Linkedin token not valid - api

Here is a strange thing I am fighting against.
First of all I am using this simple-linkedinphp lib to perform API calls from my php backend.
I got a user access token from our IOS app which has the following structure:
I store it in a variable called $token.
Then I try to get the user's profile with this token like this:
$linkedin = new \LinkedIn($this->linkedin_config);
$linkedin->setTokenAccess(array('oauth_token' => $token["access_token"], 'oauth_token_secret' => ""));
$linkedinUserJson = $linkedin->profile("~");
Then I get the response with error:
array(5) {
string(358) "{
"errorCode": 0,
"message": "[unauthorized]. The token used in the OAuth request is not valid. sameLettersAndSymbols",
"requestId": "74T6SY6ML6",
"status": 401,
"timestamp": 1376043937705
But when I try to open an api url in a browser with the same LettersAndSymbols like, I get the correct response with user object.
How can that be? Am I doing something wrong with the API lib?

I can see a problem in this line
$linkedin->setTokenAccess(array('oauth_token' => $token["access_token"], 'oauth_token_secret' => ""));
your must provide a secret to set the token access.
I found a nice example about Linkedin Integration, wich I like to share with you, I tested and it works just fine.
How to Integrate login with LinkedIn oAuth in PHP


Facebook js api - "unsupported get request" error

I'm trying to get some (I think allowed) information in my app. I have an access token that has the following info:
App ID: <my app id> : iHOUSEListingPoster - Test 001
Type: User
App-Scoped User ID: <user id> : Joe Webb
Valid: True
Scopes: email, pages_show_list, pages_read_engagement, pages_manage_posts, public_profile
I'm trying this:
FB.api( "/me",
{fields: 'name'},
function(get_fb_info_response) {
console.log("Here: ", get_fb_info_response
And getting this error:
"Unsupported get request. Object with ID 'me' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation"
I have tried with both "/me" and "/me/". And while I want name, picture and email, I tried limiting it to just name, and still. What am I missing here?
Try this:
FB.api('/me?fields=name', function(response) {
console.log('me', response);
I'm not sure if api function from FB does have this signature you're using.
After searching at Facebook docs, found that the signature you were using is valid as well. Then, I went to do some tests here. And I was able to reproduce the same error you have mentioned when calling the function like this:
FB.api("/<123>/", "GET", { fields: 'name' }, function(response) {
console.log('response', response);
To fix it, you need to remove < and >, for example:
FB.api("/123/", "GET", { fields: 'name' }, function(response) {
console.log('response', response);
Calling /me and /me/ endpoint returned no error in my test.
In this screenshot you can see the tests I have run directly at my browser's console.
Ok, I finally figured out what the problem is/was here (sheepish face). We have a couple of Facebook accounts here at the company. One is the container for my app and it's test app, the other is a more general company account. I was logged into the general company account. When I tried my app, it grabbed some random app from that account, which wasn't the app that matched the access token (which I think is possible wrong on Facebook's part), therefore this error was thrown.
Once I logged into the correct Facebook account, all works as expected.

Strapi doesn't authorize JWT

Good morning,
I've encountered a weird issue with my strapi-project.
I have a standard user model which I query for info on the user's profile page via the /users/me endpoint. This was all working fine last week but as I tried logging in this morning, the authorization appeared to not work anymore. I log my user in via this code:
async submitForm() {'http://localhost:1337/auth/local', {
'password': this.password
.then((response) => {
const { jwt, user } =;
window.localStorage.setItem('jwt', jwt);
window.localStorage.setItem('userData', JSON.stringify(user));
.catch((e) => {
this.$store.commit('LOGIN_ERROR', e)
Which then redirects to my dashboard which queries the /users/me endpoint like so:
let token = localStorage.jwt;
axios.get(`http://localhost:1337/users/me`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
.then((response) => {
A few days ago this was working fine, also the token variable used in the post contais the token returned from the backend after logging in. Now strapi gives me an error in the console:
[2021-10-16T07:16:52.568Z] debug GET /users/me (5 ms) 500
[2021-10-16T07:17:03.231Z] debug POST /auth/local (76 ms) 200
[2021-10-16T07:17:24.915Z] error TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null
at module.exports (/home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi-plugin-users-permissions/config/policies/permissions.js:35:14)
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi-utils/lib/policy.js:68:5
at async serve (/home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/koa-static/index.js:59:5)
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi/lib/middlewares/parser/index.js:48:23
at async /home/user/WebstormProjects/strapi-project/node_modules/strapi/lib/middlewares/xss/index.js:26:9
My first guess was that maybe something with axios was wrong e.g. that the token wasn't sent correctly in the request so I tried the same thing with webstorm's http client:
POST http://localhost:1337/auth/local
Content-Type: application/json
"identifier": "",
"password": "..."
Which returns the user and token:
"jwt": "<TOKEN>",
If I try using this token to authenticate the user, however a get a 401
GET http://localhost:1337/users/me
Authorization: "Bearer <token>"
Accept: application/json
"statusCode": 401,
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "Invalid token."
So I tried figuring out what was going on there and after an hour I noticed that when looking at the user in the backend the user didn't have the authenticated role assigned. When I changed this manually in the backend, the request authorization works again.
So can anyone maybe tell me what is going on here? Because from my understanding, when POSTing valid credentials to /auth/local the user's role should change to Authenticated, which was working some days back.
Is there something I'm missing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
greetings, derelektrischemoench
Okay, so let me reply to your first part:
"Because from my understanding, when POSTing valid credentials to /auth/local the user's role should change to Authenticated"
Answer is, not really. When you send valid credentials to the auth/local, Strapi just checks the database for matching username/email and password. If a user is found, then it fetches the role assigned that user and puts all the data in ctx.state.user.role. So you could have many other roles, like Viewer, Commenter etc with each having different set of access limits.
The different roles can be created here:
So depending on the roles assigned, Strapi will just fetch and store the values in ctx.state.user.role on each request via the strapi-plugin-users-permissions plugin for your convenience, so that you can easily check which user it is and which role it has in any controller or service file using the ctx from the request to provide any additional functionality.
You can check how it does it in the following file:
Now coming to what could have caused it:
Well it could have been you yourself. Possibly while saving the user or viewing user details you could have removed the role from the user and saved the record.
The other possibility could be a database switch.
It can also be a Strapi version upgrade that caused, but it's highly unlikely.
You could have a update query in the your code that updates the user model, where you might have missed the role parameter. So check your code once.
Nevertheless, it can simply be solved by re-assigning the user roles via the users module.

Odata v4 and axios request for React native has error on IOS only, Android has good response

I have used a get Axios request with Backend Dynamics 365 that has Odata for Rest APIs.
I have a good response on a get request API that has no parameters. But When I use other get APIs that have a parameter, then I get an error response with data.
"data": Object {
"error": Object {
"code": "",
"message": "The supplied company name is not valid.",
Request type: GET
/APP/ODataV4/Company('United%20Traders%20Syndicate%20P.Ltd')/AppVehicles?$filter= appUsername eq 'SUMBEAST'
This error does not occur in android.
Issue some how solved by removing
removed the required part from the API with help of backend developer
guess ios doesnot take % properly

Google Blogger API : Fetch Blog Posts securely

I'm really new to Google API's, so bear with me. I am trying to fetch posts from my blog. Blog is set as private.
Problem lies here:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "ipRefererBlocked",
"message": "The calling IP address x does not match the IP restrictions configured on the API key. Please use the API Console to update your key restrictions.",
"extendedHelp": ""
"code": 403,
"message": "The calling IP address x does not match the IP restrictions configured on the API key. Please use the API Console to update your key restrictions."
I got an google account where I have Blog, project in Google API Console and API key for it. I tried changing API key restriction to HTTP but same problem occurs, thou error message is slightly different.
Fetching works like this:
var apikey = "x";
var blogId = "x";
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
I double checked all variables and they are correct. API key is correct one, and so is BlogId.
With this stew console is giving me 403 error. I hope I'm being clear enough. Ill be fixing this post when answer is found :)
API key is used to access public data. Public data is data that is not owned by a user personally. Videos uploaded to YouTube as public for example.
Your blogger data is private user data. You are going to need to use Oauth2 to access it. Once you have authenticated using oauth2 you will need to use access_token={tokenfrom auth} instead of using Key.
I am not sure why the IP address isn't working I haven't actually bothered with that before.

call Google auth API using Apache HttpClient

I would like to know if it is possible to call a Google API that requires auth such as the Google Calendar API using the Apache HttpClient, and no Google code or libraries. (and need the code to do it)
This is the code I have so far, its gets an auth error,
What do you use for the user/password?
HttpPost request = new HttpPost("");
DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "required",
"message": "Login Required",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Login Required"
You don't use Login and password you need to be authenticated once you are you will have an access token then you can call something like this.{tokenFromAuth}
You can authenticate to Google with any language that is capable of a HTTP POST and a HTTP GET. Here is my walk though of the Auth flow to Google you will need to create a Oauth2 credentials on Google Developer console to start. Then its just a matter of asking the user for permission to access their data and requesting the access.