Reading custom param values from ASX file in WMP control -

Does anybody have an idea how to read the values from custom fields in a WMP ASX Metafile?
I know its possible as I'd done it in a VB6 app i'd done a while back (which i've lost the source to), but am now trying to do it in a project.
I've tried searching Microsofts MSDN documentation online, but havent found anything yet.

Typical...after weeks of searching, on the day i ask for help, i find it!!
In case anyone else is wondering, you need to use
More info is available on this MSDN page


Detect if default soundcard has changed via VB.NET

I have been trying to detect changes of the default audio playback device in my VB.NET application.
Unfortunately, most examples I could find were based on C#.
So I tried to translate it to VB.NET, but I seem to do something wrong.
The most simple example I could find was this one:
Despite its simplicity I was not able to to make it work in VB.NET, so that I had to give up.
Could someone perhaps have a very simple example like the one linked, to notify changes of the default sourd device, but in a working VB.NET variant?
Thanks for your kind help.

Using DeckGL with Vue.js

I am struggling to get Deck play nice with vue. all the examples I have found till today are either quite hacked, not really my use case or out of date.
Does anyone know a good first step Source I could look at to get started?
I'm not sure if you ever found your solution or if you found other content, but I just wanted to post some info here in case you or anyone else who finds there way here needs some help on this.
There is a open source library we are working on to help bootstrap DeckGL/Mapbox implementations in Vue while providing some and soon more helpful abstractions.
Here is a couple links you may find useful:
Tutorial and documentation:
Feel free to stop by the repo and drop questions in issues if you are looking for any more help!

Atomineer Utils VB.NET XML Comment Documentation Not Working

I just downloaded the trial for this application and it doesn't seem to work. I went through the Quick Setup guide and it all looked great. Now when I place my cursor on a member of any type and press Ctrl+Shift+D it does nothing. I placed it on top, inside, etc... Nothing. If I press Ctrl+Shift+A (twice) on top of the member it tells me to place it "in the line of the form MyType myVariable;". I'm not quite sure what this means unless it's referring to C# but this project is VB.NET which it doesn't seem to recognize. Anyone else have this issue? I was hoping it would make things easier since I've read that it can document an entire document rather than having to member by member.
Using VS 2010 Premium.
Drop me an email to support (at) with a bit of example code that exhibits the problem, and I'll help you sort it out.
Please note that AtomineerUtils only officially supports VB 9 onwards, although where the syntax of earlier versions is compatible (i.e. in most cases), it will still work perfectly well.
I've now investigated this, and I can't repeat the documentation behaviour you have mentioned - it works as expected for me. (However, I did find and fix a regression introduced to the Visual Basic handling in a recent version - a small coding glitch that meant some methods could be incorrectly documented as constructors, so thanks for indirectly helping me find this issue!)
All I can suggest is that if you see a problem in any application, the best (and often only) way to get it fixed is to let the author know!

What do I need to build a DLL?

I'm having a number of issues, and the current one is overcoming a security exception when using iTextSharp.
This article
To which I was directed following this question I posted yesterday:
Displaying a bar code with iTextSharp using Chris Love's Barcode Handler (2 part)
Seems to be what is required to overcome my problem. But I have searched and searched and cannot find a definitive and simple answer to the question "How do I compile a DLL"
So, having made the suggested modification to iTextSharp, I need to make it into a single DLL.
I have absolutely no idea how to do this, despite an hour of Googling!
I'm using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. Which according to my searches does not have any built in capability to do this. So... how do I?!
Do I NEED to download Visual Web Developer Pro? I can surely download the free trial and use that, but going forward, I don't especially want to have to download a pay-for program to do this as it's a rare occurrence for my needs.

any Cocoa control code that I can use that acts as a patch bay?

I would like to make a patch bay type control... any source online that anyone knows of that I could work from?
The closest thing I'm aware of is EFLaceView:
Edit: EFLaceView seems to have disappeared, but I have a saved copy: EFLaceView
Edit: Version of EFLaceView on github, with more recent changes than link above.
Unless you can find someone online who is sharing exactly the kind of control you're looking for, you don't have any choice but to build this for yourself. For that, you need to understand Control and Cell Programming, Cocoa Drawing, and create your own custom view.