browserstack requesting localhost:45691 - browserstack

Anyone any idea why browserstack might be constantly requesting localhost:45691. When I open browserstack in Chrome I get this request continuously.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load localhost:45691. Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
In FF its showing a JS file causing the issue
Anyone having this issue? I even sent a report to browser stack 3 days ago and nothing either. This is driving me crazy.

BrowserStack provides a feature of Local Testing via Command Line Tunnel. To check if tunnel is connected or not, their JavaScript(JS) tries to talk to a http server which runs on port 45691 inside BrowserStackTunnel.jar.
When you don't have this Command Line Tunnel set, then the JS gets these errors, which turns to 200 OK response as soon as tunnel gets connected.


Playwright - URL is not loading sometimes

when I start the test, the browser is opened but it does not load the URL.
After 10-15 seconds it stopped to load (see screenshot).
I had updated intelliJ, updated playwright to version 1.28.1 (doesn't help)
It happened 7 out of 10 trials.
Any idea why it suddenly becomes that behavior?
Many thanks!
there are 3 probabilities causing this error when hitting the URL:
Your browser version could be a outdated which the site is blocking, so try updating playwright browsers using the command 'npx playwright install'.
Check whether the site is being blocked due to any firewall or proxy setting and if so, get it whitelisted.
As the request also seems to be a crash due to timeout, kindly check whether you have decent internet speed.

debugging chrome remotely - doesn't open websocket

Im running chrome headless through chromedriver and selenium via python.
I've run into the following issue both on Mac and Linux.
Im starting chrome as follows:
if self.headless:
options.headless = True
if self.debug_port:"Setting up remote debugging on port {self.debug_port}")
If I connect to http://localhost:9222 from another headed instance of chrome I can see the list of sessions and connect to it seamlessly. At which point i have a window opened up with a screencast of the remote session and the dev console.
Here's that successful example:
When I connect to I get the list of sessions just fine and upon selecting one the dev console opens but it doesn't start the websocket connection to ws:// so the screencast and remote debugging capabilities are not available.
Here's that failed example:
I've captured har files and uploaded them here if you want to take a look
Using the following steps I was able to debug remotely. However the screencast functionality did not work. Ultimately that's what I needed so this is only a 50% solution in my case.
So, as noted above in the comments, what's blocking remote debugging from working is that the chrome debugger links out to and passes a value of ws:// for the websocket parameter. Any browser will inherently block this, based on it being mixed content - i.e: https + ws
What's needed here is to run the chrome dev tools frontend on a http server
and direct your chrome instance to that server instead of the appspot instance.
Solution Steps
1 Install depot_tools (pre-requisite for building)
2 Checkout the devtools-frontend repo
3 Build chrome devtools frontend
4 Start the devtools-frontend http server
5 Run 2 instances of chrome and use one to debug the other
5.1 Start first instance of chrome headless
...with remote debugging enabled. See the python way in the question above or do it from the command line with the same arguments
5.2 Start a second instance of chrome
...using a different user data dir --user-data-dir=<some-path>
5.3 Navigate to
Use whatever the IP address of the first chrome instance is and the port that you chose.
5.4 Create a link to the local dev server
The 2nd instance of chrome will now be showing you links to debug each of the open tabs of the 1st instance. However the links will still to go You'll need to copy n paste the link you want and replace the hostname with the hostname of the devtools frontend that you started in step 4
If you figure out how to get the screencast working please comment below! 🙏
I also tried using the npm run server command in the devtools frontend but for some reason that server didn't work at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED exclusively in browsers

I was working on a website on my local computer (mac OS High Sierra) and had put some redirects in the websites .htaccess file (in order to get images from the remote server instead of downloading them). After this it seemed that I could no longer access the website from my Chrome browser. Chrome would answer to any URL leading to the remote server with ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
I tried other browsers on my computer such as Firefox, Chrome Canary, Chromium and Opera. None of them could provide a connection.
Next I checked with a different internet access via TOR-Browser on the same computer whether I could access the website, and it worked.
Next I checked via Terminal whether I could connect to the remote server with ping, nslookup and traceroute. All connecting to the server as expected.
I googled up possible solutions to this problem but could not find one so far. I had read that resetting the DNS cache could help and tried sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder but it did not.
I did not edit the /etc/hosts file; a restart of the computer did not help; a reset of the .htaccess to the previous state did not help; resetting the caches in the browsers did not help.
How can I access the remote website from my browsers normally again?
EDIT1: Related question: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED for only selective images from instagram API
EDIT2: After about one day I was able to access the remote website again with no further incidents of ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED even after putting the redirects into the .htaccess file. So it seems to me of being some sort of caching on my computer which prevents the browsers from accessing the remote website. However I have no clue what caused the error message in the first place and what kind of cache it might be.
Shortly after EDIT2 when I was able to access the remote website again, the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED appeared again - this time I tested another device with the same internet connection and I had encountered the connection error too. Now I believe it has something to do with the router and/or it's firewall - not the ISP since I could connect to the remote website with shell commands (named above). The image requests to the remote website seem to cause the router to block further access from browsers, probably as a security measure similar to the situation in this article

Stop Chrome in headless mode from logging

I'm using Python/Selenium/ChromeDriver/Chrome to scrape a website and it works fine but, especially in headless mode, I'm getting lots of logs such as those below. How do I stop these?
DevTools listening on ws://
[0323/120327.827:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "The SSL certificate used to load...
[0323/] Received HEADERS for invalid...
[0323/] OnDidStopLoading was called twice.
[0323/120356.054:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Refused to execute script from...

Disable retrying of POST request via AJAX if connection was dropped

Sometimes important HTTP POST requests sent with AJAX got duplicated so several entries of the same data got created in the production database, that is of course not supposed by users.
What is important is that users have a poor internet connection and this request is taking a long time (9-20 seconds). We can't reduce this time because it is the requirements of business logic.
Requests are sent with http, not https.
We have Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) with PHP module loaded and two frontends: one for desktop (AngularJS) and one for mobile (React) devices. AngularJS is sending requests with the $http service, and React is using whatwg-fetch (tried whatwg-fetch-timeout also).
We know from Apache access.log and PHP logs that the same request is coming from the client several times and PHP processes them without the errors. But! These requests have response with 200 status code, %b > 0, and %O = 0, that means request is aborted before a response is sent (Apache logging format docs).
So we tried to reproduce and the same happens sometimes. The following case is just a reproduced case, but this happens on mobile devices (iPhones and Android phones) with different browsers installed. Also, we have repeated it in the Firefox under Windows.
Environment: Windows; both Chrome and Firefox; React frontend version; no proxy used.
That's what we found out: Google Chrome identifies the request as "Stalled", but is internally trying to send the request multiple times (and it is received and processed on the server actually), because it got the network error (ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED). Only when the browser succeeded to fetch the response, it stops sending the repeating requests.
Gathered info
URL_REQUEST event log from chrome://net-internals/help.html#events (headers are also available there)
Google Chrome dev tools request screenshots:
Headers tab
Timeline tab
I personally can't reproduce this even once and I suppose a good internet connection is a reason for this.
I have googled a lot and even found some similar Chromium bugs, but nothing exactly about this problem.
Thank you in advance for any useful information.
I am also not pretty sure which tags should I set for this question, so if I should add or remove some, please tell me.