Clustering: Cluster validation - testing

I want to use some clustering method for large social network dataset. The problem is how to evaluate the clustering method. yes, I can use some external ,internal and relative cluster validation methods. I used Normalized mutual information(NMI) as external validation method for cluster validation based on synthetic data. I produced some synthetic dataset by producing 5 clusters with equal number of nodes and some strongly connected links inside each cluster and weak links between clusters to check the clustering method, Then I analysed the spectral clustering and modularity based community detection methods on this synthetic datasets. I use the clustering with the best NMI for my real world dataset and check the error(cost function) of my algorithm and the result was good. Is my testing method for my cost function is good? or I should also validate clusters of my real word clusters again?

Try more than one measure.
There are a dozen cluster validation measures, and it's hard to predict which one is most appropriate for a problem. The differences between them are not really understood yet, so it's best if you consult more than one.
Also note that if you don't use a normalized measure, the baseline may be really high. So the measures are mostly useful to say "result A is more similar to result B than result C", but should not be taken as an absolute measure of quality. They are a relative measure of similarity.


Using PCA on Part of Dataframe

I want to use a clustering algorithm to a dataframe that contains a lot of features (32 columns).
A part of the features are encoded using one hot encoder.
I want to use PCA ( Principal Component analysis ) to reduce the dimension and make the machine learning process easier.
Is it possible to use the PCA just for some columns of the data frame and keep the other columns as they are then use machine learning model.
Or it is obligatory to use PCA for all the dataframe before clustering.
I guess there should be no issue with doing what you describe.
What this does, effectively, is merge some of the objects' features into fewer ones, but then using other, non-merged ones in addition to the merged ones. I don't know what effect that would have on the outcome; it might be good to run a correlation to see whether the unmerged features add anything to the PCA-merged ones. You might find that they basically duplicate what is there already.
Since clustering is an exploratory method, you can basically do whatever you want. It is of course advisable to have a reason for doing so, as it otherwise ends up as simply trial-and-error, and if you find a result, you won't be able to describe why you got there. It is possible (or even likely for some data sets) that there are multiple ways to cluster them, so you should make decisions based on what you know about the data already, so they can be justified in those terms.
Running random trial-and-error clustering until you find a structure makes it a bit difficult to come up with a good explanation why that structure is valid.

Neural network hyperparameter tuning - is setting random seed a good idea? [closed]

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I am trying to tune a basic neural network as practice. (Based on an example from a coursera course: Neural Networks and Deep Learning - DeepLearning.AI)
I face the issue of the random weight initialization. Lets say I try to tune the number of layers in the network.
I have two options:
1.: set the random seed to a fixed value
2.: run my experiments more times without setting the seed
Both version has pros and cons.
My biggest concern is that if I use a random seed (e.g.: tf.random.set_seed(1)) then the determined values can be "over-fitted" to the seed and may not work well without the seed or if the value is changed (e.g.: tf.random.set_seed(1) -> tf.random.set_seed(2). On the other hand, if I run my experiments more times without random seed then I can inspect less option (due to limited computing capacity) and still only inspect a subset of possible random weight initialization.
In both cases I feel that luck is a strong factor in the process.
Is there a best practice how to handle this topic?
Has TensorFlow built in tools for this purpose? I appreciate any source of descriptions or tutorials. Thanks in advance!
Tuning hyperparameters in deep learning (generally in machine learning) is a common issue. Setting the random seed to a fixed number ensures reproducibility and fair comparison. Repeating the same experiment will lead to the same outcomes. As you probably know, best practice to avoid over-fitting is to do a train-test split of your data and then use k-fold cross-validation to select optimal hyperparameters. If you test multiple values for a hyperparameter, you want to make sure other circumstances that might influence the performance of your model (e.g. train-test-split or weight initialization) are the same for each hyperparameter in order to have a fair comparison of the performance. Therefore I would always recommend to fix the seed.
Now, the problem with this is, as you already pointed out, the performance for each model will still depend on the random seed, like the particular data split or weight initialization in your case. To avoid this, one can do repeated k-fold-cross validation. That means you repeat the k-fold cross-validation multiple times, each time with a different seed, select best parameters of that run, test on test data and average the final results to get a good estimate of performance + variance and therefore eliminate the influence the seed has in the validation process.
Alternatively you can perform k-fold cross validation a single time and train each split n-times with a different random seed (eliminating the effect of weight initialization, but still having the effect of the train-test-split).
Finally TensorFlow has no build-in tool for this purpose. You as practitioner have to take care of this.
There is no an absolute right or wrong answer to your question. You are almost answered your own question already. In what follows, however, I will try to expand more, via the following points:
The purpose of random initialization is to break the symmetry that makes neural networks fail to learn:
... the only property known with complete certainty is that the
initial parameters need to “break symmetry” between different units.
If two hidden units with the same activation function are connected to
the same inputs, then these units must have different initial
parameters. If they have the same initial parameters, then a
deterministic learning algorithm applied to a deterministic cost and
model will constantly update both of these units in the same way...
Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)
Hence, we need the neural network components (especially weights) to be initialized by different values. There are some rules of thumb of how to choose those values, such as the Xavier initialization, which samples from normal distribution with mean of 0 and special variance based on the number of the network layer. This is a very interesting article to read.
Having said so, the initial values are important but not extremely critical "if" proper rules are followed, as per mentioned in point 2. They are important because large or improper ones may lead to vanishing or exploding gradient problems. On the other hand, different "proper" weights shall not hugely change the final results, unless they are making the aforementioned problems, or getting the neural network stuck at some local maxima. Please note, however, the the latter depends also on many other aspects, such as the learning rate, the activation functions used (some explode/vanish more than others: this is a great comparison), the architecture of the neural network (e.g. fully connected, convolutional ..etc: this is a cool paper) and the optimizer.
In addition to point 2, bringing a good learning optimizer into the bargain, other than the standard stochastic one, shall in theory not let a huge influence of the initial values to affect the final results quality, noticeably. A good example is Adam, which provides a very adaptive learning technique.
If you still get a noticeably-different results, with different "proper" initialized weights, there are some ways that "might help" to make neural network more stable, for example: use a Train-Test split, use a GridSearchCV for best parameters, and use k-fold cross validation...etc.
At the end, obviously the best scenario is to train the same network with different random initial weights many times then get the average results and variance, for more specific judgement on the overall performance. How many times? Well, if can do it hundreds of times, it will be better, yet that clearly is almost impractical (unless you have some Googlish hardware capability and capacity). As a result, we come to the same conclusion that you had in your question: There should be a tradeoff between time & space complexity and reliability on using a seed, taking into considerations some of the rules of thumb mentioned in previous points. Personally, I am okay to use the seed because I believe that, "It’s not who has the best algorithm that wins. It’s who has the most data". (Banko and Brill, 2001). Hence, using a seed with enough (define enough: it is subjective, but the more the better) data samples, shall not cause any concerns.

Is topic coherence (gensim CoherenceModel) calculated based exclusively on my corpus or external data as well?

I'm topic modeling a corpus of English 20th century correspondence using LDA and I've been using topic coherence (as well as silhouette scores) to evaluate my topics. I use gensim's CoherenceModel with c_v coherence and the highest I've ever gotten was a 0.35 score in all the models I've tested, even in the topics that make the most sense to me in qualitative evaluation, even after extensive pre-processing and hyperparameter comparison.
So I basically accepted that that's the best I'd get, but in order to write about it now I've been reading up on topic coherence and I've understood it's a pipeline and it models human judgement. One thing I can't seen to find clear info on, though: Is it based exclusively on calculations made on my corpus, or is it based on some external data as well? Like trained on external corpora that might have nothing to do with my domain? Should I use u_mass instead?
Yes, except u_mass, they all use external reference datasets. However, it may not be a bad thing, as those reference datasets provide richer information.

Is there any unsupervised clustering technique which can identify numbers clusters itself?

I checked unsupervised clsutering on gensim, fasttext, sklearn but did not find any documentation where I can cluster my text data using unsupervised learn without mentioning numbers of cluster to be identified
for example in sklearn KMneans clustering
km = KMeans(n_clusters=true_k, init='k-means++', max_iter=100)
Where I have to provide n_clusters.
In my case, I have text and it should be automatically identify numbers of clusters in it and cluster the text. Any reference article or link much appreciated.
DBSCAN is a density-based clustering method that we don't have to specify the number of clusters beforehand.
sklearn implementation :
Here is a good tutorial that gives an intuitive understanding on DBSCAN:
I extracted following from the above tutorial, which may be useful for you.
k-means requires specifying the number of clusters, ‘k’. DBSCAN does not, but does require specifying two parameters which influence the decision of whether two nearby points should be linked into the same cluster.
These two parameters are a distance threshold, ε (epsilon), and “MinPts” (minimum number of points), to be explained.
There are other methods (follow the link given in the comments) also, However, DBSCAN is a popular choice.

OptaPlanner partitioned search strategy

I'm considering OptaPlanner's partitioned search feature because of a big scale VRPTW problem I need to deal with.
As far as I know a custom implementation of the SolutionPartitioner have to be implemented according to OptaPlanner's documentation. The example of a partitioner for a cloud balancing problem is straightforward, but I wonder how to partition planning etities in a VRPTW class problem.
Should I use a kind of a clustering algorithm in order to make a cluster based partitioning, or should I just divide input data like in the cloud balance example? Sometimes a lot of customers are placed on a relatively small area, but more workers are scheduled to service them. On the other hand there can be a service area where two clearly disjoint sub-areas are visible.
Thank you in advance!