Start a hangout with already set of existing email id(participants) - google-plus

Is it possible to start a hangout with existing list of participant, i mean i want to avoid Add participant box, when i open my hangout app. I have gone through the API documentation, couldn't find an answer to it.

That is not currently possible.


Notification badge counter in Microsoft Teams

I am working on a custom webApp for Microsoft Teams, I would like to manipulate the badge notification for my App (btw I am not sure if it's the right name), I need to add a counter like teams does for new messages or another symbol to indicate different actions in my app.
Is there a way to do this? using a sdk, api, (#microsoft/teams-js, etc...)
Currently we don't have any API to display notification when some action happens in an app. You can raise an UserVoice for this if this needs to be considered as a feature request. If you want to Send activity feed notifications to users in Microsoft Teams please go through this documentation.

How to FInd Google Hangouts Coversation Id

I'm trying to find a conversation id since I want to make a Google Hangouts/Chat bot but I can find it I remember it being there before in the Url but now its gone? I'm Using the 3rd party Hangups API.I know this is a duplicate but no one answered my previous question
You can use Method: spaces.list to get the list of spaces available. As the documentation says: A space in Google Chat is a generalization of chat rooms and direct messages.

Create/authenticate a connector on a button click?

I added a Trello (for example) connector and built a PowerApp on top of it. The problem is, we need to share/publish the app to multiple clients now, and obviously, they do not want to share their Trello (for example) login credentials.
I tried to do a research on this, but, didn't find a good solution. Only possibility which I could think about is adding Trello (for example) as a Custom Connector. But, then, why would I use PowerApps? I could have achieved it in my ASP.Net-MVC website itself.
How can I add a Trello (for example) authentication or a login screen in PowerApps? Is it possible to do this in first place? Am I missing something in PowerApps where I could achieve it easily?
Thanks in advance!

Get event when user sends deep link on Whatsapp

We're using deep links.
We want to know when the user actually sends these deep links via Whatsapp.
Is there a way to know that?
Alex from here: this feature isn't available directly. However, you should be able to get fairly close using our webhooks feature combined with custom events. Just set a custom event for when a user shares a link via Whatsapp, and then set a webhook to use that event as criteria.

how can I make an app the displays all permanent google+ hangouts and the people in them?

I'm completely new to using the Google+ apis and the quickstart guides are a bit confusing (i tried the ruby version since i'm probably most familiar there. looks like this:
and I've also looked at the google hangout apis - but those seem to be more for augmenting hangouts (i.e. once you're in a hangout, you'd see the extension, etc. you built).
what I'd like to do is create a place for everyone at my company to log in and see a list of all the permanent hangouts I've created and see who's currently joined that hangout (and which hangouts are available for a meeting).
I'm really sorry for the question but any help getting started is appreciated.
There is currently no API that is officially provided that can tell you what hangouts are currently available. If you are interested in seeing one, you may wish to see if the feature has been requested at and, if not, request it.
Your question, however, seems to have an assumption that I'm not entirely sure is valid. What do you mean by a "permanent hangout"? In general, hangouts are created and destroyed on an ad-hoc basis (although there are some exceptions).
One of those exceptions are for hangouts that are tied to calendar events (as you note). In these cases, you can use the Calendar API to get the Event resource and get the hangout URL from that (see and related pages for the API), but it still won't report who is in a hangout at any given time.
One way you can approach what you're doing is to have your website have virtual meeting topics and when someone joins one of these topics, they run an app that reports back to your website the URL of the hangout they're in. Your website can then include this "room information" as associated with the topic on the website for others to see. This solution is outlined in the video at