Nuget, portable library and WinRT appx: Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path - windows-8

Create new Windows 8 application App1
Add ClassLibrary1 Windows 8 class library project to solution
Add PortableClassLibrary1 portable class library targeting Windows 8 and Windows Phone 7.5 to a solution
Reference HttpClient nuget package in ClassLibrary1
Reference HttpClient nuget package in PortableClassLibrary1
Reference both ClassLibrary1 and PortableClassLibrary1
Compile solution
You get an error at .appx package stage
Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path 'System.Net.Http.Primitives.dll'.
Source files:
Please note the same error is reproduced if you reference any nuget package featuring both win8 and portable blends of assemblies.
What is expected:
Most specific version of a library (win8 one) is packaged into .appx and portable version is ignored
Any ideas on how to cheat appx packager and build this kind of Windows 8 projects?

It looks like the solution described here works:
Basically, you must set "Copy local" to false in the WinRT project that is referenced from the main app.

In addition to this, you should be getting warnings similar to:
All projects referencing ClassLibrary1.csproj must install nuget
package Microsoft.Bcl.Build. For more information, see
This is indicating a problem. Basically, the short of it, you should be installing HttpClient.Compression into all projects. MSBuild/AppX packaging doesn't know which binary to deploy between the portable library and store library project (they have different APIs & versions). Installing the package into the application, tells it.

I had such issue too. It was because I shared one of my solution between projects. I had to rename the solution, because the name was all the same like one of the projects. After renaming I had this problem.
I fixed it by: right click on solution I renamed and used both projects, then properties, then use same name in the assembly name like solution name.


How can decompile and see Nuget package dll source code using ILSpy

I have install some core mvc dlls (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstraction.dll). I want to decompile it and see the source code.
The dll is added to my project>Dependencies>Nuget.
However, I am not sure where exactly the dll in in my system.
Is there a quick way to just launch the added dll in ILSypy and see the codes or at least the object inheritance tree?
ASP.NET Core is open source, so as Hans wrote as a comment to your question, you can look directly at the source, you don't need to decompile.
But for future reference, NuGet dlls are extracted to one of two places. Older projects still using packages.config, the dlls are typically extracted to a folder named packages as a sub-folder of where the .sln file is.
Packages using PackageReference, the packages are extracted to your account's global packages folder, which by default is %userprofile%\.nuget\packages on Windows and ~/.nuget/packages on Linux and Mac. You can also look at your project's obj\project.assets.json file to find the paths to everything referenced.
All paths can be modified with nuget.config settings (or even msbuild properties for projects using PackageReference). But if this is the case, either you, or your team mate would probably know, so the default locations for the folders I listed above should be correct.

Unable to load DLL 'lua52': The specified module could not be found

I have the same problem as described here:
Though I have followed the instructions to create a console application...
...which works just fine, when I create a library project and reference it from another project (in this case, a Web API project) the following error occurs:
Unable to load DLL 'lua52': The specified module could not be found.
At this line:
using (var lua = new Lua())
How can a library project be made with the NLua nuget package without failing?
It is the exact same issue as described in the GitHub issue, the Nuget package is missing two DLLs that you need to use lua52.dll. One small difference, the current package (version includes a newer version of lua52.dll that was built with VS2013. And therefore has a dependency on msvcr120.dll and msvp120.dll.
Beware that this may change in the future when Nuget updates your project.
As-is, you need to download and install the Visual C++ redistributable package for VS2013. Run both vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe so your project can run either in 32-bit or 64-bit mode.
To avoid having to do this on the machine on which you want to deploy your program, I recommend you copy the two DLLs from the c:\windows\system32 (64-bit) or c:\windows\syswow64 (32-bit) directories into the same directory as your EXE.
The package author could have done a better job putting this package together. Short from including the DLLs in the package, the better solution would be for him to rebuild lua52.dll with the /MT option so these dependencies are linked in. Consider clicking the New Issue button to let him know. 5 class library for Linux

I want to build a Class Library in ASP.NET 5 using VS2015, but as far as I can tell it only produces DLL files. These would then be packages as a Nuget package.
But does this mean that these DLL's would also work fine on a Linux environment? Or do I need to do something else in order to build a Nuget package that will also work on Linux?
Make sure you select the Class Library (Package) option under the Web node in the New Project window.
That will create a project that outputs a dll in a NuGet package

How we Integrated Libgit2 library in Visual Studion 2010 Windows Application

I downloaded two DLLs (libgit2sharp.dll and git2.dll) from this site.
After that I successfully added Libgit2sharp.dll by add reference in my .NET Windows application. Now when I add git2.dll by add reference in my .NET Windows Application, it gives an error:
a reference to 'C:\User\nitesh\git2.dll' could not be added please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component
Can anyone please help me understand the problem?
I downloaded two DLLs (libgit2sharp.dll and git2.dll) from this site.
First off, this is not a distribution channel that the libgit2/libgit2sharp team has anything to do with.
Install as a NuGet package:
Official releases are available as a NuGet package if you prefer to download pre-built sources. See this post which explains how to install the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio.
This is the easiest way to make LibGit2Sharp available to your project.
Build from the source code:
You can download the source code and build the C# code into LibGit2Sharp.dll from, which includes the pre-built version of git2.dll which works for the particular version of the C# code.
Easiest way to build the assembly is by launching the build.libgit2sharp.cmd. This will create a Build folder into which you'll find the LibGit2Sharp.dll and a NativeBinaries folder with the native binaries.
Now when I add git2.dll by add reference in my .NET Windows Application, it gives an error
As for the error message, it sounds like you're trying to add the git2.dll to the project as though it were a CLR/.NET assembly. It is however built from C and isn't something VS is going to do anything useful with. You do not need to add it to your project.
It does need to be available for libgit2sharp to load. The following graph depicts the folder hierarchy that libgit2sharp expects
Note: This folder structure will be dynamically created in your project output folder if you installed LibGit2Sharp as a NuGet package. However, if you built the project from the source code, you'll have to copy this folder structure as part of your project build process yourself.

Getting nunit framework not found error when adding a controller

Please bear with me on this, since I am a Java developer just dipping a toe into the ASP.Net world
I started coding in an existing C# VS2012 codebase. It uses nuget and Newtonsoft is mentioned in the packages.config
When I right-click on Controllers > Add a new controller, I get the following error.
Could not load file or assembly 'nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=...' or one of its dependencies.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Now looking around in Google, it seems the GAC is missing an NUnit assembly. Not sure what I should do about that. Should I get NUnit? Why is it looking for a certain version of nunit (& that too a very old one)?
Any help for me to resolve this problem will be highly appreciated!
When you click "Add new Controller' Visual Studio will try to complete the parse/build to populate a number of values in the window that it is supposed to show you (with the available Models and available Views). It looks like at least one of your projects is missing a dependency (probably your Unit Test project).
NUnit is indeed a pretty old version, it doesn't even exist on NuGet yet (which would have been an easy fix). It makes sense that NUnit is not installed in the GAC, since you normally don't put everything in the GAC just because it seems to be possible. If you're willing to upgrade to the latest NUnit version, the easiest way is to add the NUnit NuGet package to your project through the Package Manager.
I would assume that when you'd open the project file for the project that is generating this warning in Notepad, you'd see a <hintpath> tag as a sibling of the NUnit Reference (it may not be there) which points to the folder where it is telling Visual Studio to look for NUnit.
I suggest you install the NUnit version your project is looking for from here and then update the reference in your project to point to the correct location. That should fix the issue.
As for your remark on the specific version, .NET Assemblies are compiled with a specific version number (usually set in the AssemblyInfo.cs) a reference in a project file can be to a specific version or to any assembly with that name (highlight the reference in the Solution Explorer and check the properties window (ctrl+w,p or alt+enter). You'll see a property "Specific Version" which in your case is set to "true" which caused Visual Studio to store the assembly version in the project file.
Add the code files into a workable solution project.
It is workable for me.
Or, try to create a new Nunit test project with the codes
I also try the following method, but not working for me
Install Nunit, adapter, SDK from the Nuget package