What does “resp.” mean? - definition

In the libxml2 documentation for the function xmlNodeSetContent, it says:
Replace the content of a node. NOTE: #content is supposed to be a piece of XML CDATA, so it allows entity references, but XML special chars need to be escaped first by using xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant() resp. xmlEncodeSpecialChars().
I don’t understand “resp.” here. I have also seen similar phrasing in some SO questions. My Google-fu was weak and unable to help, so I ask:
What does “resp.” stand for here, and what does it mean?

resp. is the short way of saying "respectively". So you are able to use both methods.


EFI format string reference

Ok, i'm sorry i have to put this up here, but i seem to be unable to find the information i'm looking for. Could someone please point me to some reference documentation about EFI "printf" format reference? I mean it's not like regular printf, as it supports %g as GUID, and prints a question mark for %llu. My best Google-bet was "efi" "print" "format" reference "%g" "%s" "%a" "%d", but it did not gave any usable results. Other search terms came up with some color settings of some printers. What did i do wrong? How can anyone find this info? Thanks.
The flags are described in the PrintLib.h file.
You can find it here: https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/master/MdePkg/Include/Library/PrintLib.h.
The link above is valid if you use EDK2 for building you programs.
The flags when building with gnu-efi are described in the print.c file.
You can find it here (search for function _Print): https://sourceforge.net/p/gnu-efi/code/ci/master/tree/lib/print.c

Clarification needed for Jade Syntax

I'm working with Huge's new Styleguide templates and am starting to wrap my head around Jade syntax. That said, I can't seem to find any documentation related to how the author created image paths. The syntax used is:
The part I'm not getting is the section of the path that appears to be an include:
Can anyone shed some light on what this is called and what it's doing?
What you are seeing is an interesting application of Jade's interpolation functionality, which can be used on plaintext strings, such as is the case with src='...'.
It looks different (with the dots) because it's using a multidimensional JavaScript Object rather than simply a variable.

How to use the method compile in smalltalk and what parameters can I call it with

I'm trying to add additional functionality to the already defined method "compile" in smalltalk.
here is the code I wrote:
compile: code notifying: requestor trailer: bytes ifFail: failBlock
self log:(self substring: code delimiter: $?).
super compile: code notifying: requestor trailer: bytes ifFail: failBlock.
as you can see compile has 4 parameters, I only know what to give the first parameter when calling the method compile (which is the code as a string).
whatever functionality I added isn't relevant, I'm not able to run any tests for my method because I dont know what to give the last 3 parameters.
So my question here is how can i call my method with the right set of parameters.
This is where I got stuck while writing a test for it:
co := ContractObject new.
code := 'rate: aRate
"?This is the Compiler Comment. Log me?"
hourlyRate := aRate. '.
co compile: code. "3 parameters missing here"
Since you mentioned this is a homework assignment, I will not deprive you of discovering the joys of a live, dynamic system like Smalltalk ;) The best tutor is your image itself. For many messages (including the one in question), there are helpful examples right under your finger tips that can give you clues about how to send them.
To find these real world examples, you "Browse Senders" of the message in question and see how these clients handle the parameters you're confused about. In Squeak (you didn't say which dialect and Pharo doesn't have that message), I see two senders in particular that show how to handle those parameters.
If you don't know how to "browse senders", there are many great references to teach you. For me, "Pharo By Example" is my go-to reference for basic "how do I" questions like yours (or "Squeak By Example" if you're using Squeak). This "fishing pole", if you will, will provide you with faster answers, and more understanding, then begging for fish on SO ;)
n.b. When asking Smalltalk questions, please tag the dialect (e.g. Pharo, Squeak, Amber) because not all dialects have the same set of messages (e.g. Pharo does not have the message you asked about)

Convert Wikipedia Page Section to NSString Objective-C

I'm working on some code that retrieves a section of a Wikipedia page as an NSString. I've found a constructed link online that returns the raw data of a section. For instance, to get the first section of the Wikipedia page on 'Boston', you would go to:
And what I'm trying to achieve, is to convert that raw data into what can be seen on the normal Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston.
Now, at first, I thought I'd use regular expressions to parse out blocks that start with {{ and end with }}. However, this proved to be problematic, and it deleted necessary text.
Then, I thought I could somehow find a wiki markup to html converter (present everywhere online) for Objective-C, but I had no luck there.
There are several similar questions on SO, but none of them seem to be clearly resolved: Getting Wikipedia Article Summary using NSScanner Problem.
So, to resume, does anyone know how to parse a wiki page into an NSString?
Thank you in advance.
Use a PEG WikiText parser such as kiwi: https://github.com/AboutUs/kiwi
You can find kiwi's parsing output rules here: https://github.com/AboutUs/kiwi/blob/master/src/syntax.leg
You will need to download peg/leg to compile the leg file: http://piumarta.com/software/peg/

Weird function names in Quartz Core: what gives?

Out of curiosity, what may the rationale behind these function names (found in Apple's Quartz Core framework) be?
Do you think the developers somehow encoded argument types in function names? How do you find yourself putting "EP19" in there in the course of day-to-day coding? In what circumstances do such barely readable function names actually help you read code and otherwise be more productive?
Thanks in advance for any hints, and Merry Christmas!
These 'mangled' names are automatically generated by the C++ compiler and indeed encode type information.