I need a stored procedure for solve this problem. I have table with name Items With Values
id qty
1 5
2 10
3 15
If a parameter value = 10, and the table will be
id qty
1 0
2 5
3 15
If your dbms supports window functions (ms sql server 2012+ is used below):
declare #prm int = 10;
select id, qty
, case
when qty + tot <= #prm then 0
when tot > #prm then qty
else (qty + tot) - #prm
end currQty
from (
select id, qty, coalesce (sum(qty) over(order by id rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding), 0) tot
-- your table here
(1,5 )
) tbl (id,qty)
) t;
Basically, you want to use a cumulative sum for this purpose. The rest is just arithmetic. I like to phrase this as:
select t.*,
(case when running_qty <= #parameter
then 0
when running_qty - qty <= #parameter
then running_qty - #parameter
else qty
end) as new_qty
from (select t.*,
sum(qty) over (order by id) as running_qty
from t
) t;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
I have 5 temp tables that I want to combine into a new temp table via the month_year column and the prod_id. Where the columns are not prod_id or month_year and values are not available, I want that column's value(e.g. job_amt or received_qty) to be 0.
month_year job_amt spoil good prod_id
07-2017 40 10 20 2
08-2017 827 0 210 3
09-2017 27 1 27 2
09-2017 732 22 345 3
10-2017 50 0 6 2
10-2017 1130 55 50 3
11-2017 300 0 0 4
month_year received_qty prod_id
08-2017 32 2
08-2017 2500 3
09-2017 2200 2
11-2017 2500 4
month_year purchase_qty prod_id
09-2017 11 2
month_year opening_balance prod_id
08-2017 32 2
08-2017 2500 3
09-2017 22 2
09-2017 2300 3
10-2017 2163 2
10-2017 2023 3
11-2017 2500 4
month_year closing_balance prod_id
08-2017 2300 3
08-2017 32 2
09-2017 2213 2
09-2017 1998 3
10-2017 1687 3
10-2017 2163 2
11-2017 2400 4
I tried some inner joins but the values were repeating or some were not reflecting. what query could I use to get these combined?
I am looking for the following output:
CREATE TABLE #table_with_all_months_prod_ids_using_cross_join (month_year, prod_id)
INSERT #table_with_all_months_prod_ids_using_cross_join
SELECT t1.month_year, t2.prod_id
FROM monthyeartable t1
CROSS JOIN prodidtable t2
SELECT DISTINCT t0.month_year, t0.prod_id, ISNULL(t1.job_amt,0), ISNULL(t1.spoil,0), ISNULL(t1.good,0), ISNULL(t2.received_qty,0), ISNULL(t3.purchase_qty,0), ISNULL(t4.opening_balance,0), ISNULL(t5.closing_balance,0)
FROM #table_with_all_months_prod_ids_using_cross_join t0
LEFT JOIN #tmp_spoilt_good_job_amt t1 ON t0.month_year = t1.month_year AND t0.prod_id = t1.prod_id
LEFT JOIN #tmp_received_qty t2 ON t0.month_year = t2.month_year AND t0.prod_id = t2.prod_id
LEFT JOIN #tmp_purchase_qty t3 ON t0.month_year = t3.month_year AND t0.prod_id = t3.prod_id
LEFT JOIN #tmp_opening_balance t4 ON t0.month_year = t4.month_year AND t0.prod_id = t4.prod_id
LEFT JOIN #tmp_closing_balance t5 ON t0.month_year = t5.month_year AND t0.prod_id = t5.prod_id
WHERE NOT (t1.job_amt IS NULL AND t1.spoil IS NULL AND t1.good IS NULL AND t2.received_qty IS NULL AND t3.purchase_qty IS NULL AND t4.opening_balance IS NULL AND t5.closing_balance IS NULL)
So, this kind of relation ships have very week performance, first of all it is better to change the tables structure and all other thing that related to fill data in you database.
Any way, this query created for your current needs with current data structure, also if you work on this query or divided it in to some views maybe you can improve performance:
SELECT CASE WHEN ISNULL(srpo.month_year , '-1') <> '-1' THEN srpo.month_year
WHEN ISNULL(c.month_year , '-1') <> '-1' THEN c.month_year
END AS month_year,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(srpo.prod_id, -1) <> -1 THEN srpo.prod_id
WHEN ISNULL (c.prod_id, -1) <> -1 THEN c.prod_id
END AS prod_id,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(c.closing_balance, -1) = -1 THEN 0 else c.closing_balance END AS closing_balance,
srpo.job_amt,srpo.spoil,srpo.good ,srpo.received_qty,srpo.purchase_qty, srpo.opening_balance
FROM #tmp_closing_balance AS c FULL OUTER JOIN
(SELECT CASE WHEN ISNULL(srp.month_year , '-1') <> '-1' THEN srp.month_year
WHEN ISNULL(o.month_year , '-1') <> '-1' THEN o.month_year
END AS month_year,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(srp.prod_id, -1) <> -1 THEN srp.prod_id
WHEN ISNULL (o.prod_id, -1) <> -1 THEN o.prod_id
END AS prod_id,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(o.opening_balance, -1) = -1 THEN 0 else o.opening_balance END AS opening_balance,
srp.job_amt,srp.spoil,srp.good ,srp.received_qty,srp.purchase_qty
FROM #tmp_opening_balance AS o FULL OUTER JOIN
(SELECT CASE WHEN ISNULL(sr.month_year , '-1') <> '-1' THEN sr.month_year
WHEN ISNULL(p.month_year , '-1') <> '-1' THEN p.month_year
END AS month_year,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(sr.prod_id, -1) <> -1 THEN sr.prod_id
WHEN ISNULL (p.prod_id, -1) <> -1 THEN p.prod_id
END AS prod_id,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(p.purchase_qty, -1) = -1 THEN 0 else p.purchase_qty END AS purchase_qty,
sr.job_amt,sr.spoil,sr.good ,sr.received_qty
FROM #tmp_purchase_qty AS p FULL OUTER JOIN
(SELECT CASE WHEN ISNULL(s.month_year , '-1') <> '-1' THEN s.month_year
WHEN ISNULL(r.month_year , '-1') <> '-1' THEN r.month_year
END AS month_year,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(s.prod_id, -1) <> -1 THEN s.prod_id
WHEN ISNULL (r.prod_id, -1) <> -1 THEN r.prod_id
END AS prod_id,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(s.job_amt, -1) = -1 THEN 0 else s.job_amt END AS job_amt,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(s.spoil, -1) = -1 THEN 0 else s.spoil END AS spoil,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(s.good, -1) = -1 THEN 0 else s.good END AS good,
CASE WHEN ISNULL(r.received_qty, -1) = -1 THEN 0 else r.received_qty END AS received_qty
FROM #tmp_spoilt_good_job_amt AS s FULL OUTER JOIN
#tmp_received_qty AS r ON s.prod_id = r.prod_id AND
LTRIM(rtrim(s.month_year)) = LTRIM(rtrim(r.month_year))) AS sr ON
sr.prod_id = p.prod_id AND LTRIM(rtrim(sr.month_year)) = LTRIM(rtrim(p.month_year)) ) AS srp ON
srp.prod_id = o.prod_id AND LTRIM(rtrim(srp.month_year)) = LTRIM(rtrim(o.month_year))) AS srpo ON
srpo.prod_id = c.prod_id AND LTRIM(rtrim(srpo.month_year)) = LTRIM(rtrim(c.month_year))
I use FULL OUTER JOIN for all part of query because you mentioned that, may be all tables have possible values for keys columns(month_year and prod_id).
First if you have these 5 temp tables that probably means there is a much much much better way of doing this at the source table level! But because you asked you most significant problem with combining them is that not 1 of the tables hold a combination of every month_year and prod_id. So you have to create it. The way I choose to do this for completeness sake is to:
Create a Tally table (as a common table expression [CTE]) for use in
generating a month_year table
Create a Products CTE by unioning all distinct prod_ids from your temp tables
Create a MonthYearInputs CTE to be able to determine the Max and Min month_years represented
Generate a MonthYear CTE to house every possible month_year combination between the MIN & MAX years represented in your data
Then a cartisean (CROSS) join between the MonthYear & Product ctes give you all of the combinations to LEFT JOIN the other tables to.
Simply put a where statement in to remove the rows that have no values in ALL of the tables and use ISNULL() or COALESCE() to make the null values 0.
Here is a working example: http://rextester.com/MCEO96178
;WITH cteTen AS (
SELECT n FROM (VALUES (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) t(n)
, cteTally AS (
cteTen t1
CROSS JOIN cteTen t2 --hundreds
CROSS JOIN cteTen t3 --thousands
--keep cross joining if need more than 1000 month
, cteProducts AS (
SELECT DISTINCT prod_id FROM #tmp_spoilt_good_job_amt
SELECT DISTINCT prod_id FROM #tmp_received_qty
SELECT DISTINCT prod_id FROM #tmp_purchase_qty
SELECT DISTINCT prod_id FROM #tmp_opening_balance
SELECT DISTINCT prod_id FROM #tmp_closing_balance
, cteInputMonthYears AS (
SELECT DISTINCT month_year FROM #tmp_spoilt_good_job_amt
SELECT DISTINCT month_year FROM #tmp_received_qty
SELECT DISTINCT month_year FROM #tmp_purchase_qty
SELECT DISTINCT month_year FROM #tmp_opening_balance
SELECT DISTINCT month_year FROM #tmp_closing_balance
, cteMaxMinMonthYears AS (
MinMonthYear = CAST(STUFF(MIN(month_year),3,0,'-01') AS DATETIME)
,MonthsDiff = DATEDIFF(MONTH,CAST(STUFF(MIN(month_year),3,0,'-01') AS DATETIME),CAST(STUFF(MAX(month_year),3,0,'-01') AS DATETIME)) + 1
, cteMonthYears AS (
month_year = FORMAT(DATEADD(MONTH, t.n - 1, m.MinMonthYear),'MM-yyyy')
cteMaxMinMonthYears m
INNER JOIN cteTally t
ON m.MonthsDiff >= t.n
,job_amt = ISNULL(ja.job_amt,0)
,spoil = ISNULL(ja.spoil,0)
,good = ISNULL(ja.good,0)
,received_qty = ISNULL(r.received_qty,0)
,purchase_qty = ISNULL(pur.purchase_qty,0)
,opening_balance = ISNULL(o.opening_balance,0)
,closing_balance = ISNULL(c.closing_balance,0)
cteMonthYears my
CROSS JOIN cteProducts p
LEFT JOIN #tmp_spoilt_good_job_amt ja
ON my.month_year = ja.month_year
AND p.prod_id = ja.prod_id
LEFT JOIN #tmp_received_qty r
ON my.month_year = r.month_year
AND p.prod_id = r.prod_id
LEFT JOIN #tmp_purchase_qty pur
ON my.month_year = pur.month_year
AND p.prod_id = pur.prod_id
LEFT JOIN #tmp_opening_balance o
ON my.month_year = o.month_year
AND p.prod_id = o.prod_id
LEFT JOIN #tmp_closing_balance c
ON my.month_year = c.month_year
AND p.prod_id = c.prod_id
NOT(ja.month_year IS NULL
AND r.month_year IS NULL
AND pur.month_year IS NULL
AND o.month_year IS NULL
AND o.month_year IS NULL
AND c.month_year IS NULL)
Personally, I think you should go with #influent's suggest: derive a template table on to which you can left the values you're looking for.
In the eventuality that you don't have the required logic or data to accurately derive such a template table, there is another option.
1. Pad out each table with dummy 0 values, so that they all have the same fields
2. UNION all the tables together
3. GROUP all the results back down to one row per month per product
SELECT month_year, prod_id, job_amt, spoil, good, 0 AS received_qty, 0 AS purchase_qty, 0 AS opening_balance, 0 AS closing_balance FROM #tmp_spoilt_good_job_amt
SELECT month_year, prod_id, 0, 0, 0, received_qty, 0, 0, 0 FROM #tmp_received_qty
SELECT month_year, prod_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, purchase_qty, 0, 0 FROM #tmp_purchase_qty
SELECT month_year, prod_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, opening_balance, 0 FROM #tmp_opening_balance
SELECT month_year, prod_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, closing_balance FROM #tmp_closing_balance
SUM(job_amt) AS job_amt,
SUM(spoil) AS spoil,
SUM(good) AS good,
SUM(received_qty) AS received_qty,
SUM(purchase_qty) AS purchase_qty,
SUM(opening_balance) AS opening_balance,
SUM(closing_balance) AS closing_balance
I am trying to work on a query to fill the Price for a product where it is zero with non-zero value fro previous record. I tried to write a simple correlated subquery but its not working.
var_1 = select * from "XYZ"."PRD_TEST" where price <> 0 order by period desc;
var_out = select a.product,a.period, ( select price from :var_1 b where a.product = b.product and a.period > b.period and b.period <> 0 limit 1 ) as price from "XYZ"."PRD_TEST" a;
A 1 100
A 2 0 - to be filled with 100
A 3 0 - to be filled with 100
A 4 5
A 5 0 - to be filled with 5
I tried to replace the sub-query with scalar function but it does not take table as a Parameter.
I tried to achieve the output using Left outer join and Row_number but it's too expensive and runs for a long time.
I am looking for a best option to fetch only 1 record in the subquery just like TOP 1.
you could use a scalar subquery like this ( select ... limit 1 is not considered scalar in HANA, unfortunately):
Do begin
var_1 = select * from (( Select 'A' product, '1' period, '100' price from sys.dummy )
Union ( Select 'A' product, '2' period, '0' price from sys.dummy )
Union ( Select 'A' product, '3' period, '0' price from sys.dummy )
Union ( Select 'A' product, '4' period, '5' price from sys.dummy )
Union ( Select 'A' product, '5' period, '0' price from sys.dummy )) order by period desc;
var_out = ( select a.product,
( select max(price)
from :var_1 b
where a.product = b.product
and a.period > b.period
and b.period <> 0
and b.period = ( select max(period) from :var_1 c
where a.product = c.product
AND a.period > c.period
and c.period <> 0
and c.price <> 0
)) as price
from :var_1 a where price = '0' )
union (select product, period, price from :var_1 where price <> '0' );
select * from :var_out order by product, period;
Tested on sps12
Added after comment.
Why don't you just try? It is very simple.
Because I was curious I tried it on my HCP trial instance, takes about 1 sec for on milion rows. I included a ifnull to avoid rows with null-values where there is no price in earlier periods.
Here is the coding:
drop table var_1;
create column table var_1 as
cast ( 'Prod' || prd.GENERATED_PERIOD_START as nvarchar(20) ) product,
cast ( per.GENERATED_PERIOD_START as decimal(2)) period,
cast ( case when rand() < '0.5' then rand() * '100' else '0' end
as decimal(5,2)) as price -- ~50% of price is 0
from series_generate_integer(1,0,1000000/13) as prd, --~1Mio records
series_generate_integer(1,0,13) as per --12 periods + period 0
merge delta of var_1;
select * from var_1
order by product, period
limit 100;
do begin sequential execution -- don't let parallel execution influence the runtime-measurement
declare start_timestamp timestamp;
start_timestamp = current_timestamp;
var_out = ( select a.product,
ifnull ((select max(price)
from var_1 b
where a.product = b.product
and a.period > b.period
and b.period <> 0
and b.period = ( select max(period) from var_1 c
where a.product = c.product
AND a.period > c.period
and c.period <> 0
and c.price <> 0
)),'0.0') as price
from var_1 a where price = '0' )
union (select product, period, price from var_1 where price <> '0' );
select nano100_between(:start_timestamp, (select current_timestamp from dummy) )/10000 as runtime_millisec from dummy;
select * from :var_out
order by product, period
limit 100;
I have a question about Case and when statements. I have a list of two transtypeid like 10 and 12.
I tried to take sale1 amount like if the transtypeid 11 has a sum amount !=0 means, I need to minus the amount with sum amount of transtypeid 10
I tried a lot but nothing worked.
I have these queries I tried
CT.CustomerCode, C.CustomerName,
sale1 = case
when (ct.TransTypeID = 11) and (sum(ct.OVAmount - ct.OVDiscount) != 0)
then sum(ct.OVAmount - ct.OVDiscount) - sum(ct.OVAmount - ct.OVDiscount)
else 0
C.CountryCode, C.CityCode
CustomerTransactions CT
inner join
Customers C ON CT.CustomerCode = C.CustomerCode
ct.TransDate >= '2015-01-01'
and ct.TransDate <= '2015-12-31'
and ct.TransTypeID in (10, 11)
group by
ct.CustomerCode, c.CustomerName, c.CountryCode, c.CityCode
Try calculate sale1 with this SQL code:
SUM(CASE WHEN ct.TransTypeID = 11
THEN ct.OVAmount - ct.OVDiscount
ELSE 0 END) != 0
SUM(CASE WHEN ct.TransTypeID = 11
THEN ct.OVAmount - ct.OVDiscount
- SUM(CASE WHEN ct.TransTypeID = 10
THEN ct.OVAmount - ct.OVDiscount
I'm not sure that I understand what you need. But I give it a try since you are in hurry.
Something like this, maybe?
CT1.CustomerCode, C.CustomerName,
sale1 =
when ( sum(ct1.OVAmount - ct1.OVDiscount) != 0 )
then sum( ct1.OVAmount - ct1.OVDiscount ) - sum( ct2.OVAmount - ct2.OVDiscount )
C.CountryCode, C.CityCode
Customers c
Inner join CustomerTransactions CT1 ON ( CT1.CustomerCode = C.CustomerCode ) And ( ct1.TransTypeID = 11 )
Inner join CustomerTransactions CT2 ON ( CT2.CustomerCode = C.CustomerCode ) And ( ct2.TransTypeID = 10 )
( ct1.TransDate >= '2015-01-01' )
and ( ct1.TransDate < '2016-01-01' )
and ( ct2.TransDate >= '2015-01-01' )
and ( ct2.TransDate < '2016-01-01' )
group by
Using CTEs:
cte10 ( CustomerId, amount ) as (
customerId, sum( amount ) as amount
( Type = 1 )
group by CustomerId
cte11 ( CustomerId, amount ) as (
customerId, sum( amount ) as amount
( Type = 2 )
group by CustomerId
c.Id, c.Description,
sale1 =
when ( cte10.amount <> 0 )
then cte10.amount - cte11.amount
Customer c
Inner join cte10 on ( cte10.CustomerId = C.id )
inner join cte11 on ( cte11.Customerid = C.id )
I use the following
select TotalCredits - TotalDebits as Difference
(select sum(TOTALAMOUNT) from journal where memberid=48 and CREDIT =1) as TotalCredits,
(select SUM(totalamount) from Journal where MEMBERID=48 and DEBIT =1) As TotalDebits
) temp
this returns one field with my difference, the problem i am occuring is that if the table has no credit, but has debits, the temp table contains a NULL value in the TotalCredits Field which prohibts math being done. (Vica Versa on has Credits but no Debits) I have tried coalese but cant seem how to make it work.
rationally i need to check if:
sum(TOTALAMOUNT) from journal where memberid=48 and CREDIT =1 as TotalCredits is
null then totalcredits = 0 and visa versa
sql server 2008
select ISNULL(TotalCredits,0) - ISNULL(TotalDebits,0) as Difference
(select sum(TOTALAMOUNT) from journal where memberid=48 and CREDIT =1) as TotalCredits,
(select SUM(totalamount) from Journal where MEMBERID=48 and DEBIT =1) As TotalDebits
) temp
Change your query to conditional aggregation and it fixes the problem:
select sum(case when credit = 1 then TotalAmount else -TotalAmount end) as Difference
from Journal
where memberid = 48 and (credit = 1 or debit = 1);
If you have the case where credit and debit could both be 1, then use:
select (sum(case when credit = 1 then TotalAmount else 0 end) -
sum(case when debit = 1 then TotalAmount else 0 end)
) as Difference
from Journal
where memberid = 48 and (credit = 1 or debit = 1);
Hello may be this can also can give the expected result
select COALESCE(TotalCredits,0) - COALESCE(TotalDebits,0) as Difference
(select sum(TOTALAMOUNT) from journal where memberid=48 and CREDIT =1) as TotalCredits,
(select SUM(totalamount) from Journal where MEMBERID=48 and DEBIT =1) As TotalDebits
) temp
Create a sub query using isnull to replace the null with 0 and then make the sum querys and then the total substraction
Ouch. That query makes my head hurt. Discriminant functions are your friend and case lets you create them easily in SQL. Just state the problem simply.
select total_credits = sum( case j.credit when 1 then 1 else 0 end ) ,
total_debits = sum( case j.debit when 1 then 1 else 0 end ) ,
total_delta = sum( case j.credit when 1 then 1 else 0 end )
- sum( case j.debit when 1 then 1 else 0 end )
from journal j
where j.memberid = 48