Vs Code for React-Native : is it possible to manually link libraries? - react-native

I have a problem with a library installed with npm command.
After hours of testing on searching a solution on the web, it seems that automatic Link failed. That is the reason why the classes I try to use do not work.
I work with Vs Code under a Windows system, and the only solution I found is for Mac: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking-libraries-ios.html#manual-linking
I found the XCODE file and the Libraries folder, but I can't find the windows shown after these steps.
So do you know if there is an equivalent tutorial for Windows and Vs Code ?
Thank you by advance !


Trying to install React in Visual studio code?

I am just learning react now. I tried to install react app so many times in my Visual studio but It didn't work. It always shows installing required packages and I've waited so many hours with so many tries it didn't worked as well. I have this issue only and Node install 'my-app' folder with simple json file only. Anyone knows what's the problem here?
enter image description here
I tried to update Node recent version but it was already updated. Even i tried Non LTS supoert Node version it couldn't helped me.
I tried different types of package manager like 'npm' and 'yarn' instead of using 'npx' but then I know these package managers supported before node version 5.2 or 5.8, I think.
I searched for this problem in youtube nothing else there.
I used metered network in my PC but when I used WiFi with stable connection also it didn't install.
I tried so many different extensions in Visual studio, I thought it would be help but none happened.
What are the problems here? and What i want to do pls explain to me, bros.

in vs code the react native suggestions does not showed

I am new in react native when I am typing vs code does not show any suggestions I had tried to re-install the all react-native extension but it does not make any change.
any help, please
Change the language preference in vscode, botton right, and install necessary extensions from vscode extension menu
Suggestions come from the Visual Studio IntelliCode. Go to extensions and install that extension or update if it needs updating. Also install Javacsript tools and if all fails try updating Visual Studio Code, then restart.
thanks for all, I had found the answer by removing vs code and After uninstalling vscode, removed:
3.%LocalAppData%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
and after that re-installed and everything is Ok
Just Uninstall VS-Code and then remove the registry by,
click Win+R
type %AppData% and delete all the folders in the code .
reinstall VS-Code, it's working fine for me.

Build ti.barcode failed

This is my first time to build Titanium module. What I am building is the ti.barcode for Android. I grasp the source code from Github and import to Titanium studio. Some build path error is easily corrected by opening build path and just close. There is no error shown on the project.
But when I tried to package it, I always get error message:
Launching build and packaging failed
Build failed. Unable to locate generated zip file at /Users/ymlan/Code/ti.barcode-android-2.3.5/dist/ti.barcode-android-2.3.5.zip
I use JDK 1.8 , SDK 5.2.2GA , it seems to be some configuration error, but I can not figure it out after hours of googling. Since I request your keens help here.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Maybe it's related to https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/AC-3806.
It gives me the same error with a new module too.
I had a similar issue. After two days of hell, I have found the cause of my problem! In my workspace root there was an old tiapp.xml (I do not know how it got there...). After removing it, I managed to make the build of the modules, both from Appcelerator Studio that from the CLI.
Try to see if you also have a tiapp.xml or timodule.xml file in the root of the workspace.
Maybe this one might help you
Or is it definitely required to use Ti.barcode ?

How to make expandable list for Windows10 Universal App?

I am newbie to windows universal app development and I need an expadable list. In the past I did it with WPToolkit for Windows Phone 8 but I read that it is not available for UWP. I see ExpanderRT project and tried to use it but I couldn't be successfull. I add Shared project of ExpanderRT as an existing project to my solution and use as in the screenshot. Now I'm taking the namespace error.
I have a time limit. I need fast and easy working soluton for expandable list. Thank you all for your help.
I tried https://github.com/brendankowitz/ZeroProximity.Accordion as #Osman said. But I'm not sure if it is the right decision. Because I see the expandable list and it works but project build throw error as in the screenshot below. I install it via nuget. It wasn't installed in the first place. I run as a administrator and changed project.json 's Copy to Output Directory value to Copy always. Then it was installed.
So my questions; Is this error important? Will it create problems when I want to put the app on store? I don't know how to act to this error, please help!
You can use the library given in the link above. I used it on our UWP project.It works great.
Hope this helps,

Monogame for windows 8 is giving error

how to use monogame in platform not having directx 11? I tried installing the directx software on my machine but it still is giving some errors. Does anybody has any idea related to this?
Same problem was with me but i tried installing the mono again and the problem solved .Do try to install the older versions of the adirectx and sharpdx of old files .
I am not sure of the errors you are getting, but I would ask only how are you installing MonoGame?
The MonoGame guys have added an installer that helps to ensure that you get all the necessary files need to run MonoGame, as well as, install the base templates. You can find the MonoGame 3.0 installer here: http://monogame.codeplex.com/releases/view/96421
If you need more detail on installation, check out my tutorial here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tarawalker/archive/2012/12/04/windows-8-game-development-using-c-xna-and-monogame-3-0-building-a-shooter-game-walkthrough-part-1-overview-installation-monogame-3-0-project-creation.aspx