I am developing phonegap project for windows 8 phone and I want to implement phonegap emailComposer plugin found on github : https://github.com/stanislavfeldman/phonegap-plugins/commit/686465b1659e9a0736a047fd2322704ac7694064
I am getting this error - The type or namespace name 'JSON' does not exist in the namespace 'WP7CordovaClassLib.Cordova' (are you missing an assembly reference?) in EmailComposer.cs file.
I am using cordova 2.6.0 version. Is this cordova version issues?
Thanks in advance
I didn't fixed the emailComposer plugin issues but found "mailto" and it worked fine on windows 8 phone.
Sample code is:
var sMailTo = "mailto:";
sMailTo += escape(toRecipient) +"?subject=" +escape(subject) +"&body=" +escape(body) +"&cc=" +escape(ccRecipient) +"&bcc=" +escape(bccRecipient);
window.open(sMailTo, '_self');
I don't think it is a good solution. Can anyone please suggest me the better solution?
hello please check below link regarding namespace
I have a problem with a library installed with npm command.
After hours of testing on searching a solution on the web, it seems that automatic Link failed. That is the reason why the classes I try to use do not work.
I work with Vs Code under a Windows system, and the only solution I found is for Mac: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking-libraries-ios.html#manual-linking
I found the XCODE file and the Libraries folder, but I can't find the windows shown after these steps.
So do you know if there is an equivalent tutorial for Windows and Vs Code ?
Thank you by advance !
I try to load an external JavaScript library like jQuery mobile to my IBM Notes Database. When i add this library i run i to the known amd loader problem.
I found an article that says when i add
xsp.client.script.dojo.djConfig="dojo-amd-factory-scan": false
to the xps.properties, this will fix this problem but for me it does not work.
Is there anythink else is miss?
Here is the article
Using the Extension Library is not a solution
jQuery is part of the latest Extension Library release on OpenNTF. That's the best practice method for including jQuery.
This solution works for me. hasselba.ch/blog/?p=1216
how to use monogame in platform not having directx 11? I tried installing the directx software on my machine but it still is giving some errors. Does anybody has any idea related to this?
Same problem was with me but i tried installing the mono again and the problem solved .Do try to install the older versions of the adirectx and sharpdx of old files .
I am not sure of the errors you are getting, but I would ask only how are you installing MonoGame?
The MonoGame guys have added an installer that helps to ensure that you get all the necessary files need to run MonoGame, as well as, install the base templates. You can find the MonoGame 3.0 installer here: http://monogame.codeplex.com/releases/view/96421
If you need more detail on installation, check out my tutorial here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tarawalker/archive/2012/12/04/windows-8-game-development-using-c-xna-and-monogame-3-0-building-a-shooter-game-walkthrough-part-1-overview-installation-monogame-3-0-project-creation.aspx
I'd like to use lattix to analyse objective-c code (http://www.lattix.com/node/114).
Computer is a macbook with osx 10.7.4.
Lattix version is 7.8 (newest).
I am not sure which understand version to use, newest would be 3.0 build 635, but I have the same problem with understand 3.0 and 2.6 anyway.
Understand works fine (version 2.6 or 3.0), I can create a new understand project for an iOS objective-c project and name it *.udb.
Analysis within understand also work fine.
The problem is when I try to import it into lattix:
In lattix I do:
File -> new project -> profiles: all -> choose Module Type C/C++ (Understand) and add the udb file.
When creating a new project now I get this error:
"Error opening data ... Understand API library missing. Please install Understand."
Also tried understand 3.0 same problem.
Has someone got these two tools working on a mac and maybe had a similar issue?
Or does s.o. maybe has an alternative to lattix?
Big thanks in advance.
The link you have posted has the answer to your question at the third paragraph:
Please ensure that Understand for C++ is installed on your computer
with a valid license. On Windows, please ensure that the path contains
the directory (typically C:\Program Files\STI\bin\pc-win32). On
Linux, please set the environment variable STI_HOME to the top of your
Understand Installation.
One Japanese guide i found says
[For Linux]
After installing Understand 2.0, please set the
{Understand 2.0 installation directory} / scitools $ to STI_HOME
system environment variable.
Start the ($ {Lattix installation
directory} / Lattix / bin / ldm.sh) Lattix.
Might be helpful for Understand 3.0 as well
Nowadays, I'm working on an iPhone project that is using social connections such as Twitter, Facebook..
When I tried to implement Twitter+OAuth solution into my project some another parts of project such as MySpace is giving error on oAuth implementation. It seems MySpace IOS SDK used old version of oAuthConsumer project.
So, I haven't find libOAuth.a source code. If I find it I will be handle my problem.
How do I find the libOAuth.a static library source ?
try downloading it from https://github.com/bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone/blob/master/Twitter+OAuth/Libraries%20&%20Headers/libOAuth.a?raw=true
Isn't this what you're looking for? And not only do you have to include it into the project but also make sure you copy into it. Then under Build Phases, you will have to add this to Link Binary to Libraries section.
You might find Google's new OAuth 2 library for Mac and iOS to be helpful.