Tapestry : onEvent on textfield - textfield

I want to create a mixin onEvent on the textfield.
I follow this example :
I don't have any errors, but it doesn't work.
When I change a value, it nothing happens.
Can you help me ?
Thank you.

Tapestry mixins you create have to be in the ".mixins" package of your application.


How to remove the fc-time from Fullcalendar?

I'm using FullCalendar v2.3.1 and I'm trying to remove the time as showed in attached screenshot.
I give the display:none to .fc-time class but anything happened.
Thanks in advance!

Reactivesearch, Datasearch component: Is there a way to extend the component on SearchIconClick?

I would like to extend the Datasearch component by a function that reacts on the event that the search icon is clicked. In https://github.com/appbaseio/reactivesearch/pull/747/files there is a handler for this, called handleSearchIconClick. However, it seems that this handler can't be overwritten. Is there another way to react in a meaningful way on this event? If yes, are there examples around that help to solve this problem? Thank's in advance!
Yes, you can have a custom click event with custom search icon, here is a sample which demonstrates that

change binding created by v-model in vue.js

Stackoverflowers, I'm a newbie of vue.js, I try to implement a binding effect which can enable the changing of binding created by v-model. To put things clear, I give an example as following:
<codemirror ref="outputCm" v-model="output" :options="cmOutputOptions"></codemirror>
Here we have a codemirror element, it's content is binded with variable output, is it possible in some place after I changed output to some-variable, its content now is binded with some-variable? I tried to use assignment, it didn't work. And I tried my best to google, but I'm still disappointed. If anybody know how to give this a shot, I'm appreciated.
yes you could make it but from your data object
data: {
output: (your logic here)? some-variable : 'some thing else'

Trigger form file bootstrap vue with button

Hi i have a problem about triggering component b-form-file.
<b-form-file ref="imageProfile"></b-form-file>
I try with this.$refs.imageProfile.click() not work. And i see not found click function on that element.
Thank You.
The file form component of bootstrap-vue is a little different, for someone still get this problem, try this:
<b-form-file ref="pickImage" v-model="file" :state="Boolean(file)"></b-form-file>
hope this help !
You need to trigger the click on the element, not the component.
Try this:
See Vue Docs at https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/api/#vm-el

How to change the class properties in Dojo Like Jquery

I know that the follwoing line used in jquery to set the property of guide_nav class.
$(".guide_nav").css("display", "none");
Like that is there any way in dojo to set the existing style property of a class.
If there please give me a solution for that.
Umm did you RTFM??? :-) http://dojocampus.com/explorer/#Dojo_Query_Styling
dojo.query(".guide_nav").style('display', 'none');