AssertFalse in Robotium Not Working - robotium

Am trying to validate some data in the view using Robotium.
I have written the below code for the same:
actual= solo.searchText("Jan-12");
actual= solo.searchText("Feb-12");
actual= solo.searchText("Jul-12");
actual= solo.searchText("Aug-12");
Here what I am trying to do is to check the presence of the list of data and if present the test case has to fail. ie., AssertFalse operation.
But even when the values are present, the test case is never failing and is passing. Am really not able to understand why its happening so. Am really at a fix.
Please help me out.

Use assertEquals(NegativeExpected,actual);after every
actual= solo.searchText("Jan-12");("Feb-12")..
because in your present code, it is checking the assert condition only for the last
actual= solo.searchText("Jan-12");
or you can define them as actual1, actual2...and use and/or operator among them in your final assertEquals(..)according to your requirement.
and if negative expected is noy working then try !actualas

Another way to do this id:

You could use this for each one.
actual &="xxx");
so that you won't lost your total actual value.


Algolia vue-instantsearch : disjunction between two distincts facets

Using algolia vue-instantsearch, i’m encountering a special case and i’m having an hard time finding a solution.
Refinement behaviors is that you get the results that matches all your refinement filters.
If i filter on a brand and a price, i’ll get the results that matches both the brand and the price.
I need to add some specific filters that work differently. I would like to be able to say “returns me the results that matches either refinementA, or refinementB, or refinementC.”
The reason is that those refinements are checking fields that are not present on all the products.
If i check a value for refinementA, i want to keep all the results that has no value for field corresponding to refinementA, but remove those that has a value for refinementA that does not match with the one i filtered one.
Im thinking about handling myself some inputs instead of ias-components, and modifying by hand each query that is send to algolia by checking the value of my own inputs when searchFunction is triggered (
I did not found yet how i can trigger a search from an non-vue-instantsearch input event, and i’m not sure how the above solution could affect the internal working of vue-instantsearch.
I’m looking for feedbacks about a more standard way of doing this, or for any advices !
I got the answer by exchanging with a vue-instantsearch maintainer.
vue-instantsearch does not provide any option to do it.
A workaround is to overwrite algoliasearch search method, that is used under the hood by vue-instant-search.
const client = algoliasearch('', '');
const originalSearch =; = function search(queries) { ... }
More informations in this github issue :

Karate : Is it feasible to iterate Url to support pagination

I have a rest endpoint with pagination, I want to verify expected parameter exists by traversing through all pages. One option I could think of is to have an array defined with page offset intervals like {0,25,50....}
Welcoming better approaches. Is it feasible to break the loop when my expected condition is met?
ex: Given url ''+'#(offset)'
And request {name : 'Billie'}
When method post
Then status 201
Note: have not tested the above code, looking for better approach.
You should be able to figure this out with conditional logic:
There should be some part of your response that tells you whether there is a "next" page or not. There are ways you can "loop" manually, refer this part of the docs:

Pyhtml - Print the order in the order in which it is run

Have been working with pytest for sometime, (and really like it, I must say). I have been able to generate a self contained html with additional columns etc. What I need is either:
Have the results displayed in the order in which they are run (not Failed first as it normally appears in the self contained html output)
Print the order in which the tests are run. Am using in my tests.
The order is important as there are dependency tests that needs to be executed in a certain sequence.
I'am not sure about pytest, but I worked with pyhtml and had a similar problem.
I would say you shuld use a "yield" operator in the function you are calling from your pyhtml part. If you are calling the pytest function direct from your pyhtml part, you shuld be able to write a new function, that calls pytest for you.

Is there way to select only id from parentReference

GET /drive/root/children?select=name,size,parentReference
returns, for parentReference, for example,
Is there way that parentReference in reponse contains only id:
Ideally you should be able to ?select=name,size,parentReference/id but that currently doesn't work (it'll behave like ?select=name,size,parentReference). We aim to fix that at some point though, and so you're more than welcome to use the former syntax and it should start working when we fix it. Until then you'll just get back some extra things you don't actually care about.

using Selenium: how to use output from one test as input to another test

I'm a Selenium n00b... it's clear how easy it is to run a test and verify a particular response, but how can I take a value from one response and use it in the next test?
an example might be a contact creation form...
type in name/email and click submit
response arrives with new ContactID
grab the ContactID that was returned and put it into "get" textbox and click "submit"
response arrives with contact details
verfy the name/email match the first set
how might I go about doing this in Selenium?
And now something completely different:
Now I understand when you say "test", you mean a single assertion within one test case. So you want to use a value returned from a request as input for another request in the same test case.
Assuming you use selenium ide: To do this, use one of the "store..." commands in selenium ide and store the value into a variable. The contactID can be found using a matching selector with the storeText command. For example:
command: storeText
target: selector for element containing contactId
value: contactId
Then, use variable substitution and the type command to insert that text somewhere else.
command: type
target: selector for target input box
value: ${contactId}
Hope this helps :)
(This answer is still correct I think if you interpret "test" as "test case". For another, totally different answer see below.)
You don't do this. Each test should be independent from all other tests. For your second test, just repeat the steps in the first test. This way, you can reproduce test success and failures in a reliable way.
If you have many tests which all start from a certain application state which requires many steps to reach, just write a private helper method to reach that state.
The alternative: All steps you describe can be put into a single test. There is no reason not to have several asserts in one test.