In house data sync service for iOS devices [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am going to write a small program for a small client(3 iPads + 1 mac). I want to sync data between all devices, I need to sync CoreData objects + PDF files + Images. It would be perfect if the solution could run on a in house server without internet connection.
I thought of writing the server side code myself, but I am a bit of a stranger to server side code so it would take a bit time for me to learn an implement a reliably solution.
My question does anyone know some kind of sync service that can run without internet connection? Or does one exist with internet connection?
Thanks for your help!

I think what might be best for you is writing a bonjour application. Its apple's easy way of connecting devices and is relatively simple to work with. You could run an in house Mac Mini/Server that all the devices connect to. Its a bit of a broad question but might help put you in the right direction.
Bonjour tutorial
Apple Bonjour


How to deploy an iPad app to apple store? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This client wants to deploy our app to apple store. Before this, i have worked upon either enterprise app or other clients deploy app to apple store themselves. Now, this client wants me to guide them step by step to deploy on to app store.
I googled and found few articles about that process. It would be good if someone can share the document or link they referred while doing so.
I have development profile as well as enterprise profile.
Please help me in this.
This document should get you started in all the right directions:
If the account is set up properly and the actual app binary is there as well (and is working and was tested and all, you know), then the actual release shouldn't be all too difficult. You have to have icons and screenshots and descriptions and everything ready at the time when you release, but don't worry, you can always pause the release process and get back to it later if you realize you're missing anything.
Is this too general? Do you need any more specific answers (for more specific questions)?

How to create screenshots on a 'clean' OS? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am an individual developer and I wish to showcase some of my software to upload to my website. However, my C drive is obviously littered with different files, most of which for development, which I don't want to be featured in the screenshots. I preferably would like to screenshot my software on a 'clean' install of Windows 7 without any clutter.
How to create this type of screenshots, etc.? The lower cost the better.
Just create a new user account on windows, that should get rid of a lot of clutter.
A fresh VM seems like it would be your best bet. From the fact that you said C drive I'll assume you're on Windows. If you have Windows 8 you can install Hyper-V from the control panel. If not, use something like Virtual Box (
Using a VM means you will not only have a completely clean Windows installation, but also a completely clean file system.

open source piano keyboard ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any open source code for creating a piano keyboard with sounds for ios? I have looked but have not found one, or offer a good recommendation were to start, AVAudioPlayer. or systemSoundID
Here is one you can try. It is something I started a while back and have not had time to finish because of my day job.
I found this great tutorial, it is a little advanced but perfect for learning. I already have a simple version up and running using this tutorial
I have tried a few solutions, and eventually used this piano keyboard for iOS, since I couldn't get rid of the lag which is crucial when using it as part of a multitracker for timing issues (an app I'm working on).
I learned a lot from going over the code and through the support I got from the author, so even though it wasn't free I was very pleased with it.

How can I start learning about objective C? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to start developing an application for Ipad (a simple one).
My doubt is that i heard that is only possible if you have a Mac, and isnt with a PC. Is it true?
Normally i use to develop applications using .Net and Visual Studio, how is the learning curve taking in count this fact?
Do you have any good web reference or tutorials about objective C?
Yes,native Ipad development using XCode requires a Mac.. there is just no getting around that.
Objective C 's syntax is a little weirder than what you will be used to... lots of [] instead of .
but the concepts are going to be pretty much the same. If you have an Ipad, there are lots of free apple docs in the ibook store that you can go though. or if you have joined the developer program, then has some amazing stuff with downloadable examples.
All the best
It's true that you need a Mac. Objective-C isn't a very complicated language, so factor in maybe a day or two for getting used to Xcode and learning the language. Then it has so far taken me about ten years to get an incomplete understanding of the APIs...but only because there are things I didn't need to use yet :-).
Apple has very good documentation of Objective-C at its website,

Real Time / High Resolution Stock API? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking to get my hands on an API (hopefully one that's platform agnostic) that allows me to retrieve real time (or as close to it) equity prices / volume (hopefully).
I'm not a professional trader and can't afford anything really expensive (although I'm willing to pay a fair bit a month for such a service). I'm seeking to monitor about 500 equities (SP500) to start.
Does anybody have any suggestion? I don't want to use something like Google, because I would in effect be stealing a lot of bandwidth and could be blocked for abusing the service.
Google is a relatively shockingly developer friendly company. I have had some interactions with them about volumes of API use. You can hit them quite a bit without getting blacklisted.
One project that I am aware of being developed by Collaborative Software Initiative: FeedHandler:
I am not sure what the cost of the feed would be like. They would be able to track all of the stocks.