xupload in Yii: How to handle uploaded files - yii-extensions

I just managed to run xupload on Yii, the upload works fine.
Now i have to do something with the files being upload, i.e i have to loop through all the files uploaded by the user. Is there a simple way ? thanks in advance

you can use the following function:


Uploading pdf file with cypress

I need to create automatic test that as part of the flow i need to upload pdf file in my main application.
But i didnt find a way to do that...
Thanks in advance !
Uploading file works in Cypress when target "input" element is of "type="file"
where ID of the input of type file= #myFile" and path of pdf file="cypress/fixtures/dummy.pdf"
Please refer to Cypress Docs: https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/selectfile

Play sound with Oboe with .obb file

Hello sorry I'm begginer.
I don't have my sound files in my assets folder but in my .obb
I'm using the RythmGame sample who is using only assets folder.
I'm trying to use DataSound but only AAssetDataSource is used in my sample for create a DataSound.
I look at Asset and NDKExtractor for the decode function, but can only be use with an AAsset from an AssetManager...
How can I play sound from an .obb with Oboe ?
Can someone help me with that problem ?
You should be able to do this by getting the path to your expansion file and passing that through JNI to your native code, opening it as a normal file object and passing the contents to the extractor.
You're right about the NDKExtractor::decode methods - they take an AAsset *, however it should be pretty easy to update them to take the file descriptor from your open file instead.

Selenium 2.0 - File Upload not working

I am unable to upload a file using selenium. I employ the below code:
However, all that happens is that the file browse form comes up. The file does not get selected.
Does anyone know what I need to do to get this working, or a workaround? Many Thanks.
Refer to(saucelabs.com/resources/selenium-file-upload)
WebElement upload = driver.findElement(By.id("myfile"));
Also make sure you have given the path correctly. For example if the file is in d:\abc\pqr.txt, then path needs to be given as
Mark this as an answer if this answers your question.
If not, please post your query!

How to access local css files in external HTML File

I load some external files form the web in webview, but now I won't to improve the loading time and save all css und images on device.
My folder is /Ressources/assets/themes/....
In html file I try everything from simply assets/... to file:///Ressources....
What is the right way?
Thank you!
we have to use prefix app://
For a example if you want to include style.css which is inside of folder mycss
You need to use the app:// prefix.
Try this will may help you
Was there ever a solution to this problem? I'm having it as well. I tried 4 methods of linking:
app://Resources/css/style.css works for me.
Using 3.1.1.GA

typo3 file saving from backen with dynamic path

I have to save some posts with images. i create a directory for each post and save images there, but in backend if i edit/save the post the relation between images and post dies, any ideea how can i configure the saving path for the backend?
thanks anticipated.
i guess you forgot to set the directory also in file: ext_emconf.php
its not done when only creating the dir in the extension itself. this maybe is your (or typo3) problem
go into file: ext_emconf.php: and edit the array 'createDirs' => '