Sencha Touch ListView IndexBar + selectfield - sencha-touch-2

I am new to sencha and would like to have the indexBar option to a listview which is launched by the selectfield. Tried with
painted: function(panel)
var list = panel.down('list');
But this code doesn't work, please help.

If you new to sencha please do not use defaultTabletPickerConfig setting.
Please describe more what you want to get, share more code you have written.


ST2.2 - Datepicker bug with picker configuration

i'm using the latest sencha touch release, but found a problem with the datepicker.
This works as expected:
var view=new Ext.field.DatePicker({label:"Test"});
But if I do it in this way:
var view = new Ext.field.DatePicker({
label: "Test",
picker: {
yearTo: "2020"
Nothing happens if I click on the datepicker-field. After some time the site even "crashs".
I'm using Chrome 26.0.1410.64 m for testing.
Is there maybe a bug within ST 2.2?
Using the new keyword is not the proper way to create a component in Sencha Touch 2.x
Use Ext.create:
var view = Ext.create('Ext.field.DatePicker', {
label: "Test",
picker: {
yearTo: 2020 // without the quotes
Hope this helps

How to configure the Ext.List launched from a selectfield in Sencha Touch?

In Sencha Touch 2, I have a formpanel with a selectfield to pick from a large store of models. I can choose between an Ext.Picker or an Ext.List as the picker component by setting the usePicker property on the selectfield. But how do I configure the Ext.List?
I tried setting defaultPhonePickerConfig and defaultTabletPickerConfig, but that doesn't seem to work. Specifically, I want to set { grouped: true, indexBar: true } to help my users navigate the long list of options. I used the JavaScript debugger to trace the showPicker() method and verified that the instantiated Ext.List has those two properties set in its config property. But the list overlay still doesn't show the group headings or the index bar. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
The solution is to defer configuration until after the panel component is painted:
usePicker: false,
defaultTabletPickerConfig: {
listeners: {
painted: function(panel) {
var list = panel.down('list');
This is dumb.

Disable store load mask in Sencha 2

The Sencha store is automatically adding a ajax loader mask when populating the store, but I want to hide it since I have made a more generic mask which is shown every time the app does a ajax request.
How can I hide the store load mask? Tried to look in the documentation, but didnt find any appropriate field/method there:
See attachement:
The property exists: loadingText, which you have set to null.
xtype: 'list',
store: 'Store',
loadingText: null, // for ST 2.3.0 set it to false
Cheers, Oleg
Olegtaranenko: Your solution does remove the loadmask, but setting the
loadingText to 'null' also seems to break the "PullToRefresh" plugin
functionality for a list.
By 'break', I mean that after pulling the arrow down to refresh, the
ui remains in this state, and does not hide the PullToRefresh section
at the top.
Is there a way to hide the additional loadmask, while retaining the
ability to pull to refresh?
For anyone that is reading this in future and is trying to achieve what I have described above, I worked around the issue with PullToRefresh by changing the original Sencha touch 1.1.1 code (line 45346 of sencha-touch-debug-with-comments.js). This is not ideal, but provides a quick workaround.
Original (PullToRefresh breaks)
onBeforeLoad: function() {
if (this.isLoading && > 0) {
return false;
onBeforeLoad: function() {
if (this.isLoading && > 0) {
try{ this.list.loadMask.disable(); }
catch(err) { }
return false;
Just add on your View
viewConfig: {
loadMask: false

Sencha Touch 2 carousel.setItems() not working

I am trying to build a dynamic image carousel using Sencha Architect. I have a carousel added to a tab panel. The carousel is set up to read images from a store called "pictureStore." I have a function to pull images from the store and create the carousel items - I can get the images from the store but unable to create the carousel. When I try to use carouself.setItems() or carousel.add() I get an error "Object # has no method". Please take a look and let me know if my method is incorrect for creating a dynamic carousel. I appreciate your help and knowledge of how to fix
Function to read images and create carousel items (works up until comment below):
onMycarouselActivate: function(container, newActiveItem, oldActiveItem, options) {
Ext.getStore('pictureStore').load(function(pictures) {
var items = [];
Ext.each(pictures, function(picture) {
if (!picture.get('image')) {
xtype: 'myimage',
picture: picture
//following doesn't work for adding the carousel images:
//carousel.items = [{html: items}];
Sample JSON with image info
"test": {
"cat": {
"entries": [
"image": "/images/1.png"
"image": "/images/2.png"
Error messages when using carousel.add or carousel.setItems:
Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'add'
Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'setItems'
If your variable carousel has no method add or setItems then it's probably not your carousel.
To make sure of that, you can try to do console.log(carousel); to figure out what it is exactly. Also, it doesn't seem to be declared anywhere in your code...
But it's quite simple to fix. I presume you've added a event listener to your carousel that listens to the activate event and if you take a look at the documentation for this event, you can see that the first parameter sent to the callback function is the container (in this case your carousel)
So what you have to write is this :
onMycarouselActivate: function(carousel, newActiveItem, oldActiveItem, options) {
instead of this
onMycarouselActivate: function(container, newActiveItem, oldActiveItem, options) {
and you should be all set
Also if you take a look at the documentation for the image component, you can see there is no picture in the config but there is a src attribute. SO you should write :
xtype: 'myimage',
src: picture
Hope this helped
try this code
xtype: 'image',
scr:'path of image'
where myCarousel is object of carousel.
You can try this, this is working for me.....
Ext.getStore('Pictures').load(function(pictures) {
Ext.each(pictures, function(picture) {
if (picture.get('image')) {
html: '<img style="max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%;" src="' + picture.get('image') + '"/>'
Hope this will help you...

Dynamically adding html to panel

I am designing an app in sencha touch2. I have a panel object in my JS file. I need to dynamically set the text/html for this component. The store for this component is defined at the application level. Following is the thing I worked out:
config : {
pnlObj : null,
initialize : function() {
this.config.pnlObj = Ext.create('Ext.Panel');
var store ='some_store');
//some items here
flex : 2,
// id : 'somepnl',
config : this.config.pnlObj
loadStore : function(store, rec) {
var text = rec.get('text');
var panel = this.config.pnlObj;
// var panel = Ext.getCmp('somepanl');
When I inspect the inspect the element using Firebug console, I can find the panel added there. But I am not able to set the html dynamically. no html text is set there. I tried adding it using panel.add() & panel.setItems() method which doesn't work. If I give an id to that panel(somepanel here) and try to access it using Ext.getCmp('smpanel') then in that case it works fine. I have found that using Ext.getCmp() is not a good practice and want to avoid it as it might somewhere break my code in the future.
I guess the way I am instantiating the panel object is creating some issue. Can someone suggest the best way of doing it?
The recommended way to manipulate your components in Sencha Touch 2 is using controller, through refs and control configs. For example, your panel has a config like this: xtype:'myPanel', then in your controller:
refs: {
myPanel: 'myPanel'
myPanel: {
on_an_event: 'set_html_for_my_panel'
Lastly, define your function:
set_html_for_my_panel: function()
P/S: Behind the scene, Sencha Touch 2 uses Ext.ComponentQuery for refs in controllers