How do I switch to git-svn compatibility mode in SmartGit on Windows - git-svn

The documentation on the SmartGit website and in their shipped documentation pdf file talks about having a Normal mode and a git-svn compatibility mode.
My question is: How do I switch to git-svn compatibility mode in SmartGit on Windows?

The repository will be in compatibility mode exactly when it has been cloned with git-svn instead of SmartGit.


Upgrading Directus on a server using Docker Compose and managing database compatibility

I recently set up Directus on my server using the Docker Compose method described in the Docker Guide.
I have also installed a security plugin to check for potential issues with my images. Currently, the Postgis [13-master] and redis:6 versions have been reported as having some security concerns. Would you recommend staying on this version or upgrading to a different one? If upgrading is necessary, what steps can I take to ensure compatibility with the new database version?

Register custom DVC plugin to FreeRDP client

I want to port a DVC (dynamic virtual channel) plugin from standard Microsoft RDP to FreeRDP for multiplatform use. But I have run into a brick wall regarding connecting the plugin into the FreeRDP client. While for Microsoft RDP on Windows you use Windows Registry for this, the documentation is quite lacking regarding usage of custom DVC on FreeRDP. Command-line interface has /dvc and /a for connecting plugins, and there's a drdynvc plugin which could possibly be used for this, but I am having a hard time reverse-engineering the code to learn how to use it (again, documentation is lacking info on drdynvc).
I would appreciate any information on this issue.
For any future FreeRDP DVC enthusiasts:
To attach a plugin, you have to use /dvc:<name> cli option, with the name of the plugin, and move the desired plugin lib to folders:
On Windows 7+ it looks in a static path C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeRDP\lib\freerdp2\<name>-client.dll
On MacOS: <FreeRDP install path>/lib/freerdp2/lib<name>-client.dylib
if it's build from source then /usr/local/lib/freerdp2/lib<name>-client.dylib
If unsure, you can check the cmake-generated file build-config.h in \include\freerdp\.

How to put IntelliJ/Pycharm settings under version control?

I'm a frequent user of PyCharm and a number of the other JetBrains IDEs. I try to keep my settings synchronized across the different IDEs, but I'm now considering moving to IntelliJ IDEA and am finding it extremely difficult to figure out what I've changed and what the differences are among my different settings files.
How can I put my PyCharm settings files under version control so that I can track my changes and also quickly revert back to old versions so I can try out new settings changes without fear?
(I don't mind exporting to a specific repo each time, but it seems that the settings always export as JAR files, which don't lend themselves to VCS.)
I am using the Settings Repository plugin to syncronize settings between PyCharm and PhpStorm and it is working very well. It is actually designed with version control and team sharing in mind, see project repo on github and have built in support for conflict resolution, merge and overwriting remote or local.
It does also support file system and, from what I can tell, what then is stored is the mirror version of the git repository.
PyCharm (at least the Linux 4.X and 5.0 Pro versions) places its config files in a .idea dir under the project dir:
$ find .idea/
I added the entire dir with the exception of .idea/workspace.xml into the project's git repo, following JetBrains' PyCharm-specific and/or generic .idea-based Tools recommendations.

SVN Local Repository

I imported Apache Nutch source code into my local ubuntu installation. I have subversion installed on my eclipse kepler. The sourcecode has several branches and one main project in trunk. I was thinking of specifying this source-code location as my repo location to svn and check out & or commit changes based off of this. However SVN always seem to expect a remote repo location. Is there anyway I can make this dumping ground of apache nutch source code as my repo location for svn?
DVCS systems may help, such as git, Hg, etc.
Subversion is a centerized version control system, all workspaces directly connect to center repository.
But DVCS have local repository, before you commit to remote repository, you need commit to local rep first.

trac roadmap progress bar

I've recently migrated a trac project to a new machine and now the roadmap progress bars are not displayed. I've tried enabling and disabling RoadmapModule under the Admin -> General -> Plugins -> Trac 0.12.3 menu. I've also checked the project file trac.ini contains:
stats_provider = DefaultTicketGroupStatsProvider
Turns out it was missing plug-in causing compatibility issues.
sudo easy_install -U -Z
Only progress bars? Than I guess it's an issue with CSS.
Double-check, that i.e. you have appropriate read permission and no interfering style.css in your <env>/htdocs directory.
Or you experience plugin issues, as later comments suggest. Disabling any plugin should bring you into a working state again. From there you can enable plugins step-by-step to find the interfering code, and maybe look for fixed/updated plugin code.