossible to weed out invalid values. For instance, if you had an int property you wanted to limit to values in some range and someone passed in a value under the minimum limit, you'd probably want to set the property to the lowest possible value in the range. You can't do that without the value going through the setter first.
Yes, it is fine to set it like that. If you prefer to use a property all the time you can override the property to be read/write rather than read-only in a class extension. In Foo.m:
#interface Foo ()
#property (nonatomic) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
#implementation Foo {
// ...
self.coordinate = c;
Setting the coordinate that way is correct, and is the only way to do it if you have declared the property readonly.
Setting the title using title = t is different than setting the title using [self setTitle:t]. If you directly assign to the instance variable, you will just retain the NSString instance that was passed as argument t. But if you using the accessor method, the accessor will ask the string to copy itself (because you declared the property copy). If the string you were given as argument t is actually an NSMutableString, then you will get an immutable copy of it. If the string you were given as argument t is already an immutable string, it will just return itself when asked for a copy.
self.coordinate = c;
is essentially compiled to be the same as calling
[self setCoordinate:c];
The difference between coordinate = c and [self setCoordinate:c]; is that the first is just setting a variable directly where as the second is calling a method.
The reason to be wary is that methods could potentially have side effects depending on how the implementation is written e.g. (stupid example)
- (void)setCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate;
_coordinate = coordinate;
[self doSomethingCrazy];

Objective-C, interface declarations with properties

In the following common sample,
#interface MyObject : NSObject
NSString * myString_;
#property (assign) NSString * myString;
#implementation MyObject
#synthesize myString = myString_;
why declare myString_ in the interface at all?
I ask because we can still get and set myString in the implementation using self.myString, [self myString], self.myString = ... and [self setMyString:...] and in fact we must if instead it's being retained.
This is a matter of preference/convention for some. By default, doing:
#property (assign) NSString * myString;
...followed by:
#synthesize myString;
...will give you three things. You get a setter method that can be accessed as self.myString = #"newValue" or [self setMyString:#"newValue"], a getter method that can be accessed as NSString* temp = self.myString or NSString* temp = [self myString], and an instance variable named myString that be be accessed directly inside of your class (i.e. without going through the getter and setter) and used to set and get the property value, and which is used internally to back the property.
If you like you can do #synthesize myString = someOtherVarName, and then you still get the setters and getters just as before, but instead of the myString instance variable the someOtherVarName instance variable is used to back the property, and no myString variable is created.
So why ever use the more verbose syntax? There is never any case that requires that you do so, but some people prefer to do so when dealing with properties that are declared retain or copy. The reason for this being that setting a property declared retain or copy via its generated setter method will affect the retain-count of the object being set/unset. Doing the same thing by accessing the instance variable directly will not.
So by aliasing the instance variable to something else, you can make a distinction in the code along the lines of "anything that does xxx.myString = Y is modifying the retain count, while anything that does someOtherVarName = Y is not". Again, it's not necessary to do this, but some people prefer to.
You should be able to skip it. Modern compilers allow that.
When you define a property, you are actually declaring how the getter and setter methods are constructed for a particular instance variable. Earlier it needed the instance variable to be defined so you declared it. It also allowed the property name to differ from the instance variable name via #synthesize myProperty = myIVar;. Now you don't need to do this as the modern compilers generate the instance variable for you.
The dot syntax is actually a convenience thing as you would've noticed. It doesn't directly refer to the instance variable but the methods myProperty and setMyProperty:. You can even call myArray.count where count isn't a property (I wouldn't recommend it even though lot of people seem to like it).
While there is a difference between the two, the gap seems to be slowly closing.
That's just a problem about point of view. If you access ivar directly, it's you're accessing it internally. If you're using property, you're not accessing ivar (semantically). You're using accessing method of the object. So you're handling the self as like external object which the internal is unknown.
This is encapsulation problem of Object-Oriented paradigm.
And I recommend some tricks when using properties.
The ivar declaration is optional, not required. Compiler will generate it automatically.
You should set the ivar as #protected or #private to encapsulate it correctly. (at least there is no reasonable reason)
I recommend to use nonatomic if you don't need threading lock when accessing the property. Threading lock will decrease performance greatly, and may cause strange behavior in concurrent execution code.
You can use this code to do same thing.
#interface MyObject : NSObject
#property (assign,nonatomic) NSString * myString;
#implementation MyObject
#synthesize myString;
And this will be transformed roughly something like this.
#interface MyObject : NSObject
NSString* myString; // Ivar generated automatically by compiler
#implementation MyObject
// Methods with thread synchronization locking generated automatically by compiler.
- (NSString*)myString { #synchronized(self) { return myString; } }
- (void)setMyString:(NSString*)newMyString { #synchronized(self){ myString = newMyString; } }
In fact, I'm not sure about synchronization lock with assign behavior directive, but it's always better setting it nonatomic explicitly. Compiler may optimize it with atomic operation instruction instead of locking.
Here is reference document about the properties: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjectiveC/Chapters/ocProperties.html%23//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30001163-CH17
With the modern Obj-C runtime, declaring the ivar is more of a formality than anything else. However, there are some memory management things to keep in mind.
First, the property declaration for an object type is usually retain, or for strings it may be copy. In either case, the new object is retained.
Given the following code:
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] init];
myString_ = string;
self.myString = string; // If the property was retain or copy
The second assignment would leak; the first would not. This is because the property would retain something that already has a retain count of 1—it is now at 2. When you release the property in dealloc, the count goes to 1, not 0, so it won't be released. With the first option, however, the retain count stays at 1, so dealloc brings it down to 0.
In your example, leaving the property as assign will make the ivar declaration a formality.

Objective-C setter/getter naming conventions drive me mad?

I have been trying to understand something for several hours and I would like to get your point of view.
I have setter/getter on one of my class properties (I noticed that I MUST add "set" in front of the setter name else the compiler says that there is no setter):
#property (nonatomic, retain, readwrite, setter=setTopString:, getter=TopString) NSString* m_topString;
When I call the setter like this, the compiler is happy:
[secureKeyboardController setTopString:#"This action requires that your enter your authentication code."];
But when I try to use the "dot" convention, then I am rejected by the compiler:
secureKeyboardController.topString = #"This action requires that your enter your authentication code.";
What is really weird is that the dot naming convention works fine with this property:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, getter=PINMaxLength, setter=setPINMaxLength:) NSInteger m_PINMaxLength;
In this case i can do:
[secureKeyboardController setPINMaxLength:10];enter code here
secureKeyboardController.PINMaxLength = 10;
In both cases, the compiler is happy.
I really would like to fall asleep tonigh less stupid than I currently feel now. Thus any explanation would be greatly appreciated.
What you're doing is declaring properties as if you were declaring instance variables. You should not be using the names in the getter and setter attributes on the #property declaration with dot syntax; that it happens to be working now is not - so far as I know - by design.
The property should be what you use with dot syntax. For some reason - unfamiliarity with Cocoa coding conventions, I expect - you named your properties m_topString and m_PINMaxLength. That means you should use them as someObject.m_topString and someObject.m_PINMaxLength.
If you want to use those names for the instance variables that you've decided to use for the properties' backing storage, you should declare that in the #synthesize directive instead.
This is how your class should look, to be more in line with regular Cocoa and Objective-C coding conventions:
#interface SomeClass : NSObject {
NSString *m_topString;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSString *topString;
- (id)initWithTopString:(NSString *)initialTopString;
#implementation SomeClass
#synthesize topString = m_topString;
// this says to use the instance variable m_topString
// for the property topString's storage
- (id)initWithTopString:(NSString *)initialTopString {
if ((self = [super init])) {
m_topString = [initialTopString copy];
// use the ivar directly in -init, not the property
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[m_topString release];
// use the ivar directly in -dealloc, not the property
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *)description {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"SomeClass (%#)", self.topString];
// elsewhere in your class, use the property
// this will call through its getter and setter methods
You are trying to fight the compiler, and the compiler fights back.
You are trying to declare a property named m_topString with setter setTopString and getter TopString, and that is plainly stupid. You are writing Objective-C code, not C++. Your code will be a maintenance nightmare (unless the next maintainer is just sensible and changes your code to Objective-C conventions).
Do yourself a favour, start writing Objective-C code. Just call the property topString, don't pick your own names for the setter and getter, don't pick your own names for the instance variable, and everything works just fine.
Capitalize the T in TopString, i.e. secureKeyboardController.TopString
I'm 90% sure that will fix your problem.