how to add tab to preference page as part of plugin development - eclipse-plugin

I have created a plugin showing in preference page of eclipse (using plugin develepment env of eclipse). I want to add tabs to this page but not able to find how to do so.
i want tabs as circled in image

These tabs are just ordinary TabFolder (or CTabFolder) tabs. There is no special support for this in preference pages you just code the TabFolder and TabItems in the createContents method of the preference page.
Your example page is created by, you could look at the source of that.


Is there a way to create tabs and mark selected tab based on page loaded in spartacus

I am using spartacus framework for storefront. I want to show tabs in my application and load pages based on selected tab. Is there any existing cms component or configuratio with which we can do or can i extent the cmscategorynavigation component and customize?
The CMSTabParagraphContainer is used on the product details page to display tabs. A CMSTabParagraphContainer can contain SimpleCMSComponents but not for example ContentPages. You would have to extend the CMSTabParagraphContainer on the backend to also accept ContentPages, ProductPages etc. and then extend the frontend components as well. To extend Spartacus components have a look at:
To be honest: This seems like a lot of work if you just want a visual change to the navigation

Make a sidebar that allows to navigate in one page

I would like to know if Docusaurus has the following feature. For example in, the content of the document is in one page. When we scroll down, we see the change in the sidebar. Whereas in Docusaurus, it seems that we need to click on "Next" to see the next part and the change in the sidebar.
Is it possible to make a sidebar in Docusaurus that allows to navigate in one page?
(I'm new to Docusaurus. I have posted the same question in Discord app, but nobody replied.)
Docusaurus maintainer here. There's no way to achieve this now without reimplementing such logic in your own docs plugin. Why not just write all your docs on a single page? The table of contents on the right will be the same as the left table of contents in the website you linked.

Can I remove the title/border of an app in Rally?

I recently found that one of the custom apps I can add to my Rally homepage is a custom HTML app.
This will be really useful to me, since I can use some HTML (Bootstrap) headers to separate apps on my page and make it more organized.
I got the custom HTML to show properly (and I currently have a header/divider) however, it is showing the grey title bar just like any other app would.
Is it possible to hide this when using the HTML app, so just the HTML output shows?
(If anyone is familiar with apps in Sharepoint, it's called a "Chrome" and you can hide the chrome/title so just the content shows.
I don't think there's any built-in chrome to the apps themselves... Can you show a screenshot? Are you following the general formula to embedding apps presented in this guide?!/guide/embedding_apps

How can I disable the mobile theme for a single page?

I recently uploaded custom html and css for one page on my big commerce store.The page is responsive, and mobile optimized. It works on desktops, but is over ridden by the generic mobile theme that is installed when I view it on my phone. How can I stop this page from being over ridden by the mobile version, without disabling the mobile theme completely?
There are 2 methods off the top of my head.
First method
Any HTML file on BigCommerce, with a mobile/responsive theme, has 2 copies of some part of the HTML page. The mobile HTML/CSS is simply triggered by an HTML class mobile on the HTML copy that is there to be only seen on mobile, which contains one copy of relevant HTML (ie, menus, logo, shopping cart icon and link, etc).
Another HTML block has class desktop and is only triggered for certain screen sizes (similar to mobile), and only shows it's desktop version of the HTMl when the screen size conditions are met.
So if screen is small, in your responsive.css file, .mobile is display:none;, while desktop class has all the proper visible CSS.
On the reverse, on desktop-sized screens, the desktop HTML is properly styled, while the mobile class HTML block is display:none.
So, in this first solution, you would simply place a copy of your custom HTMl and style it properly for display on mobile screens. This way, the mobile-styled version will only show up on mobile devices, while the desktop properly-styled version will only show up on dektop size screens. As far as BC goes, I think this is the optimal method.
Second method
You can make a custom template for the page in question. So if it's product.html and you want it custom for some specific product(s), you would create a product-custom.html and place it in your WebDav "/template/Panels" folder.
Now, on your product(s) which must use the new custom HTML, go to their page and scroll to the bottom and you will see a template file selection box, which should say product.html. Change that to your new product-custom.html.
Now, as for the custom file, simply edit the HTML/CSS rules revolving around .desktop and .mobile class (possibly just removing them all together) so that when a page is loaded on a small screen, the CSS rule to hide the desktop version won't apply. At the same time, you should delete the duplicate .mobile class HTML as it will no longer be needed.
This second method is much more flexible but also takes more work and is generally much more messy and requires much more maintenance.
I strongly recommend method #1.
Let me know if this helps and if you have nay other questions.

How to change the url of my entire page when a new tab is selected? (Dojo-Tabcontainer)

I have used Dojo-Tabcontainer to create tabs. I want to have a separate template for every tab. So, when a tab is clicked I want a new page to be loaded and the url to be changed.
Can you please suggest a way to do this using Markup instead of programmatic way?
I'm thinking of using Template Inheritance while creating html page for each tab to avoid redundancy.
I can get some clue from this:
How to change Dojo TabContainer behaviour to simply open an external link instead of showing a ContentPane?
But I'm not sure how to do it via Markup instead of programming.